On this page you will find links to various agency reports about Clear Lake Water Quality. A description of the content of each report is provided below.
This page also serves as a parent page for the topics of Clear Lake Algae and Clear Lake TMDL information.
Water Quality Reports
Clear Lake Historical Data Analysis, Clear Lake Report 2010 - M. Winder, J. Reuter, G. Schladow, 2010.
- Data source and methods of collection
- Status and trends of temperatures, water clarity, pH, and Nutrients
- Status and trends of fishes, phytoplankton, zooplankton
- Conclusions and models
Evaluating and Managing a Multiply Stressed Ecosystem at Clear Lake, California: A Holistic Ecosystem Approach - T. H. Suchanek, P.J. Richerson, et al. 2003.
- Cultural history of the Clear Lake region
- Cultural and environmental impacts
- Mining, bioaccumulation, pollution
- Fish fauna and Clear Lake food web
The Causes and Control of Algal Blooms in Clear Lake - Peter J. Richerson and Thomas H. Suchanek directors, 1994.
- Purpose of Clean Lakes project
- Physical and chemical characteristics of Clear Lake
- External and internal nutrient loading
- Pytoplankton and chemical data
- Wetlands and riparian vegetation
- Recommended strategies and control of Blue-Green Algae blooms
- Figures, Tables, and Graphs
Changes in Fish Diets and Food Web Mercury Bioaccumulation Induced by an Invasive Planktivorous Fish - C.A. Eagles-Smith, T.H. Suchanek, P.B. Moyle, et al., 2008.
- Effects of planktivorous threadfin shad with respect to bioaccumulation of mercury in the food web
- Relative abundance, biomass, stomach content, Hg analysis of nearshore fishes monitored by Lake County Vector Control District
- Resiliency of Clear Lake food web
- Results, zooplankton abundance, statistical analysis, and discussion presented
Identification of harmful cyanobacteria in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and Clear Lake, California by DNA barcoding- T. Kurobe, D. Baxa, C. Mioni, R. Kudela, T. Smythe, S. Waller, A. Chapman, S. Teh, 2013
- A molecular approach to identify cyanobacteria to species level from two different Northern California water bodies
- The article provides a background on study locations, methods, materials, and results
- Contains tables and figures to convey different cyanobacteria genotypes