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Agricultural Economics

Topic for Subtropics Archive 2

2007, Vol. 5, No. 4Grower Cooperators Deserve Recognition for Service to their IndustriesPDF
 Citrus Leaf Miner Update 
 Stubborn Disease of Citrus in California 
 New Avocado Publication 
2007, Vol. 5, No. 3Leaf Analysis PDF
 Citrus Leaf Minor Update 
 Are all Phosphourous Products the Same 
 Analyzing the Farm Business: Most common Financial Statements and Ratios 
2007, Vol. 5, No. 2Update on Lychee and Longan Field Trials and Plantings in Southern California PDF
 Loopers in Avocados-A Note from San Diego County 
 The 2007 Citrus Tristeza Virus Situation at the University of California Lindcove Research and Extension Center 
 Errata: Honey Bees in California 
2007, Vol. 5, No. 1An Introduction to the Problem of Honey Bees and Mandarins PDF
 Birds to it; Bees do it, Even Citrus with Seeds do (did) it. Part 1-The Biology Behind Seedlessness in Mandarins 
 Honey Bees in California