Succulent Sampler A 4-inch pot containing 5–7 varieties that will do well in sun. Can be planted as is for a full effect or separated for individual plants. Water only when soil is dry. If in doubt, don't water. Sun/part sun. Low water. |
Aeonium arboreum ‘Atropurpureum’ Shorter, fuller plant than Zwartkop. Good cut flower. Dark, purplish leaves, varying amounts of green. Cool sun/part shade. Low water. 2–3' tall tall x 1–2' wide. Hardy to 25–30°F |
Aeonium arboreum ‘Zwartkop’, Black Rose Aeonium Large rosettes of dark purple leaves on tall brown stems. Stalks die after yellow flowers form. Cool sun/part shade. Low water. 3–4' tall x 2' wide. Hardy to 25–30°F. |
Aeonium ‘Ballerina’ Sticky leaves with slight variegation. Unusually shrubby and makes dense mass of rosettes. Sun/part shade. Low water. 8" tall, clumping. Hardy to 30°F |
Aeonium canariense, Giant Velvet Rose Large rosettes of bright green leaves close to the ground. Dies after tall flower stalk of yellow flowers fades. Full/part sun. Low water. 1–2' tall x 1' wide, clumping to 2–3' wide. Hardy to 20°F |
Aeonium haworthii Branched with 3–4" bluish-green rosettes. Pale yellow flowers in late spring. Full sun/light shade on coast; light/full shade inland. Low water. 1–2' tall x 1–2' wide. Hardy to 20–25°F |
Aeonium haworthii ‘Kiwi’ Rosettes of spoon-shaped leaves, yellow to green, edged in pink, multi-branching. Cool sun/light shade. 2–3' tall x 1–2' wide. Hardy to 25–30°F |
Aeonium leucoblepharum Rose-colored lower leaves with a bold burgundy stripe. Sun brings out the red color. Sun/part shade. Low water. 3' tall x 4' wide. Hardy to 30°F |
Aeonium spp Various aeoniums. May be branched, domed, or on a single stalk. Color and size varies. Sun/part sun. Low water. Hardy to 20–30°F |
Aeonium tabuliforme variegatum, Variegated Dinner Plate Aeonium Compact flat rosette of overlapping leaves, variegated green & white. Needs excellent drainage. No water in summer. Sun/part shade. 2–6" tall x 18" wide. Hardy to 28°F |
Agave attenuata, Fox Tail Agave Large soft green rosettes have no terminal spines. Dramatic curving 5–10' flower stalk appears in summer. Sun/shade. Low water. 4–5' tall x 6–8' wide. Hardy to 20–25°F |
Agave celsii 'Multicolor' Medium-sized clump-forming agave. 6" wide fleshy cream-margined green leaves curve gracefully upwards. Sun/shade. Low water. 2' tall x 2' wide. Hardy to 20–25°F |
Agave filimentosa, Thread Leaf Agave Tight rosettes of narrow, hairy, stiff dull green leaves with very sharp terminal spines. Sun/part shade. Low water. 6–8" tall x 1' wide. Hardy to 22°F |
Agave parryi, Parry’s Agave Gray-green leaves, darker tip, indentations on back. Spectacular flower after 10–25 years, then offsets replace it. Full sun. Low water. 2' tall x 2–3' wide. Hardy to -5°F |
Agave parryi parryi Gray-green leaves, darker tip, indentations on back. Spectacular flower after 10–25 years, then offsets replace it. Full sun. Low water. 2' tall x 2–3' wide. Hardy to -5°F |
Agave potatorum ‘Kichiokan’, Butterfly Agave Small agave with short, wide leaves. Patterns or variegations vary widely. Great in containers. Sun. Low water. 1' tall x 1–2' wide. Hardy to 25–30°F |
Agave victoriae-reginae, Queen Victoria Agave Small, slow-growing agave has tight green leaves dramatically edged in white. Sun/shade. Low water. 1' tall x 18" wide. Hardy to 10-15° F |
