Welcome to the University of California Cooperative Extension Livestock & Range (UCCELR) rangeland & irrigated pasture web pages. These pages are part of a more extensive web site that provides information on various species of domestic livestock and natural resource management including rangelands, oak woodlands, wildlife, water and air quality, and ecosystem services.
Within the rangeland & irrigated pasture pages you’ll find information from University of California Cooperative Extension livestock & natural resources advisors and specialists; UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine researchers; and Agriculture and Natural Resources (ANR) scientists grouped by topics. The goal is to make it easy for you to navigate quickly to the topics you're interested in as they pertain to California rangeland & irrigated pasture production.
In addition, there are links to important rangeland & irrigated pasture resources developed by USDA, professional societies, associations, state colleges, other land grant colleges and universities and their Cooperative Extension. The goal is to provide California rangeland & irrigated pasture producers and land managers with a significant portal into the internet-based information available.
To assist in making it easy for you to find information quickly, below you'll find different ways to search for publications on rangeland and irrigated pasture topics. There is a general search box that will allow you to type in key words but you may find it easier to use the custom searches by topic, type or source of publication. Furthermore, you can use the "Find in page", Ctrl + F or Command + F, feature of your web browser to refine your search within the custom searches below.