eXtension Campus is an online campus that provides objective research-based information and eLearning opportunities that help people improve their lives. Campus hosts live webinars and online courses in many topics including Yard and Garden. Many of these events are appropriate for UC Master Gardener volunteers seeking continuing education hours, general public, pest and landscape professionals.
UC Master Gardener Statewide eLearning Courses
Course I.D. | Course Title |
1800 | UC Master Gardener Program Recorded Trainings |
1900 | Spotted Lanternfly in California |
2000 | Invasive Species Scout |
2050 | IN DEVELOPMENT Invasive Species Scout Continuing Education |
2100 | Pink Hibiscus Mealybug in California |
Accessing eXtension Campus
Go to https://campus.extension.org/ and click on the "Login" button at the upper right-hand corner of the page.
Enter your Username/email and password (email you signed up for eXtension with) or your Google or Microsoft Account Information (if you signed up with that) or if you don't have one yet create a free account.
Note: You may now use your Google or your Microsoft account to create an account at this site and subsequently log in. If you do not have either of those, then please use the regular email-based procedure through clicking on the "Create new account" button on the eXtension campus login page.
If you have any problems or questions about creating your account, see the Campus Help Page.
eXtension Campus Help Page
eXtension campus offers help online through Campus Help Page.
- For questions about course content, quizzes, completion status, certificates, etc., contact the teacher listed for the course in question. Every course should display a "Course Contacts" block--probably on the left side of the course page. That block provides the names of the course teachers along with links for sending your teacher an email. Click on the envelope icon to activate your email program.
- For assistance with logins, course enrollment, or other technical issues, contact eXtension Campus by either:
- Email: campushelp@extension.org
- Online Chat
- Telephone: 877.672.4238
- For assistance in purchasing or accessing a fee-based course, send an email to cataloghelp@extension.org