Hero Image

Virtual Delivery

Apps - So Many Tools to Choose From
Blogs - Tap UC ANR's Blogs
Integrated Web Platform
Online courses
Social Media
Virtual Events
Virtual tools for Collaboration
Using Zoom
Create and implement an engaging webinar
Web development
Naming Assets (UC ANR)

When naming assets such as files, pages, directories and images for the Internet, it's important to use names that are both descriptive and easy to understand. This makes it easier for both humans and search engines to understand what the content is about.  It's also very helpful when organizing folders of files and images on your computer as you prepare to upload to the website. Descriptive naming also helps make your website more accessible.

Working Remotely
Virtual Delivery - Information Technology
Apps - So many tools to choose from

Should I create an App? Fact sheet

Using SiteBuilder 3.0 (Video 1, Video 2)

Google Analytics with SiteBuilder (Video)

So Many Tools

Navigating Google Suite: Access your Google Account through UC Davis (log in required)

Google Suite of Tools

How the Basic Google Tools Work

So many tools are emerging and being tested - we will have a link to the growing set of options people are using.

Should I be worried about what tool I choose and the Integrated web Platform?
Using multiple tools for online learning can be beneficial.  Whatever the tool, the path to making online courses discoverable and accessible is through the Integrated Web Platform.
Note that a vendor risk assessment must be conducted before you use a virtual collaboration platform. This is a list of vendor or other third party services ad products for which a vendor risk assessment is either underway, has been completed, is on hold, or has been canceled. 

More information:

8 Effective Blog Writing Tips  (From Pronto marketing)
Share your Blog stories more widely.
Increase the reach of your blog posts - get help in writing and share them through the widely read UC ANR blogs.
What You Can Do

1. Choose a relevant blog

Food blog (covers ag, nutrition, food safety)  ;

Green blog (covers natural resources, climate change resiliency) ;

Healthy Communities blog (covers information/outreach from Statewide Programs and UCCE to make people/communities healthier);

News blog (breaking news or new research findings)

Spanish blog (information of interest to the Latino community).

2. Submit your questions or story ideas to contentpipeline@ucanr.edu.

On-line Courses

Adult learning principles - keep this in mind as you plan

Hacks to create equity in online instruction (Amand Crump et al)

Training Modality Options (PDF)

UC Protected Data Policy (UC ANR)

Developing Online Learning

Checklist - online minimum standards (Fact sheet)

Checklist (UC IPM)

Beginner considerations - Fact Sheet (UC ANR)

Tips on development:

Tips from UC IPM

Tips from UC CalFresh

Tips for a simple online course structure

Top 10 rules web (Magna)

On-line platform to deliver courses: currently our best option seems to be eXtension.org

Effective Strategies for Creating Engaging eLearning (PDF)

Distance Learning Technology and Learning Apps (Anna Jones and Lyn Brock)

Slides ; Recording

Uploading your course to eXtension (pdf)

Book resources: The Systematic Design of Instruction (Seventh Edition) Amazon (Rec P Kosina) ; Essentials of Online Course Design- A Standards-Based Guide (Second Edition) (Rec Lauren Snowden)


Link for Photography Tips.


Podcasting as a tool - an introduction (Blog post - Milliron & Gordon)

Podcast tips (Fact sheet - Milliron & Gordon)

Podcasts as an Extension method (Video - 54 min)

Sample disclaimer

Social Media

UC ANR policy


Communicating Your Story with Social Media





UC ANR Policy

Branded Account Policy

Personal Account Tips

Directory of (known) ANR Social Media Accounts

Registration form for new accounts.

Communicating Your Story with Social Media

PPT, Tip 1 Tip Sheet

Communicating Your Story Tip Sheet 

Communicating Your Story Tip Sheet, Bibliography

Elevate Your Program with Content Strategy PPT

My Experience with Social media (Powerpoint Haydn Smith)

Blogging Basics

Video (53:06) Fact sheet (Strat Com)

Rose Haydn Smith series: Communicating Your Story

For Blogs and More (webANR) (53 min)

Tip Sheet 1

Powerpoint PPT


Blogging Notes ; PPT


Video (58:55)

Communicating your story (Haydn-Smith)

WebANR (59 mins)

PowerPoint (Haydn Smith)

PowerPoint (Macon)

LinkedIn Video (56:12)

Twitter Video (59:30)

Communicating Your Story:

Twitter Basics (webANR) (59 mins)

Tip Sheet 1

Twitter (PowerPoint) Sosnoskie)

Facebook Essentials Video (51:51)

Communicating your Story (Haydn Smith)


Tip 1

Facebook Essential PPT


Adult learning principles - keep this in mind as you plan

Link for all things on "how to" videos.

Webinars (Zoom & More)

Adult learning principles - keep this in mind as you develop materials

Create and implement an engaging webinar

Facebook Live Streaming

Using Zoom

Virtual Events

Virtual consultation tips (Fact sheet)

Tips for Virtual events (web)

Also see

Create and implement an engaging webinar

Adult learning principles - keep this in mind as you develop materials

Facebook Live Streaming

Using Zoom

Virtual Tools for Collaboration

Basic tutorial on using google docs (Video 3 min 41s)

Web Development

Integrated Web Platform (IWP) (Summary sheet - The IWP is a strategic plan goal. Input is being broadly collected)

Web technology (Website)

SiteBuilder Design Best Practices (Website)

SiteBuilder Training and Support (Website)

Using SiteBuilder 3.0 (Video 1, Video 2)

Google Analytics with SiteBuilder (Video)

How to Evaluate A Website (Fact Sheet)