IWP Training

Content Moderation

Content moderation ensures that content goes through an process before being published. Moderation applies only to the Article, Documents, Event and Page content types.

For these content types, moderation can be managed in two scenarios:

  1. When content is newly created.
  2. When content already exists and is being edited.

For these content types, please see below on how to utilize and publish content.

Moderation States:

1. Draft - Not visible to the public.

2. Published - Visible to the public.

3. Delete - Delete Content, no longer needed.

4. Archive - Not visble to the public and outdated or prior content.


Saving New Content (Published or Draft)

When content is first being created, the moderation state can be updated from sidebar navigation before saving.  By default, the Draft state is selected but Published can be used to directly make available to the public.

Content Moderation_New_States


Updating Draft Content to Published

Content saved as a Draft can later be modified by navigating to the content directly or selecting the Moderated Content tab to view all content under moderation.

Option 1. Moderated Content Tab:

Once on the moderation tab, find the Draft content and click Edit. Once in the content.

Content Moderation_Moderation Tab2

Edit the content and then on the sidebar change to state to Published and click Save.

Content Moderation_Moderation Tab3

Option 2. Directly on the Content the Content:

When the content is in Draft state if you View the content, you will see the below message.  Please feel free to enter a log message to describe changes, change the state to Published and click the Apply button to publish latest version of Draft.


Moderated State is the current state of the content and Change To is the desired end state that will occur on the Apply.

Content Moderation_New_States_Published

Once confirmed, confirmation message will display and the moderated states will not show until editing the content again.  Published content will no longer be listed in the Moderated Content Tab and will now be visible to the public.

Content Moderation_New_States_Published2

3. Use the Revisions Tab to Pick Latest Draft

It's possible and quick likely you will save multiple Drafts while editing content that also has a published version online. This creates multiple Draft state save points, which are accessible via your page's Revision tab.

Content Moderation_Revisions
  • Latest version tab: Displays the latest version of the page, which in this example is the second Draft listed at the top of the Revisions tab.
  • Revisions tab: This is a View that displays all the save point history of this piece of content. It provides the save date, author name, the Revision log message, and a button for "Set as current revision" or "Delete". Providing a log message makes it far easier to differentiate one change from another in the list.
  • Set as current revision: IWP will create a save point for every Draft state saved. Using the Set as current revision button to make that save point the Published version.
  • Current revision: This the content's last saved point when Published.


Updating Draft version of a Published Content

Content Moderation allows editors to leave keep existing Published content in available while creating/updating Draft versions. As there can be multiple versions of drafts, it is recommended to add log messages to the Adding the Revision Log to tell the difference and make sure you are selecting the correct one to continue to edit, Publish, or Delete.

1. Select the existing published content 

2. Edit your content.

3. On the sidebar, select Draft from the dropdown and enter a message in the Revision log message field.

4. Click Save button.

Content Moderation_Published_Draft1

5. Draft content now will be reflected on Latest Versions tab, while the Published version remains on the View tab. To publish, refer to Updating Draft Content to Published.

Content Moderation_Published_Draft2


Archiving Published Content

Published content can be hidden from the public utilizing the Archive state. This change of state is only allowed when content is in the Published state.

1. Select the existing published content 

2. Edit your content.

3. On the sidebar, select Archive from the dropdown and enter a message in the Revision log message field.

4. Click Save button.

Content Moderation_Archive