Solution Center for Nutrient Management

Solution Center for Nutrient Management
This website was created to increase access to California agricultural nutrient management resources and serve as a platform for conversations on important nutrient management issues.
Improve access to research and practical, science-based information on nutrient management practices for the California agricultural community.
Strengthen knowledge sharing and outreach networks between university researchers, extension workers and agricultural practitioners.
Understanding Nutrient Management

Nutrient management is a scientific approach to evaluate and link cultural practices with environmental, chemical, and physical aspects of an agricultural system. The goal is to optimize the efficient use of both added and available nutrients, while reducing impacts on surrounding ecosystems.
Growers looking to develop a nutrient management plan may intend to prioritize any number of focal aspects. To determine the most effective approach for developing a nutrient budget, growers may want to consider their end goal - this could include building soil health, meeting crop nutrient requirements, maximizing water use efficiency or reducing nutrient losses.
Once a management goal has been established growers should determine the nutrient budget for their agricultural system. Nutrient budgeting requires investigating all possible sinks and sources of specific nutrients and determining additional amounts required to meet crop needs. Most growers will find it beneficial to submit a soil test for accurate nutrient availability and budgeting. Once the nutrient budget has been formulated, an individualized management plan can be created.
Site Content
A variety of external online Resources for nutrient management
An extensive Research Database of California-specific nutrient management research
A description of possible Management Goals with links to more in-depth discussions of related topics
Focus Topics for details on nutrient management fundamentals, greenhouse gas mitigation strategies, cover crops and more
Farmer Profiles for real-life examples of unique nutrient management techniques
UC Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program

The Solution Center for Nutrient Management is a project of the UC Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (UCSAREP).
UC SAREP offers many others resources to farmers and agricultural communities. We’re committed to strengthening California’s agriculture by advancing knowledge of the science of sustainability, supporting farmers and ranchers working to develop more sustainable agricultural practices, and assisting communities in building strong and healthy regional food systems. UC SAREP is a Statewide Program of UC Agriculture and Natural Resources.
With questions, contact Sonja Brodt at UC SAREP at sbbrodt@ucanr.edu.
Practical Information for Farmers
Management Goals with links to related topics
Nitrogen budgeting considerations in different systems
Focus Topics
Focus Topics: nutrient management fundamentals, greenhouse gas mitigation strategies, cover crops and more
Farmer Profiles
Farmer Profiles: detailed case studies focused on innovators in nutrient management