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Cohen J, Chapman L, Gombi-Vaca M, Gosliner W, Hecht C, Hecht K, Schwartz M, Zuercher M, Ritchie L. Research Brief: Current State of Processed Foods in Schools. Nourish Lab at the Center for Health Innovation, Research and Policy, Merrimack College. March 2025.
Vasicsek R, Cortez S, Pulvera R, Gosliner W. Research Brief: Availability and Quality of Healthy Foods Vary by Store Participation in SNAP and WIC in Low-Income California Neighborhoods. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. 17 March 2025.
Vasicsek R, Cortez S, Woodward-Lopez G. Research Brief: COVID-19 in low-income communities: Changes in food acquisition, diet, and body weight. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. 5 March 2025.
Hecht CA, Hecht K, Gosliner W, French CD, Zuercher MD, Orta-Aleman D, Ritchie LD. The State of School Meals for All in California. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. 25 February 2025.
Vasicsek R, Cortez S, Linares A. Research Brief: Impact of COVID-19: Association between school meal intake and fruit, vegetable, and sugary drink consumption. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. 19 February 2025.
Tsai MM, Fernald LCH, Hamad R, Jackson KE, Fernández-Viña N, Bradshaw PT, Gosliner W. Safety Net Program Participation Patterns, Sociodemographic Factors, and Health. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 4 February 2025, published online ahead of print. DOI:
Chelius C, Bacon KA, Orta-Aleman D, Zuercher MD, Ritchie LD, Cohen JFW, Hecht CE, Hecht K, Gosliner W. California Middle and High School Students Report Wanting Fresh and Healthy School Lunch in the Context of Universal School Meals. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, published online ahead of print 7 February 2025. DOI:
Hewawitharana SC, Strochlic R, Sam-Chen S, Gosliner W. The California Fruit and Vegetable EBT Pilot Project at Farmers’ Markets. Evaluation Findings Research Brief. University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Nutrition Policy Institute. February 2025.
Zaltz DA, Neff RA, Ritchie LD, Chriqui JF, Benjamin-Neelon SE; ECE Beverage Collective. Child Beverage Consumption in US Early Care and Education Settings, 2008-2020. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, published online ahead of print 31 January 2025. DOI:
Healthy Beverage Consumption in School-Age Children and Adolescents: Recommendations from Key National Health and Nutrition Organizations. Durham, NC: Healthy Eating Research, 2025.
Lorrene Ritchie, from the UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute, served on the expert panel.
[Press Release] [Consensus Statement] [Technical Report] [Summary] [Tips for Families] [Provider Toolkit]
Data Brief: California Local Health Department - FFY 2024 CalFresh Healthy Living At a Glance. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. 22 January 2025.
Data Brief: Local Health Department CalFresh Healthy Living FFY 2024 - Policy, Systems, & Environmental Change Efforts. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. 22 January 2025.
Data Brief: Local Health Department CalFresh Healthy Living FFY 2024 - Educational Activities. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. 22 January 2025.
Data Brief: Local Health Department CalFresh Healthy Living FFY 2024 - Partnerships & Multi-Sector Coalitions. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. 22 January 2025.
Data Brief: Local Health Department CalFresh Healthy Living FFY 2024 - Assessment of Policies, Practices, & Outcomes. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. 22 January 2025.
Zuercher MD, Orta-Aleman D, French CD, Cohen JFW, Chapman LE, Read M, Ohri-Vachaspati P, Schwartz MB, Patel AI, Ritchie LD, Gosliner W. Factors and Outcomes Associated With Using Scratch-Cooked, Organic, and Locally Grown Foods in School Meals in California. Journal of School Health, published online ahead of print, 6 January 2025. DOI:
Zuercher M, Esparza E, Ritchie L, Gosliner W. Research Brief: Texas Food Service Director Survey Findings: Experiences transitioning from meals free of charge for all students. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. 28 August 2024.
Lee DL, Bacon K, Felix C, Fiedler K, Matias SL, Marshall SK, Homel Vitale E, Ritchie LD. Policy Brief: Evidence to Support an Additional CACFP Meal Reimbursement for Family Childcare Home Providers. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. CACFP Roundtable. University of California, Berkeley. December 2024.
Pedroza-Tobias A, Cradock AL, Blacker L, Ritchie LD, Schmidt LA, McCulloch C, Salomon JA, Brindis CD, Cabana MD, Patel AI. "Water First" School Water Promotion and Access Intervention: A Cost Analysis Study. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, volume S2212-2672, issue 24, pages 00924-9, 6 November 2024. DOI:
Lee DL, Fiedler K, Bacon K, Felix C, Vasicsek R, Matias SL, Marshall SK, Homel Vitale E, Ritchie LD. Research Brief: Challenges Experienced by Child and Adult Care Food Program Sponsors. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. University of California, Berkeley. CACFP Roundtable. November 2024.
Gerstenfeld L, Blacker L, McCulloch CE, Ritchie L, Ordonez V, Schmidt L, Patel A. The Impact of a Water Promotion and Access Intervention on Elementary School Students in the Presence of Food Insecurity. Public Health Nutrition, published online ahead of print 22 Nov 2024. DOI:
Orta-Aleman D, Zuercher MD, Hecht C, Hecht K, Poudel I, Olarte DA, Patel A, Polacsek M, Ritchie LD, Cohen JFW, Gosliner W. Perceptions and experiences of Universal School Meals in California: Qualitative insights from school food service directors on participation, stigma, and operational benefits and challenges. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, published online ahead of print 8 November 2024. DOI:
Lang I, Kim Y, Ritchie LD, Au LE, Colabianchi N. Looking to the past: Investigating 10-year place histories as a determinant of home food environments in the Healthy Communities Study. Social Science & Medicine, Volume 363, article 117478, December 2024. DOI:
Linares A, Baig R, Brassuel-Wax R. Infographic: FFY 2024 CalFresh Healthy Living Adult Education in California. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. 2024 November.
George C, John B, Goldtooth-Halwood R, Hecht K, Hecht C, Vollmer L, Benally L, Yazzie AS, Whitman R, Egge M, Nelson N, Bitah K, Bennet E, Mott O, Mark J, Salt SK, Edison THM, Shin SS. Water Is K'é: Learning from the Navajo Community to Promote Early Child Health. Progress in Community Health Partnerships: Research, Education, and Action, volume 18, issue 3, pages 427-435, 2024.
Cohen JF, Chapman LE, Olarte DA, Hecht CA, Hecht K, Minc L, Ohri-Vachaspati P, Orta-Aleman D, Patel AI, Polacsek M, Ritchie LD, Zuercher MD, Gosliner W. Perceived impact of a state-level universal free school meal policy on households with varying income levels: An analysis of parental perspectives. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, published online ahead of print 7 Oct 2024, volume S2212-2672, issue 24, article 00871-2. DOI:
Chaney AM, Arnold CD, Frongillo EA, Ritchie LD, Steele EM, Au LE. Infant diet quality index predicts nutrients of concern and ultra-processed food intake in low-income children in the United States. Current Developments in Nutrition, Volume 8, Issue 11, article 104483, November 2024. DOI:
Lee DL, Felix C, Fiedler K, Oropeza R, Rangel J, Kim L, Machell G, Ritchie LD. Policy Brief: Expanded Shopping Options Needed to Improve WIC Participants’ Shopping Experience. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. Pepperdine University. National WIC Association. October 2024.
Lee DL, Felix C, Fiedler K, Oropeza R, Rangel J, Kim L, Machell G, Ritchie LD. Policy Brief: WIC App Modifications Needed to Improve WIC Participants’ Shopping Experience. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. Pepperdine University. National WIC Association. October 2024.
Chelius C, Strochlic R, Hewawitharana SC, Gosliner W. Opportunities and Challenges of California’s Fruit and Vegetable Electronic Benefit Transfer Pilot Project at Farmers’ Markets: A Qualitative Study with Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Shoppers and Farmers’ Market Staff. Nutrients, volume 16, issue 19, article 3388, 5 October 2024. DOI:
Zuercher MD, Cohen JFW, Hecht CA, Hecht K, Orta-Aleman D, Olarte DA, Chapman LE, Read M, Ritchie LD, Gosliner W. Household Food Insecurity Is Associated with Parental Perceptions of and Student Participation in School Meals. Nutrients, volume 16, issue 19, article 3375, 4 October 2024. DOI:
Meng Y, Neelon M, Lamoureaux Y, Song N, Lee DL, Matias S. Household Food Waste Survey Results by Program. University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. October 2024.
Ritchie LD, Bacon KA, Felix C, Lee DL, Marshall SK-D, Homel Vitale E, Matias SL. Child and Adult Care Food Program: Family Childcare Home Providers’ Perceptions of Impacts of Increased Meal and Snack Reimbursement Rates during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Nutrients. volume 16, issue 19, article 3241, 25 September 2024. DOI:
Linares A, Baig R, Brassuel-Wax R. Infographic: FFY 2024 CalFresh Healthy Living in California Schools. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. 2024 August.
Esparza E, Zuercher M, Ohri-Vachaspati P, Ritchie L, Gosliner W. Research Brief: Arizona Food Service Director Survey Findings - Experiences transitioning from meals free of charge for all students. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. 28 August 2024.
Vasicsek R, Rider D. NPI partners with local health departments to support children’s healthy eating and active living through LEAP Awards program. UC Delivers, 2 July 2024.
Orta-Aleman D, Zuercher MD, Bacon KA, Chelius C, Hecht CE, Hecht K, Ritchie LD, Cohen JFW, Gosliner W. Students’ Perspectives on the Benefits and Challenges of Universal School Meals Related to Food Accessibility, Stigma, Participation, and Waste. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, published online ahead of print, 18 June 2024. DOI:
Lee DL, Bacon K, Felix C, Matias SL, Marshall SK, Homel Vitale E, Ritchie LD. Research Brief: CACFP Family Childcare Home Sponsor Perspectives - Serious Deficiency Challenges. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. CACFP Roundtable. University of California, Berkeley. June 2024.
Zuercher MD, Orta-Aleman D, Cohen JFW, Hecht CA, Hecht K, Polacsek M, Patel AI, Ritchie LD, Gosliner W. The Benefits and Challenges of Providing School Meals during the First Year of California’s Universal School Meal Policy as Reported by School Foodservice Professionals. Nutrients, volume 16, issue 12, article number 1812, 8 June 2024. DOI:
Borger C, Zimmerman T, DeMatteis J, Gollapudi B, Whaley S, Ritchie L, May L. WIC Infant and Toddler Feeding Practices Study-2 (WIC ITFPS-2): Sixth Year Report. United States Department of Agriculture. 6 June 2024.
[Report Website] [Research Summary] [Executive Summary] [Full Report] [Appendix A - Background Information] [Appendix B1 - Details of Sampling and Weighting Procedures and Attrition] [Appendix B2 - Additional Analysis Details] [Appendix B3 - Dietary Intake Coding Procedures and Estimating Usual Intake]
Chaney AM, Anderson CE, Arnold CD, Whaley SE, Ritchie LD, Pundi GR, Nguyen CJ, Au LE. Evaluating the Association of the Increase in the WIC Cash Value Benefit on the Diversity of MyPlate Fruits and Vegetables Redeemed and Consumed By Children in Low-Income Households. Current Developments in Nutrition, volume 8, issue 6, number 103778, 1 June 2024. DOI:
Data Brief: California Local Health Department - FFY 2023 CalFresh Healthy Living At a Glance. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. 30 May 2024.
Data Brief: Local Health Department CalFresh Healthy Living FFY2023 - Policy, Systems, & Environmental Change Efforts. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. 30 May 2024.
Data Brief: Local Health Department CalFresh Healthy Living FFY2023 - Educational Activities. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. 30 May 2024.
Data Brief: Local Health Department CalFresh Healthy Living FFY2023 - Partnerships & Multi-Sector Coalitions. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. 30 May 2024.
Data Brief: Local Health Department CalFresh Healthy Living FFY2023 - Program Effectiveness. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. 30 May 2024.
Chapman LE, Gosliner W, Olarte DA, Ritchie LD, Schwartz MB, Polacsek M, Hecht CE, Hecht K, Turner L, Patel AI, Zuercher MD, Read M, Daly TP, Cohen JF. Universal School Meals During the Pandemic: A Mixed Methods Analysis of Parent Perceptions from California and Maine. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, volume S2212-2672, issue 24, number 00217-X, published online ahead of print 10 May 2024. DOI:
Hecht AA, Gosliner W, Turner L, Hecht K, Hecht CE, Ritchie LD, Polacsek M, Cohen JF. School Meals for All: A Qualitative Study Exploring Lessons in Successful Advocacy and Policymaking in Maine and California. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, volume S2212-2672, issue 24, number 00206-5, published online ahead of print 6 May 2024. DOI:
Research Brief: School-based physical activity interventions that include policy changes together with improving physical activity opportunities may be the most effective approach for improving student fitness. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. May 2024.
Zuercher M, Orta-Aleman D, Hecht C, Hecht K, Ritchie L, Gosliner W. Research Brief: School Meals for All in California: Government investments are associated with better meal operations, labor practices, and local food sourcing. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. May 2024. [Modified from April 2024 version.]
Zuercher MD, Cohen JFW, Hecht CA, Hecht K, Orta-Aleman D, Patel A, Olarte DA, Chapman LE, Read M, Schwartz MB, Ritchie LD, Gosliner W. Parent Perceptions of School Meals Influence Student Participation in School Meal Programs. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, volume 56, issue 4, pages 230-241, April 2024. DOI:
[Abstract] [Full text] [Press Release] [Podcast]
Lee DL, Felix C, Ritchie LD, Kim L, Whaley SE, Machel G. 2023 WIC Multi-State Participant Satisfaction Survey. National WIC Association. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. Pepperdine University. Public Health Foundation Enterprises-WIC. 9 April 2024.
Anderson CE, Au LE, Yepez CE, Ritchie LD, Tsai MM, Whaley SE. Enhanced WIC Benefits Boost Purchasing of Fruit and Vegetables Among Low-Income Families. Center for Poverty & Inequality Research, University of California, Davis, Policy Brief, volume 12, number 7, March 2024.
Tsai MM, Anderson CE, Whaley SE, Yepez CE, Ritchie LD, Au LE. Associations of Increased WIC Benefits for Fruits and Vegetables With Food Security and Satisfaction by Race and Ethnicity. Preventing Chronic Disease, volume 21, number 230288, 28 March 2024. DOI:
Orta-Aleman D, Hecht C, Zuercher M, Hecht K, Cohen JFW, Ritchie L, Gosliner W. Research Brief: School Meals for All in California - Strongly supported by parents of all income levels. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. March 2024.
Cohen J, Gosliner W, Hecht C, Hecht K, Schwartz M, Zuercher M, Ritchie L. Research Brief: Impact of Massachusetts’ Healthy School Meals for All. Nourish Lab, Center for Health Inclusion, Research and Practice, Merrimack College. March 2024.
Lee DL (moderator), Chelius C, Gantan H, Eshelman L, Gable M. Webinar recording: Farm to Corrections - Cultivating Justice through Nutrition and Gardening Initiatives. University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Sustainable Food Systems Emerging Issues Webinar Series, 29 February 2024.
Cohen J, Gosliner W, Hecht C, Hecht K, Schwartz M, Zuercher M, Ritchie L. Research Brief: Impact of Massachusetts’ Healthy School Meals for All. Nourish Lab, Center for Health Inclusion, Research and Practice, Merrimack College. March 2024.
Martinez SM, Singh S, Esaryk E, Ritchie L. SNAP student rules are not so snappy: Lessons learned from a qualitative study of county agency workers. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, volume 56, issue 3, pages 133-44, 10 January 2024. DOI:
Ritchie L, guest editor. California Agriculture, July-December 2023, special issue on Lessons Learned during COVID-19.
Ritchie L, Horowitz M, Feenstra G. What have we learned from the COVID-19 pandemic to strengthen the health and resilience of California communities and the food system? California Agriculture, volume 77, issue 3-4, pages 88-90, July-December 2023. DOI:
Tsai MM, Yeb J, Jackson K, Gosliner W. Understanding multi-program take-up of safety net programs among California families. AJPM Focus, published online ahead of print, 28 February 2024. DOI:
Zuercher MD, Cohen JFW, Ohri-Vachaspati P, Hecht CA, Hecht K, Polacsek M, Olarte DA, Read M, Patel AI, Schwartz MB, Chapman LE, Orta-Aleman D, Ritchie LD, Gosliner W. Parent perceptions of school meals and how perceptions differ by race and ethnicity. Health Affairs Scholar, Volume 2, Issue 1, 10 January 2024.
Martinez SM, Singh S, Esaryk E, Ritchie L. SNAP Student Rules Are Not So Snappy: Lessons Learned From a Qualitative Study of California County Agency Workers. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, volume S1499-4046, issue 23, pages 00579-1, 10 January 2024. DOI:
Pulvera R, Jackson K, Gosliner W, Hamad R, Fernald LCH. The association of safety-net program participation with government perceptions, welfare stigma, and discrimination. Health Affairs Scholar, Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2024. DOI:
Gosliner W, Ritchie LD. Bold Action Needed for Equitable Access to Nutrition Assistance by All. American Journal of Public Health, volume 113, supplement 3, pages S202-S205, 11 December 2023. DOI:
Au LE, Arnold CD, Ritchie LD, Lin SK, Frongillo EA. Differences in Infant Diet Quality Index by Race and Ethnicity Predict Differences in Later Diet Quality. The Journal of Nutrition, volume 153, issue 12, pages 3498-3505, December 2023. DOI:
Pulvera R, Hewawitharana SC, Thompson HR, Leung CW, Gosliner W. Availability and Quality of Healthy Foods Vary by Store Participation in SNAP and WIC in Low-Income California Neighborhoods. Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition, published online 26 November 2023. DOI:
Kao J, Woodward-Lopez G, Rangel MI, Hicks A. Lessons Learned from a Food Hub-Based Retail Intervention That Expanded Reach and Sales of Fresh Fruits and Vegetables in Low-Income, Low-Access Neighborhoods. Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition, published online 24 November 2023. DOI:
Underwood G, Lee DL, Chauvenet C, Ritchie LD, Kim L. Research Brief: Participants New to WIC May Benefit From More Guidance on Shopping for WIC Foods. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources, Pepperdine University, and the National WIC Association. 14 November 2023.
Research Brief: Health inequities may have been exacerbated by SNAP-Ed reductions during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. 13 November 2023.
Plank K, Linares A, Hewawitharana S, Woodward-Lopez G. Schools provided healthy meals even during COVID. California Agriculture, volume 77, number 3, 7 November 2023. DOI:
Woodward-Lopez G, Esaryk E, Rauzon S, Hewawitharana SC, Thompson HR, Cordon I, Whetstone L. Associations between Changes in Food Acquisition Behaviors, Dietary Intake, and Bodyweight during the COVID-19 Pandemic among Low-Income Parents in California. Nutrients, volume 15, issue 21, article 4618, 31 October 2023. DOI:
Lee DL, Bacon K, Felix C, Matias SL, Marshall SK, Homel Vitale E, Ritchie LD. Research Brief: Family Childcare Home Providers Need More CACFP Funding to Provide Healthy Meals and Snacks to Young Children. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources, CACFP Roundtable, University of California, Berkeley. 2 October 2023.
Hewawitharana SC, Woodward-Lopez G, Ohri-Vachaspati P, Acciai F, Thompson HR, Pugliese J, Gosliner W. Latent class analysis identifies a promising combination of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program-Education interventions for improving student cardiorespiratory fitness. Preventive Medicine, volume 175, article 107687, October 2023. DOI:
Rauzon S, Hewawitharana SC, Esaryk EE, Thompson HR, Whetstone L, Cordon I, Woodward-Lopez GM. Parent perceptions of changes in eating behavior during COVID-19 of school-aged children from Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP-Ed) eligible households in California. Preventive Medicine Reports, volume 35, article number 102365, October 2023. DOI:
Thompson HR, London R. Not All Fun and Games: Disparities in School Recess Access Persist, and Must Be Addressed. Preventative Medicine Reports, volume 35, article number 10230123, October 2023. DOI: https://10.1016/j.pmedr.2023.102301
Infographic: What’s On the Menu? Stanford Medicine. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resource. Dolores Huerta Foundation. Cultiva La Salud. September 2023.
[Full text] [Spanish version: ¿Qué hay en el Menú de la] [English video] [Spanish video]
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. Complementary feeding interventions for infants and young children under age 2: Scoping of promising interventions to implement at the community or state level. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.
Ritchie LD served as a committee member and helped draft the book.
Cohen JFW, Gosliner W, Polacsek M, Hecht CE, Hecht K, Read M, Olarte DO, Chapman L, Patel AI, Schwartz MB, Turner L, Zuercher MD, Ritchie LD. Implementation of Universal School Meals during COVID-19 and beyond: School Food Authority and Parent Perspectives. Share Our Strength. September 2023.
Research Brief: Implementation of Universal School Meals during COVID-19 and Beyond: School Food Authority and Parent Perspectives in California and Maine. Share Our Strength. September 2023.
Infographic: Make Your Voice Heard! Stanford Medicine. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resource. Dolores Huerta Foundation. Cultiva La Salud. September 2023.
[Full text] [Spanish version: ¡Alza tu Voz!]
Infographic: What Goes into Making School Meals? Stanford Medicine. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resource. Dolores Huerta Foundation. Cultiva La Salud. September 2023.
[Full text] [Spanish version: ¿Qué se Necesita para Preparar las Comidas Escolares?] [English video] [Spanish video]
Felix C, Karavas S, Strochlic R, Gosliner W. SNAP Participants Appreciate Behavioral Science-Informed Nutrition Text Messages. Research Brief. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. September 2023.
Research Brief: CalFresh Healthy Living Interventions Increase Students' Fruit and Vegetable Consumption During Covid-19 School Closures. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. 19 September 2023.
Garvey KA, Edwards MA, Blacker LS, Hecht CE, Parks JL, Patel AI. A Comprehensive Examination of the Contaminants in Drinking Water in Public Schools in California, 2017-2022. Public Health Reports, published online 4 September 2023. DOI:
Anderson CE, Au LE, Yepez CE, Ritchie LD, Tsai MM, Whaley SE. Increased WIC Cash Value Benefit is associated with greater amount and diversity of redeemed fruits and vegetables among participating households. Current Developments in Nutrition, volume 7, issue 9, September 2023. DOI:
Kahn CB, John B, Shin SS, Whitman R, Yazzie AS, Goldtooth-Halwood R, Hecht K, Hecht C, Vollmer L, Egge M, Nelson N, Bitah K, George C. Teacher and Caregiver Perspectives on Water Is K’é: An Early Child Education Program to Promote Healthy Beverages among Navajo Children. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, volume 20, issue 17, article 6696, 31 August 2023. DOI:
Research Brief: The Many Benefits of School Meals for All. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. Arizona State University, College of Health Solutions. University of Connecticut, Rudd Center. Merrimack College. Boise State University, College of Education. 29 August 2023.
Infant and Toddler Feeding Recommendations for Family Child Care Home Providers - Training Videos. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. UC San Francisco, California Childcare Health Program. August 2023.
Policy brief: Evidence to support continuation of the increased WIC Cash Value Benefit for fruits and vegetables. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. Public Health Foundation Enterprises-WIC. August 2023.
Patel AI, Schmidt LA, McCulloch CE, Blacker LS, Cabana MD, Brindis CD, Ritchie LD. Effectiveness of a School Drinking Water Promotion and Access Program for Overweight Prevention. Pediatrics, published online ahead of print 7 Aug 2023. DOI:
Woodward-Lopez G, Esaryk EE, Hewawitharana SC, Kao J, Talmage E, Rider CD. Supplemental nutrition assistance program education reductions during COVID-19 may have exacerbated health inequities. SSM - Population Health, article number 101471, available online 23 July 2023. DOI:
Hamad R, Yeb J, Jackson K, Gosliner W, Fernald LCH. Potential mechanisms linking poverty alleviation and health: an analysis of benefit spending among recipients of the U.S. earned income tax credit. BMC Public Health, volume 23, article number 1385, 19 July 2023. DOI:
Thompson HR, Madsen KA, Nguyen C, Argenio K, D'Agostino E, Konty K, Day S. School-level self-reported versus objective measurements of body mass index in public high school students. Preventive Medicine, volume 174, article 107616, published online ahead of print on 13 July 2023. DOI:
Cohen JF, Richardson S, March WW, Gosliner W, Hauser R. Phthalates, adipates, BPA, and pesticides in school meals. Environmental Research, published online ahead of print 11 July 2023. DOI:
Factsheet: University Beverage Pouring Rights Contracts – And Alternatives. University of California Research Consortium on Beverages and Health. July 2023.
Local Health Department CalFresh Healthy Living FFY 2022: Introduction to PEARS Data Briefs. July 2023. CalFresh Healthy Living Evaluation Unit, Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources.
Local Health Department PEARS Data Briefs: FFY 2022 Brief 1. Educational Activities (Direct and Indirect). July 2023. CalFresh Healthy Living Evaluation Unit, Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources.
[Full text] [Video] [Video with descriptive audio]
Local Health Department PEARS Data Briefs: FFY 2022 Brief 2. Policy, Systems, and Environment Change Interventions. July 2023. CalFresh Healthy Living Evaluation Unit, Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources.
[Full text] [Video] [Video with descriptive audio]
Local Health Department PEARS Data Briefs: FFY 2022 Brief 3. Partnerships and Coalitions. July 2023. CalFresh Healthy Living Evaluation Unit, Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources.
[Full text] [Video] [Video with descriptive audio]
Local Health Department PEARS Data Briefs: FFY 2022 Brief 4. Multi-Year PEARS Data Review. July 2023. CalFresh Healthy Living Evaluation Unit, Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources.
[Full text] [Video] [Video with descriptive audio]
Local Health Department PEARS Data Briefs: FFY 2022 Full Report. Multi-Year PEARS Data Review. July 2023. CalFresh Healthy Living Evaluation Unit, Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources.
Cohen J, Gosliner W, Hecht C, Hecht K, Schwartz M, Zuercher M, Ritchie L. Research Brief: Impact of Massachusetts’ Healthy School Meals for All. June 2023. Child Nourish Lab.
Thompson HR, Madsen KA, Zamek M, McKenzie TL, Dzewaltowski DA. Implementation of elementary school physical education quantity and quality law through school district audit, feedback, and coaching. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, volume 20, article number 77, 29 June, 2023. DOI:
Felix C, Hewawitharana SC, Strochlic R, Sam-Chen S, Gosliner W. Qualitative Findings from the California Nutrition Incentive Program Evaluation 2020-2022: CNIP participants report positive experiences with the program and support its continuation and expansion. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. 20 June 2023.
Saied T, Cohen J, Clift J, Turner L, Gosliner W, Schwartz M.USA School Food Case Study (Working Paper). London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, Research Consortium for SHN, School Meals Coalition. June 2023.
[Full text] [National School Food Case Studies]
Orta-Aleman D, Chelius C, Bacon K, Hecht C, Hecht K, Zuercher M, Ritchie L, Gosliner W. Research Brief: School Meals for All - Farm Fresh Food. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. June 2023.
Felix C, Strochlic R, Melendrez B, Tang H, Wright S, Gosliner W. Perceptions and Experiences of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Participants Related to Receiving Food and Nutrition-Related Text Messages Sent Agency-Wide: Findings from Focus Groups in San Diego County, California. Nutrients, volume 15, issue 12, article 2684, 9 June 2023. DOI:
Mooney AC, Jackson KE, Hamad R, Fernald LCH, Hoskote M, Gosliner W. Experiences of distress and gaps in government safety net supports among parents of young children during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study. BMC Public Health, 7 June 2023, volume 23, article 1099. DOI:
Hewawitharana S, Chelius C, Sam-Chen S, Felix C, Strochlic R, Gosliner W. Impacts of Changing Maximum Incentive Levels on Sales Revenue at Farmers’ Markets Participating in the California Nutrition Incentive Program (GusNIP in California). Research Brief. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. May 2023.
Hewawitharana S, Chelius C, Sam-Chen S, Felix C, Strochlic R, Gosliner W. Impacts of Changing Maximum Incentive Levels on Sales Revenue at Farmers’ Markets Participating in the California Nutrition Incentive Program (GusNIP in California). Research Brief Supplement. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. May 2023.
Wong NB, Gillenwater C, Strochlic R, Soble L, Chelius C, Gantan H, Young V, Gosliner W. Farm to Corrections: Promising Practices from Across the United States. ChangeLab Solutions. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. Impact Justice. May 2023.
Wong NB, Chelius C, Gantan H, Soble L, Strochlic R, Young V, Gosliner W. Farm to Corrections: Opportunities & Challenges in Integrating California-Grown Produce into the State Prison System. ChangeLab Solutions. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. Impact Justice. May 2023.
Whaley SE, Anderson CE, Tsai MM, Yepez CE, Ritchie LD, Au LE. Increased WIC benefits for fruits and vegetables increases food security and satisfaction among California households with young children. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, available online 17 May 2023. DOI:
Hecht C, Hecht K, Zuercher M, Ritchie L, Gosliner W. Research Brief: School Meals for All in California: Parents Value School Meals for All and Offer Suggestions to Strengthen Meal Programs. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. 9 May 2023.
Sam-Chen S, Hewawitharana S, Felix C, Strochlic R, Gosliner W. Research Brief: Shopper and Farmer/Vendor Perceptions of Changed Maximum Incentive Levels at Farmers’ Markets Participating in the California Nutrition Incentive Program (GusNIP in California): Evaluation Findings. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. 8 May 2023.
Hewawitharana S, Felix C, Strochlic R, Sam-Chen S, Gosliner W. Research Brief: Findings from an Evaluation of the California Nutrition Incentive Program (GusNIP in California) 2020-2022. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. 8 May 2023.
Fact Sheet: AB 822 California's Preference Policy for Agricultural Products Grown Within the State. ChangeLab Solutions. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. Impact Justice. April 2023.
Hecht C, Bacon K, Chapman L, Chelius C, Olarte D, Orta-Aleman D, Zuercher M, Hecht K, Ritchie L, Cohen JFW and Gosliner W. Research Brief: School Meals for All in California: Time to Eat Can Be a Barrier to Full Participation. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. 19 April 2023.
Gosliner W, Felix C, Strochlic R, Wright S, Yates-Berg A, Thompson HR, Tang H, Melendrez B. Feasibility and response to the San Diego County, California, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) agency sending food and nutrition text messages to all participants: Quasi-experimental web-based survey pilot study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, volume 24, 19 April 2023. DOI:
Research Brief: Stressors and Supports For Californians with Low Incomes During COVID-19. University of California, San Francisco. University of California, Berkeley. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. March 2023.
Au LE, Arnold CD, Ritchie LD, Frongillo EA. The Infant Diet Quality Index Predicts Dietary and Adiposity Outcomes in US Children 2 to 4 years old. The Journal of Nutrition, volume 153, issue 3, pages 741-748, 16 March 2023. DOI:
Sohlberg TM, Higuchi EC, Ordonez VM, Escobar GV, De La Rosa A, Islas G, Castro C, Hecht K, Hecht CE, Bruce JS, Patel AI. Parent Perception of School Meals in the San Joaquin Valley during COVID-19: A Photovoice Project. Nutrients, volume 15, issue 5, article 1087, 22 February 2023. DOI:
Underwood G, Lee DL, Chauvenet C, Ritchie LD, Kim L. Research Brief: Participant Recommendations for Improving the WIC Food Package, Evaluating Data from the 2021 Multi-State Participant Satisfaction Survey. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. Pepperdine University. National WIC Association. 15 February 2023.
Lee D, Alkon A, Strochlic R, Srivastava D, Neelon M, Keeton V, Ritchie L. Online training for child care providers teaches child nutrition in English and Spanish. California Agriculture, volume 76, issue 4, pages 131-140, 9 February 2023. DOI:
Zaltz DA, Lee DL, Woodward-Lopez G, Ritchie LD, Bleich SN, Benjamin-Neelon SE. Adherence to Healthy Default Beverage Laws for Children's Meals in 3 U.S. Cities. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, available online 8 February 2023. DOI: https://10.1016/j.amepre.2023.01.023.
Linares A, Plank K, Hewawitharana SC, Woodward-Lopez G. The impact of SNAP-Ed interventions on California students’ diet and physical activity during COVID-19. Public Health Nutrition, pages 1-28, 19 January 2023. DOI: https://10.1017/S1368980023000137
Chaney AM, Ritchie LD, Whaley SE, Tsai MM, Randel-Schreiber HR, Yepez CE, Sabatier S, Young A, Meza M, Au LE. Racial and Ethnic Comparisons in Satisfaction with Services Provided by the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children in California. Nutrients, volume 15, issue 2, article 447, 14 January 2023. DOI:
Chelius C, Long C, Baisey T, Gosliner W. Policy brief: Findings from an evaluation of the CDFA Healthy Stores Refrigeration Grant Program. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. 9 January 2023.
Park S, Onufrak S, Cradock A, Patel A, Hecht C, Blanck HM. Perceptions of water safety and tap water taste and their associations with beverage intake among U.S. adults. American Journal of Health Promotion, published online 6, January 2023. DOI:
Research brief: Water is K’é: A Community-Based Intervention to Increase Healthy Beverage Consumption by Navajo Preschool Children. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. Brigham and Women's Hospital. December 2022.
Yepez CE, Anderson CE, Whaley SE, Ritchie LD, Tsai MM, Au LE. Research brief: Increasing the WIC vegetable and fruit benefits results in large increases to both the amount and variety purchased. Public Health Foundation Enterprises-WIC. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. December 2022.
Hamad R, Gosliner W, Brown EM, Hoskote M, Jackson K, Esparza EM, Fernald LCH. Understanding Take-Up Of The Earned Income Tax Credit Among Californians With Low Income. Health Affairs, volume 41, issue 12, pages 1715-1724, December 2022. DOI: https://10.1377/hlthaff.2022.00713
Au LE, Whaley SE, Hecht CA, Tsai MM, Anderson CE, Chaney AM, Vital NA, Martinez CE, Ritchie LD. A Qualitative Examination of California WIC Participants’ and Local Agency Directors’ Experiences during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, volume 122, issue 12, pages 2218-2227, December 2022. DOI:
Fact Sheet: 7 Reasons to Skip Sugary Drinks. University of California Research Consortium on Beverages and Health. American Heart Association. November 2022.
Fact Sheet: What are Sugary Drinks? University of California Research Consortium on Beverages and Health. American Heart Association. November 2022.
Fact Sheet: How Four Cities in California are Using Sugary Drink Tax Revenue. University of California Research Consortium on Beverages and Health. American Heart Association. November 2022.
Fact Sheet: The Health Harms of Sugary Drinks. University of California Research Consortium on Beverages and Health. American Heart Association. November 2022.
Fact Sheet: Sugary Drinks and COVID. University of California Research Consortium on Beverages and Health. American Heart Association. November 2022.
Fact Sheet: The Heavy Environmental Impact of Sugary Drinks. University of California Research Consortium on Beverages and Health. American Heart Association. November 2022.
Lee DL, Hecht C, Ritchie LD, Marshall S K-D, Homel Vitale E. Benefits and Challenges of CACFP Participation for Independent Child Care Centers and Sponsors: Research Report for the California Department of Social Services. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. CACFP Roundtable. 27 October 2022.
Lee DL, Hecht C, Homel Vitale E, Marshall SK-D, Ritchie LD. Research Brief: Child and Adult Care Food Program Participation by Independent Childcare Centers and Their Sponsors: Benefits and Challenges. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. CACFP Roundtable. 26 October 2022.
Lee DL, Homel Vitale E, Marshall SK-D, Hecht C, Beck LT, Ritchie LD. Child and Adult Care Food Program Participation Benefits, Barriers and Facilitators for Independent Child Care Centers in California. Nutrients, volume 14, issue 21, article 4449, 22 October 2022. DOI:
Thompson HR, Strochlic R, Singh S, Plank K, Martin A, Woodward-Lopez G. Research Brief: Study in SNAP-Ed eligible communities finds that limited implementation of California’s Healthy Default Beverage law for kids’ meals sold online may limit the law’s effectiveness. California Department of Public Health, CalFresh Healthy Living. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. 21 October 2022.
Brown EM, Fernald LCH, Hamad R, Hoskote M, Jackson KE, Gosliner W. Pandemic-related socioeconomic disruptions and adverse health outcomes: a cross-sectional study of female caregivers. BMC Public Health, volume 22, article 1893, 11 October 2022. DOI:
Cradock AL, Barrett JL, Poole MK, Flax CN, Vollmer L, Hecht C. Lead Concentrations in US School Drinking Water: Testing Programs, Prevalence, and Policy Opportunities, 2016-2018. American Journal of Public Health, volume 122, issue S7, pages S679-S689, 30 September 2022. DOI:
Cohen JF, Polacsek M, Hecht CE, Hecht K,Read M, Olarte DA, Patel AI, Schwartz MB, Turner L, Zuercher M, Gosliner W, Ritchie LD. Implementation of Universal School Meals during COVID-19 and beyond: Challenges and Benefits for School Meals Programs in Maine. Nutrients, volume 14, issue 19, article 4031, 28 September 2022. DOI:
Yepez CE, Ritchie LD, Anderson CE, Tsai MM, Au LE, Meza M, Whaley SE. Data Brief: WIC participants support the extension and permanency of the Cash Value Benefit (CVB) for fruits and vegetables. Public Health Foundation Enterprises-WIC. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. 28 September 2022.
Zuercher MD, Cohen JFW, Hecht CE, Hecht K, Ritchie LD, Gosliner W. Providing School Meals to All Students Free of Charge During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond: Challenges and Benefits Reported by School Foodservice Professionals in California. Nutrients, volume 14, issue 18, article 3855, 17 September 2022. DOI:
Thompson HR, Machado SS, Madsen KA, Cauchon-Robles R, Neelon M, Ritchie L. Impact of a teacher intervention to encourage students to eat school lunch. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, volume 19, issue 18, article 11553, 14 September 2022. DOI:
Klisch SA, Hecht CA. UC ANR Strategic Initiative Concept Note: A Healthier California through Improved Food and Drinking Water Security. August 2022. University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Nutrition Policy Institute.
Martinez CE, Ritchie LD, Lee DL, Tsai MM, Anderson CE, Whaley SE. California WIC Participants Report Favorable Impacts of the COVID-Related Increase to the WIC Cash Value Benefit. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, volume 19, issue 17, page 10604, 25 August 2022. DOI:
Hecht C, Zuercher M, Hecht K, Gosliner W, Ritchie L. Research Brief: School Meals for All in California: Benefits and Challenges During COVID and Beyond as Reported by School Food Services. University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Nutrition Policy Institute. 23 August 2022.
Zoller HM, Strochlic R, Getz C. An employee-centered framework for healthy workplaces: implementing a critically holistic, participative, and structural model through the Equitable Food Initiative. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 5 August 2022. DOI:
Gosliner W, Hewawitharana SC, Strochlic R, Felix C, Long C. The California Nutrition Incentive Program: Participants’ Perceptions and Associations with Produce Purchases, Consumption, and Food Security. Nutrients, volume 14, issue 13, 2699, 29 June 2022. DOI:
Chelius C, Long C, Baisey T, Gosliner W. CDFA Healthy Stores Refrigeration Grant Program Evaluation, Final Report. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. 27 June 2022.
Borger C, Zimmerman T, DeMatteis J, Gollapudi B, Whaley S, Ritchie L, Au L, May L. WIC Infant and Toddler Feeding Practices Study-2 (WIC ITFPS-2): Fifth Year Report. United States Department of Agriculture. 21 June 2022.
[Report Website] [Summary] [Executive Summary] [Full Report] [Appendix]
Linares A, Harpainter P, Plank K, Woodward-Lopez G. Lessons Learned Recruiting Comparison Elementary Schools for Impact Evaluation of SNAP-Ed Interventions. The Journal of Extension, volume 60, issue 2, article 17, 16 June 2022. DOI:
Anderson CE, Martinez CE, Ritchie LD, Paolicelli C, Reat A, Borger C, Whaley SE. Longer WIC participation duration is associated with higher diet quality at age 5 years. The Journal of Nutrition, nxac134, 10 June 2022. DOI:
Research Brief: Opportunities for CalFresh Healthy Living to support equitable school meal access during emergency school closures. California Department of Public Health, CalFresh Healthy Living. University of California, Division of Agriculture, Nutrition Policy Institute. 25 May 2022.
Plank K, Hewawitharana S, Talmage E, Rauzon S, Woodward-Lopez G. School meal access and changes in meal participation during COVID-19 school closures: A stratified random sample of CalFresh Healthy Living Eligible school districts in California. Preventive Medicine Reports, volume 28, August 2022. DOI:
Martinez SM, Chodur GM, Esaryk EE, Kaladjian S, Ritchie LD, Grandner M. Campus Food Pantry Use Is Linked to Better Health Among Public University Students. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, volume 54, issue 6, pages 491-498, June 2022. DOI:
[Abstract] [Full text] [Press release] [JNEB June 2022 Podcast, featuring SM Martinez]
Policy Brief: Research Shows that CACFP Helps Fill Nutrition Gaps for Preschoolers. University of California, Division of Agriculture, Nutrition Policy Institute. 12 May 2022.
Ezennia J, Schmidt LA, Ritchie L, Blacker L, McCulloch CE, Patel AI. Water Security Experiences and Water Intake among Elementary Students at Low Income Schools: A Cross-Sectional Study. Academic Pediatrics, available online 7 May 2022, S1876-2859(22)00238-8. DOI:
Esaryk EE, Moffat LF, Ritchie LD, Martinez SM. Helping College Students Get Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program: Facilitators of and Barriers to Students Accessing the Federal Nutrition Assistance Program. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 6 May 2022, volume 54, issue 5, pages 422-431. DOI:
Heiges J, Lee DL, Vollmer L, Wobbekind K, Thompson HR, Gosliner W, Madsen KA, O’Neill K, Ritchie LD. Evaluating Food Packaging Waste in Schools: A Systematic Literature Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 5 May 2022, volume 19, issue 9, page 5607. DOI:
Hewawitharana SC, Webb KL, Strochlic R, Gosliner W. Comparison of Fruit and Vegetable Prices between Farmers' Markets and Supermarkets: Implications for Fruit and Vegetable Incentive Programs for Food Assistance Program Participants. Nutrients, 28 April 2022, volume 14, issue 9, page 1842. DOI:
Thompson HR, Borger C, Paolicelli C, Whaley SE, Reat A, Ritchie L. The Relationship between Breastfeeding and Initial Vegetable Introduction with Vegetable Consumption in a National Cohort of Children Ages 1-5 Years from Low-Income Households. Nutrients, 22 April 2022, volume 14, page 1740. DOI:
Konty KJ, Day SE, Napier MD, Irvin E, Thompson HR, D’Agostino EM. Context, importance, and process for creating a body mass index surveillance system to monitor childhood obesity within the New York City public school setting. Preventive Medicine Reports, April 2022, Volume 26, 101704. DOI:
Research Brief: A School District Innovation - The Riverside Unified School District Food Hub. UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute. UC Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program. Riverside University Health System. Riverside Food Hub. Riverside Unified School District. 1 April 2022.
Policy Brief: Stronger WIC, Healthier Kids and Moms. UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute. The National WIC Association. Pepperdine University. Public Health Foundation Enterprises-WIC. 3 March 2022.
Ritchie L, Lee D, Felix C, Sallack L, Chauvenet C, Machel G, Whaley SE. Multi-State WIC Participant Survey: Cash Value Benefit Increase During COVID. The National WIC Association. UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute. 1 March 2022.
Anderson CE, Martinez CE, O’Malley K, Ritchie LD, Whaley SE. Longer participation in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children is not associated with reduced sugar-sweetened beverage intake among Black participants. Nutrients, 28 February 2022, volume 14, issue 5, 1048. DOI:
Jackson KE, Yeb J, Gosliner W, Fernald LCH, Hamad R. Characterizing the Landscape of Safety Net Programs and Policies in California during the COVID-19 Pandemic. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 26 February 2022, Volume 19, Issue 5, page 2747. DOI:
Cradock A, Hecht C, Merlo C, Patel A. Infographic: Turn On the Tap! School Drinking Water Access During COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond. Nutrition & Obesity Policy Research & Evaluation Network, 26 January 2022.
Thompson HR, Martin A, Strochlic R, Singh S, Woodward-Lopez G. Limited implementation of California’s Healthy Default Beverage law for children’s meals sold online. Public Health Nutrition, 10 January 2022, pages 1-23. DOI:
Anderson CE, O’Malley KE, Martinez CE, Ritchie LD, Whaley SE. Longer family participation in WIC is associated with lower childhood sugar-sweetened beverage intake. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 6 January 2022. DOI: https://doi:10.1016/j.jneb.2021.10.003.
Park S, Onufrak S, Cradock AL, Hecht C, Patel A, Chevinsky JR, Blanck HM. Factors Related to Water Filter Use for Drinking Tap Water at Home and Its Association with Consuming Plain Water and Sugar-Sweetened Beverages among U.S. Adults. American Journal of Health Promotion, January 2022. DOI: https://doi:10.1177/08901171211073304
Thompson HR, Pavlovic A, D’Agostino E, Napier MD, Konty K, Day SE. The association between student body mass index and tests of flexibility assessed by the FITNESSGRAM®: New York City public school students, 2017-2018. PlosONE, 31 December, 2021, volume 16, issue 12. DOI:
Rider CD, Kao J, Hewawitharana SC, Beker CM, Linares A, Woodward-Lopez G. Validity and Reliability of a Site-Level Assessment Questionnaire to Assess Nutrition and Physical Activity Practices in Schools. Childhood Obesity, 20 December 2021. DOI:
Ritchie L, Lee DL, Sallack L, Chauvenet C, Machell G, Kim L, Song L, Whaley SE. Multi-state WIC Participants Satisfaction Survey: Learning from Program Adaptations During COVID. Funded by the National WIC Association, UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute, Pepperdine University, and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation. December 2021.
Policy Brief: More Veggies and Fruits for WIC Families is a Win for California and the Nation. University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Nutrition Policy Institute. Public Health Foundation Enterprises-WIC. November 2021.
Borger C, Paolicelli C, Ritchie L, Whaley SE, DeMatteis J, Sun B, Zimmerman T, Reat A, Dixit-Joshi S. Shifts in sources of food but stable nutritional outcomes among children in the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic. Int J Environ Res Public Health, 30 November 2021, volume 18, issue 23, page 12626. DOI:
Laraia B, Leung C, Tomiyama AJ, Ritchie L, Crawford P, Epel E. Drive for thinness in adolescents predicts greater adult BMI in the Growth and Health Study Cohort over 20 years. Obesity, 23 November 2021, volume 29, issue 12, pages 2126-2133. DOI:
Machado SS, Schillinger D, Avina L, Cortez G, Daniels R, Thompson HR. Seeing "The Bigger Picture:" Impacts of an Arts-Focused Type 2 Diabetes Education Program in High Schools. Journal of Health Communication, 15 November 2021, pages 1-12. DOI:
Thompson IJB, Ritchie LD, Bradshaw PT, Mujahid MS, Au LE. Earlier introduction to sugar-sweetened beverages associated with lower diet quality among WIC children at age 3 years. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, November 2021, volume 53, issue 11, pages 912-920. DOI:
Research Brief: Low EITC and CalEITC take-up among eligible California families. UC San Francisco. UC Berkeley. UC Agriculture and Natural Resources, Nutrition Policy Institute. November 2021.
Machado SS, Brewster AL, Shapiro VB, Ritchie LD, Magee KS, Madsen KA. Implementation Leadership in School Nutrition: A Qualitative Study. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, available online 31 October 2021. DOI:
Hewawitharana SC, Kao L, Rider CD, Talmage E, Costello S, Webb K, Gosliner W, Woodward-Lopez G. Method for Scoring Dose of Multicomponent Interventions: A Building Block for Future Evaluations. American Journal of Evaluation, 21 October 2021. DOI:
Grummon AH, Sokol RL, Goodman D, Hecht CA, Salvia M, Musicus AA, Patel AI. Storybooks About Healthy Beverage Consumption: Effects in an Online Randomized Experiment With Parents. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 20 October 2021. DOI:
Moffat LF, Ritchie LD, Gosliner W, Plank KR, Au LE. Perceived Produce Availability and Child Fruit and Vegetable Intake: The Healthy Communities Study. Nutrients, 20 October 2021. DOI:
Research Brief: Despite Progress on Protecting Renters from Eviction, More Outreach is Needed. UC San Francisco Benioff Homelessness and Housing Initiative. UC Berkeley. UC Agriculture and Natural Resources, Nutrition Policy Institute. 23 September 2021.
Strochlic R, Woodward-Lopez G, Plank K, Hewawitharana S, Richardson J, Whetstone L. Will high school students 'rethink their drink'? Findings from an impact evaluation of a healthy beverage curriculum. Health Education Journal, 23 September 2021. DOI:
Strochlic R, Woodward-Lopez G, Hewawitharana S, Streng K, Richardson J, Whetstone L, Gorshow D. A Harvest of the Month Curriculum Increases Fruit and Vegetable Intake Among 4th-6th Grade Students. Journal of School Health, September 2021, Volume 91, Issue 9, Pages 750-760. DOI:
Esaryk EE, Jiménez Arriaga EE, Kalaydjian S, Martinez SM. Campus Food Pantry Use Addresses a Gap Among California Public University Students. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 27 August 2021. DOI:
Rickrode-Fernandez Z, Kao J, Lesser MNR, Guess K. Implementation of a Healthy Food and Beverage Policy at a Public University. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 6 August 2021. DOI:
Becker C, Talmage E, Kao J, Rider CD. Background on Local Health Department Reporting of CalFresh Healthy Living Programs in the Program Evaluation and Reporting System, FFY 2020. Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention Research and Evaluation Unit, UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute. July 2021.
Jowell AH, Bruce JS, Escobar GV, Ordonez VM, Hecht CA, Patel AI. Mitigating Childhood Food Insecurity during COVID-19: A Qualitative Study of how School Districts in California’s San Joaquin Valley Responded to Growing Needs. Public Health Nutrition, 1-26, 30 July 2021. DOI:
Hazard K, Lee D, Ritchie L, Rose R, Díaz Rios LK, Plank K, Alkon A. Development of an online curriculum for California early care and education providers on healthy beverages. BMC Public Health, Volume 21, Article 1387, 13 July 2021. DOI: 10.1186/s12889-021-11428-x
Research Brief: School Drinking Water Safety. Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health. UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute. Virginia Tech. Stanford Medicine Department of Pediatrics. 2 July, 2021.
Sharma P, Altman EA, Hampton KE, Moreno GD, Hecht CA, Patel AI. Strength and Comprehensiveness of Drinking Water Language in California School District Wellness Policies. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 22 June, 2021. DOI:
News Article: George B, Rider C, Kao J, Becker C, Linares A, Woodward-Lopez G. Community health and wellness practioners increase evaluation capacity by using NPI tools. UC Delivers. 2 June 2021.
Lee DL, Alkon A, Plank K, Neelon M, Rios LKD, Hecht CE, Thompson HR, Ritchie LD. Self-Paced Online Training on Healthy Beverage Policy for Child Care Providers. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, Volume 53, Issue 6, pages 457-470, 1 June 2021. DOI:
WIC During COVID Convening on May 27, 2021 - Participant List. UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute. Public Health Foundation Enterprises-WIC. 17 June 2021.
Navarro S, Tsai M, Ritchie LD, Frongillo EA, Laraia BA, Pate RR, Au LE. Household food insecurity and children’s physical activity: The Healthy Communities Study. Public Health Nutrition, 10 June 2021, pages 1-8.
Hecht K, Hecht C, Au L, Vital N, Strochlic R, Tsai M, Ritchie L, Anderson C, Martinez C, Meza M, Whaley S. Policy Brief: Lessons Learned: Examining WIC During COVID-19 for Policy and Program Recommendations Going Forward. UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute. Public Health Foundation Enterprises-WIC. 9 June 2021.
Ritchie L, Hecht C, Au L, Vital N, Strochlic R, Tsai M, Hecht K, Olague C, Rios A, Anderson C, Martinez C, Meza M, Whaley S. Informing the Future of WIC: Lessons Learned during COVID-19 from California WIC Participants. UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute. Public Health Foundation Enterprises-WIC. 9 June 2021.
Ritchie L, Hecht C, Au L, Vital N, Tsai M, Hecht K, Anderson C, Martinez C, Meza M, Whaley S. Informing the Future of WIC: Lessons Learned during COVID-19 from California Agency Directors. UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute. Public Health Foundation Enterprises-WIC. 9 June 2021.
George B, Rider CD, Kao J, Becker C. Community health and wellness practitioners increase evaluation capacity by using NPI tools. UC Delivers, University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. 2 June 2021.
Weinfield N, Borger C, Au LE, Whaley SE, Berman D, Ritchie LD. Policy Brief: WIC Participation Linked to Higher Diet Quality Among Young Children. Center for Poverty & Inequality Research, University of California, Davis. UC Davis. 1 June 2021.
Presentation: Rider C. Challenges and Opportunities for SNAP-Ed Programs during the COVID-19 Pandemic. National Health Outreach Conference. May 2021.
Policy Brief: Parent Voices: Local Foods for School Meals, Good for Kids - Good for Community. UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute. Stanford Medicine Department of Pediatrics. Cultiva La Salud. Dolores Huerta Foundation. 14 May 2021.
Policy Brief: Parent Voices: Summer EBT, Good for Kids - Good for Community. UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute. Stanford Medicine Department of Pediatrics. Cultiva La Salud. Dolores Huerta Foundation. 14 May 2021.
Policy Brief: Parent Voices: School Meals for All, Good for Kids - Good for Community. UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute. Stanford Medicine Department of Pediatrics. Cultiva La Salud. Dolores Huerta Foundation. 14 May 2021.
Info Sheet:Tap Water Safety When Reopening Buildings After COVID-19 Shutdowns. UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute. Purdue University Center for Plumbing Safety. May 2021.
Research Brief: Effective Access to Drinking Water in Schools: What is it and why does it matter? UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute. Stanford University. University of Washington Center for Public Health Nutrition. April 2021.
Policy Brief: School Meals: Kids Are Sweeter with Less Sugar. UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute. Stanford Medicine Department of Pediatrics. Cultiva La Salud. Dolores Huerta Foundation. 22 April 2021.
Ritchie LD, Lessard L, Harpainter P, Tsai MM, Woodward-Lopez G, Tracy T, Gosliner W, McCallops K, Thompson I, Karpyn A. Restaurant kids’ meal beverage offerings before and after implementation of healthy default beverage policy statewide in California compared with citywide in Wilmington, Delaware. Public Health Nutrition, 12 April 2021. DOI:
Research Brief: Removing Chocolate Milk From School Cafeterias Positively Impacts Student Population Nutrition. UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute. UC Berkeley School of Public Health. Berkeley Food Institute. San Francisco Unified School District, Student Nutrition Services. April 2021.
Madsen KA, Thompson HR, Linchey J, Ritchie LD, Gupta S, Neumark-Sztainer D, Crawford PB, McCulloch CE, Ibarra-Castro A. Effect of school-based body mass index reporting in California public schools: A randomized trial. JAMA Pediatrics, March 2021, volume 175, issue 3, pages 251-259. DOI:
Vollmer L, Webb K. Role of Food Bank Nutrition Policies: A Guide to Action, in Nutrition in Food Banking Toolkit. Feeding America. UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute. 23 March 2021. Adapted from the University of California Nutrition Policy Institute’s Guide to Drafting a Food Bank Nutrition Policy. The guide was created for the online course Developing a Food Bank Nutrition Policy.
Nutrition in Food Banking Toolkit. Feeding America. UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute. Healthy Eating Research. MAZON. Partnership for a Healthier America. Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Nutrition and Obesity Policy Research and Evaluation Network. UConn Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 23 March 2021.
[Section 1: Healthy Eating Research Nutrition Guidelines for the Charitable Food System]
[Section 2: Applying an Intercultural Competence Lens]
[Section 3: Role of Food Bank Nutrition Policies: A Guide to Action]
Webinar: Rider C, Kao J, Becker C, Talmage E, Murphy J, Gacad K. Luciano A, Bellow J, Gregg G. Challenges and Opportunities for Local Health Departments Implementing CalFresh Healthy Living during the COVID-19 Pandemic. 23 March 2021.
[Presentation Slides] [Recording]
Tsai MM, Frongillo EA, Ritchie LD, Woodward-Lopez G, Au LE. Factor Analysis Reduces Complex Measures of Nutrition Environments in US Elementary and Middle Schools into Cohesive Dimensions in the Healthy Communities Study. The Journal of Nutrition, 9 March 2021. DOI:
Martinez SM, Esaryk EE, Moffat L, Ritchie L. Redefining Basic Needs for Higher Education: It's More than Minimal Food and Housing According to California University Students. American Journal of Health Promotion, 22 February 2021. DOI:
Patel AI, Sanchez-Vazanaugh EV, Woodward-Lopez G. The Importance of Body Mass Index Assessment and Surveillance in Schools. JAMA Pediatrics, 22 February 2021. DOI:
Moreno GD, Schmidt LA, Ritchie LD, McCulloch CE, Cabana MD, Brindis CD, Green LW, Patel AI. A cluster-randomized controlled trial of an elementary school drinking water access and promotion intervention: Rationale, study design, and protocol. Contemporary Clinical Trials, February 2021. DOI: https://doi.10.1016/j.cct.2020.106255
Research Brief: Multi-Pronged Intervention to Increase Secondary Student Participation in School Lunch. Berkeley Food Institute. UC Berkeley School of Public Health. UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute. San Francisco Unified School District, Student Nutrition Services. January 2021.
Tsai M, Long C, Gosliner W. CDFA Healthy Stores Refrigeration Grant Program Storeowner Interview Baseline Report. UC ANR Nutrition Policy Insitute. 26 January 2021.
Ritchie LD, Keeton V, Lee DL, Gurzo K, Homel Vitale E, Au LE, Alkon A. Nutrition Standards For Infants and Young Children can be Implemented by Family Child Care Home Providers. Global Pediatric Health, Volume 8, 25 January 2021. DOI:
Kocher S, F Kearns, V Koundinya, B Oatman, D Alamillo, K Panarella, S Drill, T Schohr, D Lee, W Thorpe. Disasters Happen, We Can and Will Be Prepared: Disaster Preparation and Response Guide for the UC ANR Community. University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute. January 2021.
Research Brief: Ritchie L, Vital N, Au LE, Gosliner WA, Meza M, Anderson CE, Strochlic R, Plank K, Tsai M, Martinez CE, Olague C, Rios A, Lee DL, Hecht CE, Whaley SE. WIC Especially Critical during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Voices of Participants in Los Angeles County. UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute. Public Health Foundation Enterprise, Women Infants and Children (WIC). The David and Lucille Packard Foundation. January 2021.
Au LE, Ritchie LD, Tsai M, Randel-Schreiber HR, Martinez C, Gradziel PH, Sabatier SM, Whaley SE. Alignment of California WIC Participant Preferences with Proposed WIC Food Package Recommendations. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, Volume 53, Issue 1, Pages 60-66, 1 January 2021. DOI:
Karpyn A, Lessard L, Ritchie LD, Harpainter P, Tracy T, McCallops K. Healthy default beverage policies for kids’ meals: A statewide baseline assessment of restaurant managers’ perceptions and knowledge in Delaware. Preventive Medicine Reports, 1 December 2020, volume 20, page 101272. DOI: DOI:
Umunna IL, Blacker LS, Hecht CE, Edwards MA, Altman EA, Patel AI. Water Safety in California Public Schools Following Implementation of School Drinking Water Policies. Preventing Chronic Disease, Volume 17, 31 December 2020. DOI:
Ritchie L. Self-Report from Key Informants in Diverse Settings. Advancing Measurement of Environmental and Policy Influences on Childhood Obesity. Washington (DC): National Collaborative on Childhood Obesity Research, December 2020.
[Executive Summary] [White Paper]
Kim Y, Ritchie L, Landgraf A, Hasson RE, Colabianchi N. The Role of Neighborhood Social Environment in Physical Activity among Hispanic Children: Moderation by Cultural Factors and Mediation by Neighborhood Norms. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, volume 17, issue 24, 19 December 2020. DOI:
C Rider, Linares A, Kao J, Becker C, Woodward-Lopez G. Assessing Healthful Eating and Physical Activity Practices in Places Children Learn. Journal of Extension, 17 December 2020.
Video: Payán DD. NPI Brown Bag Seminar: Structural barriers influencing food insecurity, malnutrition, and health among Latinos in the San Joaquin Valley during COVID-19. Webinar Recording. UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute. 3 December 2020.
Thompson HR, Hewawitharana SC, Kao J, Rider C, Talmage E, Gosliner W, Whetston L, Woodward-Lopez G. SNAP-Ed physical activity interventions in low-income schools are associated with greater cardiovascular fitness among 5th and 7th grade students in California. Preventive Medicine Reports, Volume 20, December 2020. DOI:
Fact Sheet: Thompson HR, Madsen KA. Body Mass Index (BMI) reports do not improve student health. UC Berkeley School of Public Health. 17 November 2020.
Madsen KA, Thompson HR, Linchey J, Ritchie LD, Gupta S, Neumark-Sztainer D, Crawford PB, McCulloch CE, Ibarra-Castro A. Effect of School-Based Body Mass Index Reporting in California Public Schools, A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Pediatrics, published online 16 November, 2020. DOI: https://10.1001/jamapediatrics.2020.4768
Ritchie LD, Lee DL, Homel Vitale E, Au LE. Transition from Breastfeeding and Complementary Feeding to Toddler Nutrition in Child Care Settings. Nestle Nutrition Institute Workshop Series, volume 95, pages 1-13. 9 November 2020. DOI:
Lee DL, Traseira R, Navarro S, Frost N, Benjamin-Neelon S, Cradock AL, Hecht K, Ritchie LD. Alignment of State Regulations With Breastfeeding and Beverage Best Practices for Childcare Centers and Family Childcare Homes, United States. Public Health Reports, available online 9 November 2020. DOI:
Research Brief: Hewawitharana S, Felix C, Long C, Strochlic R, Gosliner W. Findings from an evaluation of the California Nutrition Incentive Program at farmers’ markets. Research Brief. University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Nutrition Policy Institute. November 2020.
Fact Sheet: Boosting School Meal Participation — Tips from Districts. UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute. Stanford Medicine Department of Pediatrics. School Nutrition Association. 20 October 2020.
Infographic: Increasing Drinking Water Availability in Schools during COVID-19 and Beyond. Alliance for a Healthier Generation. National Drinking Water Alliance. 15 October 2020.
Falbe J. The ethics of excise taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages. Physiology & Behavior. 15 October 2020. DOI:
Scott-Sheldon LAJ, Hedges LV, Cyr C, Young-Hyman D, Kettel Khan L, Magnus M, King H, Arteaga S, Cawley J, Economos CD, Haire-Joshu D, Hunter CM, Lee BY, Kumanyika SK, Ritchie LD, Robinson TN, Schwartz MB. Childhood Obesity Evidence Base Project: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of a New Taxonomy of Intervention Components to Improve Weight Status in Children 2-5 Years of Age, 2005-2019. Childhood Obesity Volume 16, Number S2, 4 September 2020. DOI:
King H, Magnus M, Hedges LV, Cyr C, Young-Hyman D, Kettel Khan L, Scott-Sheldon LAJ, Saul JA, Arteaga S, Cawley J, Economos CD, Haire-Joshu D, Hunger CM, Lee BY, Kumanyika SK, Ritchie LD, Robinson TN, Schwartz MB. Childhood Obesity Evidence Base Project: Methods for Taxonomy Development for Application in Taxonomic Meta-Analysis. Childhood Obesity, Volume 16, Number S2, 4 September 2020. DOI: https://doi.10.1089/chi.2020.0138
Patel AI, Hecht CE, Cradock A, Edwards MA, Ritchie LD. Drinking Water in the United States: Implications of Water Safety, Access, and Consumption. Annual Review of Nutrition, Volume 40, pages 345-373, September 2020. DOI:
Borger C, Zimmerman T, Vericker T, DeMatteis J, Gollapudi B, Whaley S, Ritchie L, Au L, Sallack L, May L. WIC Infant and Toddler Feeding Practices Study-2 (WIC ITFPS-2): Fourth Year Report. United States Department of Agriculture. 1 September 2020.
[Report Website] [Summary] [Executive Summary] [Full Report] [Appendix]
[Video 1: Study design and methods]
[Video 2: Prenatal beliefs, breastfeeding initiation, and young infant feeding]
[Video 3: Introduction of complementary foods and feeding older infants]
[Video 4: Work, child care, and developmental progression in feeding]
[Video 5: Food intake, including energy and nutrient intake]
[Video 6: Weight and growth]
Thompson HR, Ritchie L, Park E, Madsen KA, Gosliner W. Effect of Removing Chocolate Milk on Milk and Nutrient Intake Among Urban Secondary School Students. Preventing Chronic Disease volume 17, E95. 27 August 2020. DOI:
Research Brief: Karpyn A, Ritchie L, Harpainter P, Lessard L, Tsai M, Atkins J, McCallops K, Tracy T, Woodward-Lopez G, Gosliner W. Assessing the Implementation of Kids' Meals Healthy Default Beverage Policies in the State of California and City of Wilmington, Del. Healthy Eating Research. 20 August 2020.
L Ritchie. Invited Commentary: School meals matter: federal policy can improve children's nutrition and health (Jia et al. 2020). Public Health Nutrition. Published online ahead of print 20 August 2020. DOI:
Machado SS, Ritchie LD, Thompson HR, Madsen KA. The Impact of a Multi-Pronged Intervention of School Lunch Quality and Convenience and Self-Reported Fruit and Vegetable Consumption. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Volume 17, Issue 16, 18 August 2020. DOI:
Video: Physical Activity in Schools. UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute. Kaiser Permanente. 2020 August 18.
Video: Canedo R, Martinez S, Galarneau T, Esaryk E, Jimenez E, Chodur G. Redefining Basic Needs and Assessing Housing Insecurity in Higher Education. Webinar Recording. UC Systemwide Basic Needs Committee. University of California. 13 August 2020.
Fact Sheet: Back-to-School: We'll Keep Feeding Those Kids! UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute. Stanford Medicine Department of Pediatrics. School Nutrition Association. 12 August 2020. Updated 9 September 2020.
Tan ML, Laraia B, Madsen KA, Johnson RC, Ritchie L. Community Eligibility Provision and School Meal Participation among Student Subgroups. Journal of School Health. 4 August 2020. DOI:
Martinez S, Esaryk E, Moffat L, Ritchie L. Redefining Student Basic Needs for Higher Education: A Study to Understand and Map University of California Student Basic Needs. University of California, Global Food Initiative. July 2020.
Rauzon S, Randel-Schreiber H, Kim S. What are School Health Priorities and Needs for Reopening? UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute. Alliance for a Healthier Generation. Kaiser Permanente. July 2020.
Harpainter P, Hewawitharana SC, Lee DL, Martin AC, Gosliner W, Ritchie LD, Woodward-Lopez G. Voluntary Kids' Meal Beverage Standards: Are They Sufficient to Ensure Healthier Restaurant Practices and Consumer Choice? International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 22 July 2020. DOI:
Falbe J, Grummon AH, Rojas N, Ryan-Ibarra S, Silver LD, Madsen KA. Implementation of the First US Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Tax in Berkeley, CA, 2015-2019. American Journal of Public Health. Published online ahead of print 16 July 2020. DOI:
Conference Presentation: Harrison I, Kao J. Improving the Healthfulness and Sustainability of UC Vending Machines. California Higher Education Sustainability Conference. 8 July 2020.
Research Brief: Healthy Beverages in Child Care - Adherence to California's Healthy Beverages in Child Care Act. Nutrition Policy Institute. California Food Policy Advocates. Sarah Samuels Center for Public Health Research & Evaluation. UCSF School of Nursing. California Childcare Health Program. University of California Cooperative Extension. UC Merced. 24 June 2020.
[Full Text]
Gosliner W, Chen W, Johnson C, Esparza EM, Price N, Hecht K, Ritchie L. Participants' Experiences of the 2018-2019 Government Shutdown and Subsequent Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Benefit Disruption Can Inform Future Policy. Nutrients. 23 June 2020. DOI:
[Abstract] [Full Text]
Fact Sheet: Calling all Districts! USDA Summer Meals Can Keep Kids Healthy (National version). UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute. Stanford Medicine Department of Pediatrics. School Nutrition Association. 20 June 2020.
[Fact Sheet] [Modifiable Template]
Fact Sheet: Calling all Districts! USDA Summer Meals Can Keep Kids Healthy (California version). UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute. Stanford Medicine Department of Pediatrics. Updated 20 June 2020.
[Fact Sheet] [Modifiable Template]
Altman EA, Lee KL, Hecht CA, Hampton KA, Moreno G, Patel AI. Drinking water access in California schools: Room for improvement following implementation of school water policies. Preventive Medicine Reports, eCollection September 2020. Available online 8 June 2020. DOI:
[Abstract] [Full Text]
Tsai M, Harpainter P, Martin A, Woodward-Lopez G, Lee D, Ritchie L. Healthy Default Beverages in Kids’ Meals: Evaluating Policy Adherence and Impact in California. Current Developments in Nutrition, Volume 4, Issue Supplement 2, 29 May 2020. DOI:
Ponce J, Yuan H, Schillinger D, Mahmood H, Lee M, Falbe J, Daniels R, Madsen KA. Retailer Perspectives on Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Taxes in the California Bay Area. Preventive Medicine Reports, available online 28 May 2020. DOI:
Rauzon S, Randel-Schreiber H, Kuo E, Schwartz P, Reed AL, Thompson HR. The association between sugar-sweetened beverage availability in school vending machines and school staff sugar-sweetened beverage consumption. Preventive Medicine Reports, Volume 19. September 2020. Available online 27 May 2020. DOI:
[Abstract] [Full Text]
Kris-Etherton PM, Petersen KS, Hibbeln JR, Hurley D, Kolick V, Peoples S, Rodriguez N, Woodward-Lopez G. Nutrition and behavioral health disorders: depression and anxiety. Nutrition Reviews, available online 24 May 2020. DOI:
Falbe J, Lee MM, Kaplan S, Rojas NA, Ortega Hinojosa AM, Madsen KA. Higher Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Retail Prices After Excise Taxes in Oakland and San Francisco. American Journal of Public Health, available online 21 May 2020. DOI:
Collie-Akers VL, Fawcett SB, Schultz JA, Fleming KK, Swinburne Romine RE, Ritchie LD, Frongillo EA, Arteaga SS. Association of Multisetting Community Programs and Policies With Child Body Mass Index: The Healthy Communities Study. Preventing Chronic Disease, Volume 17, 7 May 2020. DOI:
Madsen K, Gosliner W. "Fast Food Embodied: Industrial Diets." in Bite Back: People Taking on Corporate Food and Winning. Edited by Saru Jarayaman and Kathryn De Master, University of California Press, May 2020.
Tsai M, Esparza E, Gosliner W. CDFA Healthy Stores Refrigeration Grant Program Community-based Organization Interview Baseline Report. UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute. 7 May 2020.
Lee DL, Gurzo K, Nhan L, Homel Vitale E, Yoshida S, Ritchie LD. Nutrition Provided to Infants in Licensed Childcare Centers and Homes: A Descriptive Study. Maternal and Child Health Journal, available online 29 April 2020. DOI:
Fact Sheet: ¿Consumir frutas y verduras frescas sigue siendo seguro durante el COVID-19? Existen varios programas de ayuda para comprar frutas y verduras. UC San Diego Center for Community Health. Ideas 42. UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute. 29 April 2020.
Fact Sheet: It is safe to eat fresh fruits and vegetables during COVID-19? There's help for buying fresh and local fruits and vegetables. UC San Diego Center for Community Health. Ideas 42. UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute. 29 April 2020.
Lee DL, Gurzo K, Nhan LA, Homel Vitale E, Yoshida S, Hecht K, Ritchie LD. Status of Beverages Served to Young Children in Child Care After Implementation of California Policy 2012-2016. Preventing Chronic Disease, volume 17, 9 April 2020. DOI:
Gurzo K, Lee DL, Ritchie K, Yoshida S, Homel Vitale E, Hecht K, Ritchie LD. Child Care Sites Participating in the Federal Child and Adult Care Food Program Provide More Nutritious Foods and Beverages. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, Volume 52, Issue 7, pages 607-704, 1 July 2020. Available online 5 April 2020. DOI:
Fact Sheet: Kids’ Hunger Doesn’t Take a Spring Break. While closed for COVID-19, school districts can serve meals over spring break. UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute. Stanford Medicine Department of Pediatrics. 2 April 2020.
[Fact Sheet] [Modifiable Template]
Fact Sheet: Kids’ Hunger Doesn’t Take a Spring Break. While closed for COVID-19, California districts can serve meals over spring break. UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute. Stanford Medicine Department of Pediatrics. 1 April 2020. Updated 7 April 2020.
[Fact Sheet] [Modifiable Template]
Fact Sheet: How to Stay Food Secure and Eat Well Despite COVID-19. Berkeley Food Institute. UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute. 31 March 2020.
[English Fact Sheet] [Spanish Fact Sheet] [County resources template for UCCE Advisors: English, Spanish]
Fact Sheet: Guidance On The Safe Usage of Open Spaces During COVID-19. Berkeley Food Institute. UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute. 31 March 2020.
[English Fact Sheet] [Spanish Fact Sheet]
Park S, Onufrak S, Cradock A, Patel A, Hecht C, Merlo C, Blanck HM. Correlates of infrequent plain water intake among US high school students: National Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 2017. American Journal of Health Promotion, available online on 18 March, 2020. DOI: [Abstract]
Toolkit: Expanding School Meal Programs Outside of the Cafeteria: Teacher Outreach, Grab and Go Carts, and Full-Meal Vending. A Toolkit for School Meal Operators. UC Berkeley School of Public Health. San Francisco Unified School District Student Nutrition Services. Nutrition Policy Institute. University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. 17 March, 2020. [Full Text]
Thompson HR, Gosliner W, Ritchie L, Wobbenkind K, Reed AL, O'Keefe O, Madsen KA. The Impact of a Multipronged Intervention to Increase School Lunch Participation among Secondary School Students in an Urban Public School District. Childhood Obesity, available online 10 March 2020. DOI:
Research Brief: Effective Access to Drinking Water in Schools. UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute. University of California, San Francisco. University of Washington, Center for Public Health Nutrition. March 2020.
Cooper A, Altman E, Hecht C, Bruce J, Patel A. Stories of success: A qualitative examination of contributors to excellence in school drinking water access. Public Health Nutrition, available online 26 February 2020. DOI:
Colvin M, Lee DL, Ritchie LD, Hecht K, Surls R. Addressing Food Insecurity for Families and Individuals in California Experiencing Housing Insecurity. University of California, Global Food Initiative. Nutrition Policy Institute. University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. 25 February 2020.
Fact Sheet: Child Care Drinking Water Safety. National Drinking Water Alliance. 20 February 2020.
Whaley SE, Martinez CE, Paolicelli C, Ritchie LD, Weinfield NS. Predictors of WIC Participation Through 2 Years of Age. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, available online 14 February 2020. DOI:
Weinfield NS, Borger C, Au LE, Whaley SE, Berman D, Ritchie LD. Longer Participation in WIC Is Associated with Better Diet Quality in 24-Month-Old Children. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Volume 120, Issue 6. Published online 8 February 2020. DOI:
Alkon A, Rose B, Hazard K, Lee DL, Ritchie LD, Hecht C, Hecht K, DiMatteo G, Patel A, Neelon M, Soule K, Diaz Rios K, Ravalin D, Pyeatt G, James P, Tellez S, Beattie A, Borrman A, Chamnes N, Myers L. (2020, February 4). Healthy Beverages in Early Care & Education. eXtension Campus.
Alkon A, Rose B, Hazard K, Lee DL, Ritchie LD, Hecht C, Hecht K, DiMatteo G, Patel A, Neelon M, Soule K, Diaz Rios K, Ravalin D, Pyeatt G, James P, Tellez S, Beattie A, Borrman A, Chamnes N, Myers L. (2020, February 4). Bebidas Saludables en el Cuidado y Educacio´n de la Infancia Temprana.eXtension Campus.
Patel AI, Podrabsky M, Hecht AA, Morris S, Yovanovich S, Walkinshaw LP, Ritchie L, Hecht C. Development and Validation of a Photo-Evidence Tool to Examine Characteristics of Effective Drinking Water Access in Schools. Journal of School Health, 28 January 2020. DOI:
Research Brief: California Department of Public Health SNAP-Ed Evaluation: PSE FFY18 Reporting Results. Nutrition Policy Institute. 2019
Plimier CC, Hewawitharana SC, Webb KL, Au LE, Neumark-Sztainer D, Ritchie LD. Community-level obesity prevention is not associated with dieting behaviours and weight dissatisfaction in children: The Healthy Communities Study. Pediatric Obesity, 22 December 2019. DOI:
Blondin K, Crawford P, Orta-Aleman D, Randel-Schreiber H, Strochlic R, Webb K, Woodward-Lopez G. School-based interventions for promoting nutrition and physical activity & preventing obesity: overview of studies and findings. Nutrition Policy Institute. November 2019.
Au LE, Ritchie LD, Gurzo K, Nhan LA, Woodward-Lopez G, Kao J, Guenther PM, Tsai M, Gosliner W. Post Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act adherence to select school nutrition standards by region and poverty level: The Healthy Communities Study. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, Volume 52, Issue 23. Published online 26 November, 2019. DOI:
Research Brief: How SNAP Participants Experienced the 2018-19 Government Shutdown and SNAP Benefit Disruption. Nutrition Policy Institute. November 2019.
Gosliner W, Chen W, Johnson K, Price N, Hecht K, Esparza EM, Ritchie L. UC ANR Opportunity Grant Final Report. Capturing Participants' Experiences of the 2019 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Food Assistance Benefit Disruption to Inform Future Policy. Nutrition Policy Institute. University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Cooperative Extension. 25 November 2019.
[Research Brief] [Full report available upon request, email Wendi Gosliner]
Video: Hewawitharana S. NPI Brown Bag Seminar: Building on low-income consumer perspectives and practices to inform healthy retail interventions. Webinar. UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute. 21 November 2019.
Patel AI, Hecht AA, Hampton KE, Hecht C, Buck S. Agua4All: Providing Safe Drinking Water in Rural California Communities. Preventing Chronic Disease, Volume 14, 14 November 2019. DOI:
Fernald LCH, Gosliner W. Alternatives to SNAP: Global Approaches to Addressing Childhood Poverty and Food Insecurity. American Journal of Public Health, Volume 109, Issue 12, November 2019. DOI:
Strochlic R, Hecht K, Feenstra G, Ritchie LD. Evaluation Findings: Riverside Unified School District Food Distribution Hub. Nutrition Policy Institute. University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program. Riverside Unified School District. Riverside University Health System. Riverside Food Hub. October 2019.
[Summary] [Full Report]
Spang ES, Achmon Y, Donis-Gonzalez I, Gosliner WA, Jablonski-Sheffield MP, Momin MA, Moreno LC, Pace SA, Quested TE, Winans KS, Tomich TP. Food Loss and Waste: Measurement, Drivers, and Solutions. Annual Reviews, Volume 14, 17 October 2019. DOI:
Research Brief: Evaluation Brief for Local Health Departments, Healthy Default Beverages in Kid's Meals. Nutrition Policy Institute. October 2019.
Policy Brief: Are Sugar-Sweetened Beverages a Problem? Nutrition Policy Institute. National Drinking Water Alliance. September 2019.
Research Brief: Increasing Local Park Use Requires Infrastructure and Sustainable Programming. California Department of Public Health, CalFresh Healthy Living. Nutrition Policy Institute. September 2019.
Video: Adler S, Berner Wong N. NPI Brown Bag Seminar: Advancing equitable food systems through evidence-based policy. Webinar. UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute. 5 September 2019.
Research Brief: Site-Level Assessment Questionnaire (SLAQ): An overview. Nutrition Policy Institute. August/September 2019.
Au LE, Zhu SM, Nhan LA, Plank KR, Frongillo EA, Laraia BA, Gurzo K, Ritchie LD. Household Food Insecurity Is Associated with Higher Adiposity among US Schoolchildren Ages 10-15 Years: The Healthy Communities Study. The Journal of Nutrition, Volume 149, Issue 9, pages 1642-1650, 1 September 2019. DOI:
Weinfield N, Borger C, Zimmerman T, DeMatteis J, MacAllum C, Whaley S, