Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources

About UC Cooperative Extension

Across California, the University of California’s Cooperative Extension offices are problem-solving centers—the bridge between local issues and the power of UC research. Our county-based staff is part of the community – we live and work in the areas we serve. We are stewards, problem-solvers, catalysts, collaborators, and educators.

As part of the agricultural community, we help farmers implement more-efficient growing methods and solve pest management problems. And UC ANR academics and staff are mobilizing to address the threat of a changing climate.

As stewards of the land, we help develop smart water-use strategies, conduct wildfire education, and help preserve natural areas and farmland.

As advocates for healthy communities, we promote nutritious eating habits and exercise for better health. Through the California 4-H Youth Development Program we engage youth to become the citizens of tomorrow.

Thousands of volunteers extend our reach through the Master Gardener, Master Food Preserver, California Naturalist, and the California 4-H Youth Development Programs.

We work in full partnership with federal, state, county, and local government agencies as well as individuals and private entities.