Presentation Contest
The 4-H Presentation Program is designed for 4-H members ages 9 to 18. The system of county, regional, and state 4-H presentation events supports youth 4-H members (aged 9 to 18) in practicing and improving their public speaking skills. Giving presentations helps develop many life skills including the ability to speak in front of a group, organizing ideas, and creating and using graphics to support the spoken word.
- If you receive a Gold or Blue award at the county level, you are eligible and encouraged to present in the Regional 4-H Presentation Event. Presenters must give the same presentation in the same category in which they qualified at a County Presentation Event.
- If you receive a Gold or Blue award at a Regional Presentation Event, you may present at the State 4-H Presentation Event at State Field Day in May. Presenters must give the same presentation in the same category in which they qualified at a Regional Presentation Event.
How to Participate in the Presentation Contest
Pre-registration for this contest is required by ##/##/####. Register now!
Categories of presentations include the following:
- Demonstration - "Show How" speech using posters or visual aids
- Illustrated Talk - Teaches a concept or skill that is impractical to demonstrate in a classroom setting
- Science or Engineering Presentation - A science presentation focuses on making sense of the world by constructing knowledge and an engineering presentation focuses on finding suitable solutions to problems by weighing design choices.
- Educational Display Talk - Organized visual presentation of a program or concept (does not include science fair exhibits, other depictions of processes, project exhibits, or collections)
- Informative Prepared Speech -
- Persuasive Prepared Speech -
- Impromptu Speech - Speech topics developed from a pre-announced category from which the speaker will select
- Interpretive Reading - Speaker reads any published age-appropriate work acceptable for use in a public school classroom
- Share the 4-H Fun Skit - Groups perform acts or skits that focus on health, safety, community pride, recreation, citizenship, or other 4-H project or activity
- Cultural Arts - Individual speakers, groups, projects, clubs, etc. perform a costumed dramatic reading, musical, dance, or other such performing art
Presenters who win a Blue or Gold Medal at a Regional Presentations Event may register to present at the California 4-H State Field Day.