UC Master Gardeners of Butte County

What's Hot Now

Editor's Pick: Desert Willow Chilopsis Linearis
Tips: March tips | Spring overview
The Real Dirt blog: Articles about regional gardening issues written by UC Master Gardeners of Butte County published every Friday.
Ask Us!

The Hotline is now open for help with your yard and garden problems.
Hours: Tuesday 9am-12pm
Call us at 530-552-5812
Drop by the Butte County Cooperative Extension Office
5 County Center Drive, Oroville, CA 95965
Email questions to us at mgbutte@ucanr.edu.
Find out the questions we may ask when you contact us.
Advice to Grow By

Flowers and Landscape Plants
Butte County All-Star Plants
Climate Apropriate Plants for N. California (pdf)
Vegetable Planting Guides for the Chico Valley Area (pdf) and the Foothills (pdf)
Save Water in Your Home and Yard
Visit our Drought and Water-Wise Gardening section for up-to-date information.
Fire Recovery
Visit our Fire-Safe Landscape section for information on soil recovery, and how to plan your landscape to hinder fire.

Garden Guide and Three-Year Journal
The second edition of the Butte County Garden Guide and Three-Year Journal is now available to purchase on our website. Compiled and edited by the UC-trained Master Gardeners of Butte County, this county-specific book contains research-based, and sustainable information and tips for every home gardener.
Just $25 and available here.
Keep in Touch
Be in the know by signing up for our email newsletter. Delivered to your inbox once a month each issue contains tips, articles, and information about our workshops and events. Like us or follow us on Facebook to see timely information in your News Feed.