Research to Action News Brief
Research to Action, the Nutrition Policy Institute's news brief, provides information on research, policy, news, announcements, events, articles and action items focused on nutrition and healthy communities. View previous issues and sign up to be added to the mailing list.
Brown Bags
The Nutrition Policy Institute Brown Bag seminar series allows the current NPI staff and affiliated colleagues to hear from guest researchers, policymakers, and program leaders – to learn, to inspire, and to stretch our thinking about public health.
CalFresh Healthy Living Program Evaluation | California Department of Public Health
The Nutrition Policy Institute works with the California Department of Public Health and local health departments to evaluate CalFresh Healthy Living, California's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education Program (SNAP-Ed).
Drinking Water
Nutrition Policy Institute believes that efforts to reduce consumption of sugary beverages should be complemented by work to enable healthy substitutes, and particularly plain water. This page provides links to locate NPI’s drinking water related resources.
Online Trainings
Nutrition Policy Institute has several online, on-demand trainings available on a variety of nutrition-policy related topics including food bank nutrition policies and healthy beverage policies for child care providers.
Best of Science Letters
Nutrition Policy Institute submits best of science letters to federal agencies and committees involved in the development of national dietary guidelines, child nutrition reauthorization, and other efforts to address hunger, nutrition and health.
Public Comments and Recommendations
Nutrition Policy Institute submits comments to federal agencies when new regulations for the federally funded food programs are proposed. In addition, NPI contributes recommendations to federal agencies and committees involved in the development of national dietary guidelines.
School Meals for All
The Nutrition Policy Institute was funded to conduct a formative evaluation of California's Universal School Meals program through CA SB 170 (2021). This page provides updates on evaluation results.
UC Healthy Vending Policy
Healthy vending guidelines were developed and adopted as University of California systemwide policy to provide a consistent set of nutrition criteria and recommended implementation procedures for all University of California campuses to follow.
UC Research Consortium on Beverages & Health
The University of California Research Consortium on Beverages and Health aims to provide legislators and communities with the science base for policy and programs to decrease consumption of sugary drinks and increase consumption of water. The group includes faculty from every UC campus.