Albuca bracteata, Pregnant Onion Long strap-like leaves with occasional flower spikes. Produces bulblets around base. Requires excellent drainage! Part/full sun. Very low water. 3–4' tall x 2–3' wide. Hardy to 20°F |
Aloe brevifolia, Short Leaved Aloe Rosettes of gray leaves that build up on each other to form a clump. 16-24" spikes of orange tubular flowers. Sun. Low water. 1' tall x 1–2' wide. Hardy to 25–30°F |
Aloe polyphylla, Spiral Aloe Spiny leaves form stunning spiral. Summer blooms when mature. Excellent drainage essential. Sun/part (shade from hottest sun). Moderate water. 1' x 2'. Hardy to 25–30°F |
Aloe saponaria, Soap Aloe Stemless rosette. Pale green, lance-shaped leaves with spots and sharp, dark brown teeth. Summer tubular flowers of yellow, orange or red on 2' stalk. Sandy, gravelly soil. Colors when heat stressed. Sun/part shade. Low water but best with summer water. 18" tall x 18" wide. Hardy to 20–25°F |
Aloe squarrosa Native to Socotra, Yemen. Smooth, green spotted leaves that curve backwards. Light orange flowers. Sun/part shade. Low water. Low water. 6–12" tall x 9–12" wide. Hardy to 25°F |
Aloe striata, Coral Aloe Large rosettes with broad, flat pale gray-green leaves that vary in color. In hot full sun the foliage is pinkish, and in more shaded spots they are often bluish-green. Sun or light shade. Low water. 2' tall x 2' wide. Hardy to 20–25°F |
Aloe vera Known for its medicinal properties. Clumping. Sun or part shade. Low water. 24–30" tall |
Austrocylindropuntia subulata, Eve’s Needle Green tree-like cactus with 3" yellow spines. 4" red flowers followed by red fruits. Full sun. Low water. Up to 13' tall x spreading. Hardy to 20°F (Pricing: $5 for smaller plant, $8 for larger plant, both in 4" pots even though the larger plant is marked as a 6" pot) |
Bulbine frutescens, Stalked Bulbine Gray-green leaved ground cover. Yellow flowers on long stalks rise above foliage spring through summer. Sun. Low water. 1–2' tall x spreading. Hardy to 20–25°F |
Bulbine frutescens ‘Tiny Tangerine’, Tangerine Stalked Bulbine Succulent groundcover spreads by rhizomes to dense clump. Blooms spring–fall, some summer dormancy. Sun/part shade. Low water. 1–2' tall x 3–4' wide. Hardy to 20–25°F |
Calandrinia spectabilis Tall stems of cerise flowers wave over dense blue–green foliage all summer long. Full sun. Low water. 15" tall x 3–4' wide. |
Callisia repens ‘Pink Lady’, Turtle Vine Low-growing succulent. Leaves vary in color: green striped, pinkish, cream. Bright shade or part sun if kept moist. Regular water. 4" tall x spreading. Hardy to 30°F |
Caputia scaposus, Silver Coral Stemless succulent with long fingers that are covered with wooly coating. Yellow daisy-like flowers in summer. Sun/part shade. Low water. 8–12" tall and wide. Hardy to 25°F |
Cotyledon oblonga ‘Flavida’, Gray Sticks Powdery white finger-like leaves. Low shrub/groundcover. Orange bell-shaped flowers on 12–18" stalk in the spring. Sun/shade. Low water. 1–2' tall x 3–4' wide. Hardy to 25–30°F |
Cotyledon orbiculata Shrubby succulent with paddle-shaped, gray leaves edged with red. Showy, peach bell-shaped flowers in spring. Part/full sun. Low water. 2–3' tall x 2–3' wide. Hardy to 20–25°F |
Cotyledon pendens Trailing stems up to 2’ long. Fuzzy light green leaves with red edges when grown in sun. Bell-shaped flowers. Part sun. Low water. 12" x trailing. Hardy to 30°F |
Cotyledon tomentosa ‘Bear’s Paws’ Fuzzy leaves with velvety coating, dark red edges like a bear’s paw. Great houseplant in bright light. Summer dormant. Part sun. Low water. 6–8" tall. Hardy to 30°F |
