In West Coast climates, fuel load management in forests and areas of heavy foliage is achieved through many means. Of these methods, prescribed burning is an effective and implementable approach used across the state of California to mitigate the risk of wildfires. Fire is a perpetual risk factor in the…
This interview is part of our Women’s History Month series- check back this week for stories from female forest landowners to inspire your forest stewardship journey! Forests have been a part of Joy Jackman’s life since college, where she spent three summers as a US Forest Service forestry…
Dogs use their keen sense of smell to help humans every day. Their powerful noses alert us to danger, aid in search and rescue operations, and even have the potential to diagnose diseases. But did you know that some dogs have been trained to sniff out harmful invasive pests? Enter the detector dogs! …
The VINE Connect Field Day offers a unique opportunity for farmers, industry professionals, and technology providersto come together and experience the latest innovations in agricultural technology. This event showcases five startupsthat are working to address key challenges in California agriculture, such…
Blog article by Karen Metz, UC Master Gardener-SolanoMy parents were both born in Texas. I grew up in many different places because my father was in the military. As both sets of grandparents lived in Texas, there were many visits back. Once, my dad was even stationed in Texas at Corpus Christi…
In English El Instituto de Agricultura Orgánica de UC visita el área para escuchar sobre las innovaciones y necesidades de los productores localesAdemás de la dedicación y esfuerzo de generaciones de agricultores y ganaderos del condado de Modoc, el éxito que tienen en su producción orgánica se lo…
This interview is part of our Women’s History Month series- check back this week for more stories from female forest landowners to inspire your forest stewardship journey! Julianna Olate has stewarded forestland in Del Norte County since 2008, managing her own 80-acre parcel and her neighbor's 160-acre…
Blog article by Cindy Yee, UC Master Gardener-SolanoI have been searching for a “perfect” giant horse conch in SW Florida for a while now. The horse conch is Florida's state shell and can reach 24 inches long. I think it's right up there in desirability with the coveted junonia, although many might…
Blog article by Karen Metz, UC Master Gardener-SolanoMany, many years ago, I purchased a small rosemary Christmas Tree. It was adorable and lived on my porch, getting decorated every year. Gradually, it outgrew its pot and then the porch. We moved it to the sideyard and planted it in a half…
Blog by Brenda Altman, UC Master Gardener-SolanoSpring showers bring spring flowers, puddles, cloudy days, and mosquitoes. Rainwater collects everywhere. You can find it in hollows of trees, old tires, buckets, and pans left outside. Many of these places are ideal places for…
Like clothing, plants cycle in and out of fashion. It's interesting when a plant that was once commonly found in a plant nursery disappears to make room for the latest trend and then reappears decades later. Sea lavender (Limonium perezii) is such a plant. First, to clarify what sea lavender…
Blog article by Heather Hamilton, UC Master Gardener-SolanoThese are both common names for the amazing Hellebore. It has 22 species of evergreen herbaceous perennials all in the Ranunculaceae family. Originating from Europe and Asia, as well as Turkey and Syria. The genus was established by Carl…
Blog article by Alex Russell, UC Master Gardener-Solano Last summer, I completely ran out of space to plant at home. I wasn't excited to expand. All my garden boxes and beds built up with edging had been a lot of work I didn't want to repeat. Then I thought that maybe I didn't need very much at all if…
Blog article by Loralei Dewe, UC Master Gardener-SolanoMore on my project of growing 3 citrus trees in 1 pot. To refresh the subject, here are some of the important points I found:1) Plant trees of the same species. In other words, citrus with other citrus, stone fruit with other stone fruit, etc. …
Blog article by Paula Pashby, UC Master Gardener-SolanoMy sister recently traveled to Pakistan on business and sent me photos of the places she visited. She spent time in many cities and met many people on this trip, but one of the highlights was enjoying the local cuisine. The Pakistani dishes are well…
The University of California invites comments on proposed revisions to Section 360 of the Academic Personnel Manual: Section 360, Appointment and Promotion / Librarian Series (APM - 360).
Summary: This limited study indicated that a slight deposition of metals (Copper and Manganese) may have occurred in one agricultural field, but the increases measured in the surface samples were likely insignificant relative to normal background levels for these soil types. Other sites showed no increase in…
This interview is part of our Women’s History Month series- check back this week for more stories from female forest landowners to inspire your forest stewardship journey! Sarah Fischbach and her family have owned a parcel of Sierra mixed-conifer forestland for six generations. Since…
Hardscapes are the constructed features such as paths, patios and pergolas that make a landscape human-friendly. Their permanent and relatively costly nature calls for careful planning before construction. Here are some questions and suggestions to help in planning hardscape features for your yard.
Blog article and photos by Michelle Schlegel, UC Master Gardener-Solano CountyHow many times have you gone to use the green onions and found them already rotten? Like me, probably too many! Occasionally, I watch a lady online from the South who invites us into her world of cooking and gardening. She…