Register the site
Branded social media accounts must be registered with UC ANR Strategic Communications by completing this form. All active accounts will be listed in the UC ANR social media directory that is currently in development. If you use a personal social media account as the hub of your professional/educational content, you may also sign up to be listed in the directory by emailing Strategic Communications.
Use proper branding
Be sure to follow UC ANR Branding Guidelines. Include a reference to “UC Agriculture and Natural Resources” in the About section description to make it clear that your account is in the
UC ANR family of accounts. If you have questions about branding, contact Strategic Communications.
The University of California Cooperative Extension of the Central Sierra territory provides science-based information and educational programs to solve local issues in agriculture, natural resources, nutrition, and youth development -- improving social, economic and environmental quality for all residents.
UC Cooperative Extension is part of a statewide network of UC Agriculture and Natural Resources programs.
Site administration
Social media accounts for UC ANR entities, including 4-H, UC Master Gardener, UCCE or any other entity representing UC ANR, must be approved by a supervisor and owned by a UC ANR employee as the primary administrator, preferably with a second employee admin as backup. Each account should have a minimum of two administrators so that activity and access are not affected by personnel changes.
Failure to comply with the guidance for branded social media accounts could result in termination of the account.
Next: Planning