Cotyledon orbiculata ‘Oophylla’, Lady Fingers Low water. Branched gray-green leaves dusted in white. Spreads in a colony. Tall spikes of orange-red bell flowers in winter. Part sun. 10" tall x spreading. Hardy to 25°F |
Crassula arborescens ‘Silver Dollar’ Rounded blue-gray leaves with maroon edges, pink/white flowers in spring or summer. Sun/part sun. Low water. 1–4' tall x 1–4' wide. Hardy to 25–30°F |
Crassula arborescens ssp. undulatifolia, Ripple Jade Compact. Waxy blue-green leaves flush at rippled edges with stress. Will form a dense, mounding shrub. Full sun/part shade. Low water. 1–3' tall. Hardy to 20–25°F |
Crassula ‘Blue Bird’ Opposite pairs of erect bluish-gray elongated and twisted leaves on a much branched pseudo-tree. Good succulent bonsai. Whitish star flowers. Part sun/shade. Low water. 3' tall x 3' wide. Hardy to 20–25°F |
Crassula falcata, Propeller Plant 4" gray-green leaves in overlapping pairs on unbranched stem. Showy cluster of red flowers on stalk in summer. Sun/light shade. Low water. 2' tall x 2' wide. Hardy to 20–25°F |
Crassula lycopodioides Chartreuse-green branching upright gound cover similar to C. muscosa but fuller, looser leaves. Low water. 1' tall x spreading. Hardy to 20–25°F |
Crassula multicava, Fairy Crassula Neatly growing evergreen with white flowers in spring or fall. Good for challenging areas. Hardly needs watering. Shade/filtered shade. Low water. 1' high, spreading. Hardy to 20–25°F |
Crassula muscosa, Watch Chain Branching habit of tightly overlapping light green leaves, greenish-yellow flowers in spring to mid-summer. Light shade. Some summer water. <1' tall x 1–2' wide. Hardy to 20–25°F |
Crassula ovata, Jade Plant Thick, green, glossy, oval leaves on tree-like branching trunk. Fragrant, white to pink flowers in winter/spring. Sun/part sun. Low water. 3–6' tall x 1–3' wide. Hardy to 25–30°F |
Crassula ovata ‘Gollum’, Gollum Jade Plant Tubular leaves have red-tipped suction cup-like tips. Fragrant star-shaped white flowers in winter/spring. Part sun. Low water. 1–3' tall x 1–2' wide. Hardy to 25–30°F |
Crassula ovata ‘Hummel’s Sunset’ Glossy oval leaves on thick woody branches. Leaves turn golden yellow with red edges in full sun. Sun. Low water. 1–3' tall x 1–2' wide. Hardy to 20°F |
Crassula ovata ‘Money Maker’ Oval-shaped, green, mounding succulent foliage. Low maintenance. Sun/part sun. Low water. Hardy to 25–30°F. |
Crassula ovata ‘Variegata’, Variegated Jade Plant Thick, glossy, cream and green variegated leaves. Prune out green leaves which may outgrow variegated leaves. Sun/part sun. Low water. 3–6' tall x 1–3' wide. Hardy to 25–30°F |
Crassula pellucida ‘Variegata’, Calico Kitten Trailing succulent with colorful heart-shaped leaves in shades of rose pink, cream and green. Part sun/shade. Low water. 2–4" tall x trailing. Hardy to 25°F |
Crassula perforata, String of Buttons Shrubby, branched, sprawling plant. Inconspicuous yellow flowers. Leaves are stacked like a pagoda. Cool sun/light shade. Low water. 1–2' tall x 2–3' wide. Hardy to 20–25°F |
Crassula pubescens radicans, Red Carpet Low growing succulent will spread and root at leaf nodes. Flushes bright red in winter when in full sun. Sun/part sun. Low water. 6" tall x 2–3' wide. Hardy to 25°F |
