17th Meeting of ICVG

Eskalen lab


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About the ICVG

The ICVG is a non-profit scientific organization founded in 1964. The council organizes regular scientific meetings to promote research and international collaboration related to virus and virus-like diseases of grapevines.

Mission: About 70 Viruses or virus-like agents (viroids and phytoplasmas) are known to infect grapevine. Many of them cause disorders that reduce the plant vigour and longevity or the quality and quantity of the yield. Infected propagating material is largely responsible for the spread of these diseases among and within viticultural regions. Thus all efforts should be made to improve its sanitary conditions and to protect selected healthy clones from new infections.

The official ICVG website, with archives and organizational details can be accessed here.

Thank You Sponsors

Thank you, ICVG supporters, for your generosity.

ICVG 2012 Proceedings

Attendance List 17th Congress



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