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CIMIS Weather

What is CIMIS Weather?

California Irrigation Management Information System (CIMIS) is a system that records hourly weather for roughly 200 stations all over the state of California.  We download this data daily and provide it as daily and monthly summaries of temperature and rainfall data. To find out more information on CIMIS visit the CIMIS web site.

In addition to providing the current year's data we also provide historical data up to 3 years.

Data is provided and displayed per weather station, which is usually near a specific city. Below is a working sample of the CIMIS Weather Asset.

CIMIS Weather Example

Linked data is from the California Irrigation Management Information System (CIMIS) weather stations. Visit CIMIS web site.

Sacramento County Stations

San Joaquin County Stations

Using the CIMIS Weather Asset

To use the CIMIS Weather Asset:

  1. Create a new asset
  2. Enter a name for the Asset
  3. Select "CIMIS Weather" from the Asset Type drop down menu.

CIMIS Asset Options

The CIMIS Asset consists of 5 options. The top 3 of which are the generic Asset options  (Asset Name, Asset Type, and Show Asset Title).

Asset Options
Asset Options

The remaining two options are specific to the CIMIS Weather Asset. In these options you may enter an introductory paragraph ("Introduction Text") and select counties from which to display weather station data ("Show Weather Stations from Counties").

Introduction Text

This text box is pre-populated with a small description of what CIMIS and contains a link to where people may find out more information on the CIMIS Weather data. It's best to have a short introduction so people know what this section is about.
Introduction Text
Introduction Text

Show Weather Stations from Counties

This is a list of all the counties from the state. Checking the Box next to each county you would like weather stations to be displayed. Each county has a different number of stations. Some counties have many weather stations some have none. Checking the box will list the county (if the county has weather stations) and all the weather stations.
Show Weather Stations from Counties (County Picker)
Show Weather Stations from Counties (County Picker)

The results of selecting "Sacramento" and "San Joaquin" counties are:
Sacramento and San Joaquin Counties
Sacramento and San Joaquin Counties

Other Views

Selecting a weather station will show the monthly totals view. Here's a sample of the monthly summary view:
CIMIS Monthly Summary Sample
CIMIS Monthly Summary Sample

From the monthly totals view selecting a month will display the daily summary view. Here's a sample of the daily summary view:
CIMIS Daily Summary Sample
CIMIS Daily Summary Sample