Kitty Oppliger
MPH Community Nutrition, University of Michigan. 2023
BS Biology, Michigan Technological University. 2021
BS Biology, Michigan Technological University. 2021
Sustainable food systems, food access, disability and nutrition, Tribal health and foodways
Kitty was a long-time resident of northern Michigan before moving to Ann Arbor to complete an MPH in Nutrition Sciences. Building on a background in ecology, sustainable agriculture and faith-based health practices, she worked on a variety of research projects investigating rural food access, sustainable diets, and healthy aging. As a Community Nutrition and Health Advisor in Northern California, she leads an applied research and extension program focused on nutrition literacy, tribal health and indigenous food systems, and the interaction of spiritual and emotional domains of health with nutrition.
Kitty is also a certified yoga instructor focusing on accessible movement practices for those with injuries and disabilities. She is a passionate gardener and forager, and most importantly a lifelong learner.Current projects:
Principal Investigator, CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE Central Sierra
Principal Investigator, CalFresh Healthy Living, UCCE Placer and Nevada Counties
Principal Investigator, Culturally Competent Curricula for Diverse Health and Food Systems
Co-Investigator, Sacramento Farmer's Market Access Project
Co-Investigator, Needs Assessment of the Use of Generative AI in UC ANR