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Adding the FAQ asset

The ANR FAQ System allows you to assemble and display individual bits of content across multiple sites. You supply the question, the answer, and any supporting documentation/photos in tiny, bite-size nuggets. The system will then collect and distribute these FAQs based on the tags you provided.

To use FAQs, first build your collection in the FAQ System or use an existing collection number. Once this step is complete, add the FAQ asset to your page.

FAQ asset details

  • Asset Name - Edit the name of the asset you created.
  • Show Asset Title - Toggle this to show or hide the asset name above the list of FAQs.
  • Select FAQ Collection -  If you have created the FAQ collection, it will appear in this dropdown list. Select it to continue.
  • Collection Number - If you have a collection number, you can simply enter it in this field to display the FAQ collection.
  • Maximum FAQs Listed - This will limit the number of FAQs shown. FAQs are displayed in order of popularity.