Crassula ‘Red Edge’ Angled leaves develop red edges with more sun, less water. Some leaves drop and grow. White flowers in fall. Sun/part sun. Low water. 4" tall x 1'+ wide. Hardy to 25–30°F |
Crassula sarmentosa ‘Variegata’ Low, sprawling succulent has green and cream leaves, white flowers in fall. Part sun. Low water. 6–8" tall x 12–24" wide. Hardy to 20°F |
Crassula ‘Springtime’ Slow-growing succulent with fleshy leaves produces dense clusters of pink & red star-shaped flowers in the spring. Excellent in containers or hanging baskets. Filtered sun. Low water. 6" tall x spreading. Hardy to 30°F |
Crassula tetragona, Pine Tree Crassula Fast growing shrub with spring–summer bloom. Heat-loving and easy to grow in containers or ground. Full sun. Low water. 3–4' tall x 2–3' wide. Hardy to 25–30°F |
Curio articulatus, Hot Dog Cactus Sausage-shaped, segmented stems with deeply-lobed gray-green leaves. Prune back if floppy. Full sun. Low water. 1' tall x spreading. Hardy to 30°F |
Curio citriformus, String of Tears Teardrop-shaped leaves with translucent stripes. Small heads of pale yellow flowers late summer to winter. Part shade Occasional water. 4"' tall x trailing. Hardy to 30°F |
Curio herreanus, String of Watermelons Trailing branches of striped, watermelon-shaped beads. Markings on leaves are darker in sunlight. Part sun. Low water. 1–2" tall x trailing. Hardy to 30–40°F |
Delosperma Pink Vigorous, low-growing ground cover, 1 1/2" bright pink daisy-like blooms in summer. Full sun/part shade. Low water. 3–6" tall x 1–2' wide. Hardy to 25°F |
Delosperma Yellow Vigorous, low-growing ground cover, 1 1/2" bright yellow daisy-like blooms in summer. Full sun/part shade. Low water. 3–6" tall x 1–2' wide. Hardy to 25°F |
Dracaena angolensis, Cylindrical Snake Plant Formerly Sansevieria cylindrica. Tall stiff cylindrical leaves with a sharp tip. Spikes of fragrant flowers in spring open at night. Part sun. Low water. 5' tall x clusters. Hardy to 35°F |
Dudleya edulis, Fingertips Clumps of tall, round leaves tipped in red. Tall spikes of creamy white flowers in summer. Sun/part sun. Low water. 8" tall x spreading. Hardy to 30°F |
Echeveria ‘Blue Bird’ Silvery-blue leaves with pink edges form clumps of rosettes. Pinkish-orange flowers in summer. Sun/shade. Low water. <1' tall x 10" wide or clustering. Hardy to 25°F |
Echeveria dondo Compact, tight 4" wide rosettes of gray-green leaves. Bell-shaped orange flowers on stalks in late winter into spring. Part sun/shade. Low water. 10" tall x 10" wide. Hardy to 20–25°F |
Echeveria elegans, Mexican Snowball Silvery green rosette with rounded, cupped leaves, offsets freely. Small yellow to pink flowers on a tall bloom stalk. Full/part sun. Low water. 6–8" tall x 7–8" wide. Hardy to 20°F. |
Echeveria harmsii, Plush Plant Branched with rosettes of narrow, light green hairy leaves with red edges. Bright orange, bell-shaped flowers with golden throats. Part sun/shade. Low water. 12" tall x 12" wide. Hardy to 25°F |
Echeveria minima, Miniature echeveria Densely packed miniature rosettes form a tight mound. Flower spikes of small yellow bell flowers in late spring. Part sun/shade. Occasional water. 3" tall x 3" wide. Hardy to 30°F |
Echeveria prolifica Small rosettes of silvery-green leaves offset abundantly to form a dense, low mat. Bell-shaped yellow flowers in spring. Full/part sun. Low water. 6–8" tall x spreading. Hardy to 20°F |
Echeveria runyonii ‘Topsy Turvy’ Fast growing mounds of individual rosettes to nearly 1 foot across. Bright orange and yellow flowers rise above the foliage on tall arching inflorescence, usually in late summer or fall. Part sun/shade. Low water. 1' tall x 1' wide. Hardy to 25–30°F |
Echinopsis Sea Urchin Cactus Large pink/white flowers, slightly fragrant on thick, barrel-shaped cactus columns. Sun/shade. Low water. 1' tall x 10" wide. Hardy to 20°F |
Echinopsis chamaecereus, Peanut Cactus Small clumping cactus produces many finger-like stems and prolific flushes of red-orange flowers. Sun/part shade. Low water. 6" x spreading. Hardy to 30°F |
Echinopsis peruvianan, Peruvian Torch Blue-green columnar cactus with brown spines and large white flowers. Sun/part shade. Low water. 10–20' tall x 3–7" wide. Hardy to 20°F |
Echinopsis spachiana, Torch Cactus Columnar cactus with golden spines and hairs. Large 6" night-blooming white flowers in summer. Sun/part shade. Low water. 7' tall x 30" wide. Hardy to -10°F |
Epiphyllum mix, Orchid Cactus Mix of pink, orange, yellow flowers. Great for draping from hanging basket or down a tall container. Shade/bright light. Low water, mist occasionally. 1' tall x 2' wide. Hardy to 40°F |
Euphorbia anoplia, Tanzanian Zipper Plant Forms colony of spineless, leafless ribbed columns. Slow grower. Avoid sap. Small dark burgundy flowers at tips. Full sun/lt shade. Low water, keep dry in winter. 1' tall x 1–2' wide. Hardy to 25–30°F |
Euphorbia mammularis, Indian Corn Cob Dense short-stemmed shrublet with thick, ribbed stem, club-like branches. Tiny yellow flowers late winter–early summer. Full sun. Low water. 14" tall x 30" wide. Hardy to 20°F |
Euphorbia mauritanica, Pencil Milk Bush Rounded shrub, densely branched. Branches are cylindrical with bright yellow inflorescence. Leaves are deciduous. Full sun. Occasional water. 3' tall x 3' wide. Hardy to 20–25°F |
Euphorbia tirucalli ‘Sticks on Fire’, Fire Stick Plant Striking plant with cylindrical reddish-gold pencil-like branches. Becomes yellower in summer and redder in winter. Sap may cause skin irritation. Sun. Occasional water. 4–8' tall x 4' wide. Hardy to 30–32°F |
Faucaria tigrina, Tiger’s Jaw Stemless, star-shaped rosettes of speckled leaves. Winter dormant, keep dry in winter. Part sun/bright shade. Slight moist spring–fall, dry in winter. 6", clumping. Hardy to 20°F |
Fenestraria rhopalophylla ‘Baby Toes’ Clusters of upright columnar leaves have translucent tips. Light green blushed with pink. White/yellow blooms. Full sun. Low water. 3" tall x 3–4" wide. Hardy to 30°F |
Gasteraloe ‘Royal Highness’ Slow growing, loose rosette. Requires excellent drainage. Water infrequently. Good house plant. Shade/filtered sun, indoor light. Low water. 3–5" x 5–6". Hardy to 30°F |
Gasteria acinacifolia, Giant Gasteria Dark green leaves with small, raised white dots. Arching stalk of orange & green tubular bell flowers in summer. Shade/part sun. Moist in winter. 1–2' tall x 1–2' wide. Hardy to 20–25°F |
Gasteria carinata Dark green leaves with small, raised white dots. 2' tall spikes of salmon pink flowers in late winter. Shade/part sun. Low water. 10" x 1–2'. Hardy to 20–25°F |
Gasteria carinata var. schweickerdtiana Dark green leaves with small, raised white dots. 2' tall spikes of salmon pink flowers in late winter. Shade/part sun. Low water. 10" x 1–2'. Hardy to 20–25°F |
Gasteria sp., Ox Tongue Tongue-shaped leaves covered by a series of white, warty outgrowths producing a sandpaper-like texture. Part sun/shade. Low water. 7" tall x 2' wide. Hardy to 25°F |
Graptopetalum paraguayense, Ghost Plant Mounding rosettes of gray leaves with pinkish cast, white flowers. Sun/light shade. Low water. 1' tall x 3' trailing. Hardy to 25°F |
Graptosedum ‘Bronze’ Compact cross between a sedum and a graptopetalum. Spreads slowly, rooting occasionally along stems. Lovely in beds, pots, and borders. Sun. Low water. 8" tall x 12" wide. Hardy to 15°F |
Haworthia attenuata, Zebra Plant Dark green leaves, pointed and strikingly banded or spotted with white with varying amounts of white. Tubercles are “patterned” on the upper surface of the leaves. White flowers. Shade/bright sun. Low water. 6" tall x 6" wide. Hardy to 25°F |
Haworthia cooperi, Cathedral Window Haworthia Small, slow-growing clusters of rosettes. Translucent leaves with dark green stripes. Part shade/bright indirect light. Low water. 3–5" tall x spreading. Hardy to 20–25°F |
Haworthia reinwardtii, Zebra Wart Curving leaves with white bumps spiral upwards in a column. Forms small clumps. Part shade. Low water. 8" x 3". Hardy to 40°F |
Haworthia retusa, Cathedral Window Haworthia Plump green leaves with windowed tips, bent back like a thumb. Slow-growing, low maintenance. Part shade/bright indirect light. Low water. 3–5" tall x 5–6" wide. Hardy to 30°F |
Kalanchoe beharensis, Velvet Elephant Ear Slow-growing tree-like shrub. Large wavy, olive-green leaves are covered in brown hairs for a soft velvety texture. Sun/shade. Low water. 10–12' tall x 6–12' wide. Hardy to 30–32°F |
Kalanchoe blossfeldiana, Florist kalanchoe Dark green leaves with large clusters of red, pink, or yellow flowers. Common as a house plant. Frost tender. Sun/shade. Low water. 6–18" x 6–18". Hardy to 35°F |
Kalanchoe daigremontiana, Mother of Thousands, Devil's Backbone Unusual leaves are frilled with baby plantlets. Can grow indoors. Do not ingest. Part sun/shade. Average water. 3' tall x 3' wide. Frost tender |
Kalanchoe delagoensis, Mother of Millions Edges of leaves are ornamentally frilled with baby plantlets that easily grow new plants. Part sun/shade. Low water. 2' tall x 3' wide. Hardy to 30°F |
Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi, Lavender Scallops Blue-green scalloped leaves turn pink/lavender in sun. Branches freely. Orange/apricot flowers in late winter. Sun/part shade. Low water. 2' tall x spreading. Hardy to 27°F |
Kalanchoe Florist Hybrid Dark green leaves with large clusters of red, pink, or yellow flowers. Common as a house plant. Frost tender. Sun/shade. Low water. 18" tall x 18" wide. Hardy to 30°F |
Kalanchoe orgyalis ‘Copper Spoons’ Slow-growing shrub with oval leaves, bronze to gray undersides, cinnamon-colored top hairs aging to gray. Sun/part shade. Low water. 3–6' tall x 4–6' wide. Hardy to 25°F |
Kalanchoe prolifera, Blooming Boxes Tall stems with compound leaves. When mature, 3' tall panicle of greenish-orange flowers appears in late winter. Sun/shade. Dry. 4–8' tall x spreading. Hardy to 25–30°F |
Kalanchoe tomentosa ‘Chocolate Soldier’ Slow-growing. Pale brownish green leaves with tiny hairs look/feel velvety. Dark brown edged leaves. Sun/part shade. Low water. 1–3' tall x 2–3' wide. Hardy to 25–30°F |
Kleinia stapeliiformis, Pickle Plant Pencil-like stems with purple/green patterns and soft spines. Large red/orange flowers. Sun. Low water. 10" x 1". Hardy to 25°F |
Ledebouria socialis, Silver Squill, Scilla violacea Evergreen perennial bulb grown on surface. Lance-shaped leaves. Stalks with 20–25 small flowers in spring/summer. Shade. Low water/dry. <1' tall x <1' wide. Hardy to 25°F |
Mammallaria gracilis fragilis, Thimble Cactus Densely covered in white spines. Grows in prolific clusters, can form a mat. Plant in soil with 70% pumice. Yellow flowers. Sun. Low water. 3" x spreading. Hardy to 30°F |
Opuntia ellisiana, Spineless Prickly Pear Cactus Completely spineless, making it easy to harvest pads (nopal) and fruits (tuna). Large bright yellow flowers in summer. Sun. Low water. 3' x 4–6'. Hardy to 0°F |
Opuntia microdasys subsp. rufida, Cinnamon Bunny Ears Dense prickly pear shrub, up to 5 feet. Large yellow to bright orange-red flowers, red fruits. Needs fast draining soil. Low water. 3' x 5'. Hardy to 20°F |
Oscularia deltoides, Deltoid Leaf Dew Plant Wiry dark pink stems & blue-green 3-angled fleshy leaves with small, often reddish teeth. Small lightly-fragrant yellow-centered lavender-pink flowers in spring/summer. Sun/part shade. Low water. 1' tall x 2–3' wide. Hardy to 25°F |
Othonna capensis, Little Pickles Long, pickle-shaped leaves grow in dense clumps. Yellow daisy-like flowers spring to fall. Sun/part shade. Avg–low water. 4" tall x 12" wide. Hardy to 40°F |
Othonna capensis ‘Ruby Necklace’ Fast-growing trailer with ruby-red/purple stems. Occasional yellow flowers on purple stems. Cool seaon grower. Part sun/shade. Low water. 2" x trailing. Hardy to 50°F |
Peperomia ferreyrae, Happy Bean Plant Dense clusters of vibrant green leaves. The crease on the top of the leaves makes them look like green beans. Part sun. Average water. 10–12" tall and wide. Hardy to 30°F |
Plectranthus amboinicus Semi-succulent with strong oregano taste. Summer flowers in pink/white/lavender. Edible, medicinal. Indoor/outdoor. Part sun. Average/low water. 18" x spreading. Hardy to 50°F |
Portulacaria afra, Elephant Food Upright growing plant with reddish-brown stems and 1/2" long emerald green leaves. Pruning okay. Bonsai. Sun/shade. Low water. 8–12' tall x 4–6' wide. Hardy to 25–30°F |
Rhipsalis baccifera, Mistletoe Cactus Non-spiny cactus has long, thin stems, can form hanging clusters up to 6' long. Numerous white flowers followed by white, mistletoe-like fruits. Part shade. Occasional water. Hanging to 6'+. Hardy to 25°F |
Rhipsalis cereuscula, Coral Cactus Non-spiny cactus. Stubby branching stems grow upwards then trail. White/pink flowers followed by tiny white berries. Part shade. Occasional water. Hanging to 3'+. Hardy to 30°F |
Rhipsalis mesembryanthemoides, Clumpy Mistletoe Cactus Non-spiny cactus. Strong stems covered with tiny branchlets, initially erect then trailing. White flowers, white fruits. Part shade. Occasional water. Hanging to 20". Hardy to 30°F |
Schlumbergera gaertneri, Easter Cactus Non-spiny epiphytic cactus with attractive drooping habit and colorful flowers in spring, good in hanging pots. Part shade. Occasional water. Low water. 12–18" x 9–12". Hardy to 35°F |
Schlumbergera truncata, Thanksgiving Cactus Non-spiny epiphytic cactus with attractive drooping habit and colorful flowers in Nov–Jan. Good in hanging pots. Part shade. Low water. 10" tall x 24" wide. Hardy to 40°F |
Sedeveria ‘Jet Beads’ Small pointed leaves of various colors (dark copper, green, burgundy or black) which can darken in cool weather. Sun. Low water. 3–5" x creeping. Hardy to 25–30°F |
