Garden of the Sun Demonstration Garden
The Garden includes an extensive orchard of fruit trees, vines, and berries; beds of vegetables, herbs, perennials, small space gardening demonstrations, All-America Selections, a sun/shade garden, and a compost demonstration area in a setting designed by landscape designer, Robert Truxell. Also featured are specialty gardens for children and the physically challenged.
Visit the Garden
Docent Guided Tours
Schedule a docent-led tour of the garden for adult or home school groups by submitting an email request to our helpline at least two weeks before the date you plan to visit
1750 N Winery Ave Fresno, CA 93703
Current Hours of Operation:
We are in for a slight break in the temperatures, 100 degrees is predicted as the high Monday, August 19, 2024. The Garden Managers decided to reopen the garden to the public this week. Garden hours will be 9 am -11 , Mon, Wed, & Fri, however some flexibility should be allowed for closing sooner at the garden managers' discretion.
Questions about the garden? Please send an e-mail to
Fresno Master Gardener office has no office hours or phone service at this time.
Upcoming Events at the Garden
The next class to be held at the Garden of the Sun will be in January of 2025 and will be all about pruning taught by Master Gardeners John and the orchard pruning team.
Join this knowledgeable group of MGs for a hands-on demonstration through the Garden of the Sun. They will show you how to prune, which tool to use and why. Maybe a tree in the orchard, a vine in the vineyard, a rose in the rose bed, shaping a shrub – you get the picture.
Saturday, Jan 18th 2025
Click here for all upcoming workshops and classes at the Garden of the Sun and other locations.
What's new at the Garden of the Sun?
Also new is the native plant garden which was planted fall 2024. It features many California natives suited to central valley gardens.
Garden of the Sun Blog Posts
Growing low-cost, organic fertilizer in the garden
Hairy vetch is going strong this winter in a small planting bed at the UC Master Gardener's “Garden of the Sun,” a demonstration garden in central Fresno. Hairy vetch, common vetch, sweet clover and crimson clover are types of ‘green...
Boost soil health with tips from local Master Gardeners
Soil management is high science, but home gardeners don't need to become overwhelmed by the details. Following some basic soil building guidelines from the UC Master Gardeners can lead to successful fruit, vegetable and ornamental plantings. As a start,...
Use soil solarization to prepare garden for success
The summer months in Fresno County are ideal for garden soil solarization, an environmentally sound way to kill weeds, insect pests and soil pathogens with free and naturally abundant solar energy. No pesticides are used in the process. The greenhouse...
See and smell scented geraniums at the Master Gardeners’ Garden of the Sun
Geraniums have been valued in Fresno landscapes for decades owing to their beautiful flowers, lush foliage, and ease of growth. Less common are gardens with geraniums selected and grown for their distinctive scents and flavors. A sampling of the most...
Decollate snails to battle garden snails in the UC Master Gardener Children’s Garden
Snails and slugs are among the most damaging pests in landscapes and gardens, including the UC Master Gardeners Children's Garden, part of the Garden of the Sun. Fresno County Master Gardeners are now launching an effort to manage the pest by releasing...
Plant of the Month
December plant of the month: Emu bush
Like so many Australian natives, emu bush (Eremophila glabra) is both heat and drought tolerant and a great plant for our area. Hummingbirds absolutely love it, and it's an excellent choice for any water wise garden, either in a mixed border or...
Garden of the Sun video tour
Through its Master Gardener Program the UC Cooperative Extension in Fresno County has developed a one acre ornamental and food production demonstration garden on the south end of the City of Fresno's Reedy Park, located at Winery and McKinley Avenue, Fresno, CA.
Scavenger Hunt
Come out and visit the children's garden and try our new Garden Quest search and find scavenger hunt! We have a few laminated scavenger hunt documents permanently located at each entrance to the children's garden, or you can print your own by clicking this link: Garden Quest PDF
GOS news article
The Garden of the Sun and Fresno County Master Gardeners were featured in an article in King's River Life Magazine. Check it out here.