UC Master Gardeners Logo
UCCE Master Gardeners of San Bernardino County

School & Youth Gardens

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Get Help


UCCE Master Gardener volunteers are here to help schools and organizations create and maintain school and youth gardens in San Bernardino County. We collaborate with teachers, staff, and parents to provide environmental education for youth through in-class lessons, garden clubs, and special events.

To request a garden consultation, contact Maggie O'Neill, Master Gardener Coordinator, at magoneill@ucanr.edu, and complete our School Garden Help Survey Form.

For gardening questions, contact our Master Gardener Helpline at mgsanbern@ucanr.edu.




There's an abundance of resources for school and youth gardens available online. Check out our suggested resources in the following areas:

School Garden

Conferences & Training

Curriculum Resources & Lessons

  *Foreign Language

  *Special Education

  *Urban Settings

Garden Guides