Sedeveria ‘Letizia’ Small green rosettes on branching stems. Edges turn red with stress. White star-shaped flowers in spring. Part sun. Low water. 9–12". Hardy to 30°F |
Sedum adolphii ‘Firestorm’ Golden/greenish yellow leaves edged with red/brown in cold or in sun. Clusters of star-shaped white flowers in spring. Sun/part sun. Low water. 8–10" tall x 2' wide. Hardy to 32°F |
Sedum clavatum Compact blue-green rosettes elongate into 8" long stems. White flowers in spring–early summer. Prune to keep compact. Sun. Low water. 6–8" x sprawling. Hardy to 30°F |
Sedum hispanicum, Spanish Stonecrop Soft blue-green leaves turn pink-red in sun. Whitish-pink flowers in late spring–summer. Sun. Low water. 6" tall x 3–4' wide. Hardy to 25°F |
Sedum nussbaumeranum, Coppertone Stonecrop 3" wide rosettes of yellow-green to orange leaves. Fragrant white flowers in late winter–spring. Heat tolerant. Sun/part shade. Low water. 8" tall x 2–3' wide. Hardy to 25–30°F. |
Sedum pachyphyllum, Silver Jelly Bean Ground-hugging succulent. Light green silvery leaves are short, stumpy, finger-like projections and are often tipped with red. Sun/part shade. Low water. 1' wide. Hardy to 30°F |
Sedum reflexum ‘Blue Spruce’, Blue Spruce Stonecrop Low mat-forming, evergreen perennial with blue-green needlelike leaves. Small yellow flowers in early summer. Sun/part sun. Low water. 5" tall x 15–18" wide. Hardy to -30°F. |
Sedum rubrotinctum, Pork and Beans Bean-shaped green leaves turn red when exposed to sun or cold. Bright yellow flowers in mid-spring. Part shade. Low water. 6–12" tall x spreading. Hardy to 20°F |
Sedum rubrotinctum ‘Aurora’, Pink Jelly Bean Small jelly bean-like leaves in shades of pale green, pink and cream. Yellowish-white flowers in summer. Part sun. Low water. 6–12" tall x spreading. Hardy to 20°F |
Selenicereus megalanthus, Yellow Dragon Fruit Vining cactus produces sweet yellow dragon fruits. Best brought inside for the winter. Fragrant night blooming flowers. Sun. Low water. Vining. Hardy to 32°F, but sensitive under 40°F |
Senecio haworthii, Wooly Senecio Upright, cylindrical, white leaves due to covering of fine white hairs. Keep foliage dry. Full sun. Low water, esp. in winter. 1' tall x 1–2' wide. Hardy to 25–30°F |
Senecio jacobsenii, Trailing Jade Fleshy green 2–3" long egg-shaped leaves overlapping like shingles along the stem. Purple blush in winter. Sun/part shade. Low water. Prostrate, spreading. Hardy to 20–25°F |
Senecio mandraliscae Dense mat of 3-4" long blue-gray pencil-like leaves. Small white flowers in summer. Deer resistant. Sun/part shade. Low water. 1' tall x 3' wide. Hardy to 15–20°F |
Senecio radicans, String of Bananas Trailing stems of banana-shaped green leaves with vertical, translucent lines. Excellent hanging plant. White blooms. Shade. Low water. 2" tall x trailing. Hardy to 30°F |
Senecio rowleyanus, String of Pearls Round succulent leaves carried down long, slender stems. They look more like peas than pearls. Sun/part shade. Low water. 1/2" tall x trailing. Hardy to 25°F |
Senecio vitalis, Narrow Leaf Chalksticks Blue-green, densely packed fingers on semi-prostrate stems that turn upright. Ground cover. Full sun. Low–average water. 18" tall x 3' wide. Hardy to 25–30°F |
Tylecodon schaeferianus, Fairy Tale Plant Fat pale green leaves speckled with pink on gnarly stems. Drops leaves in summer then blooms pink or white on bare stems. Part shade. Low water. 6–8" tall x slow spreading. Hardy to 30°F |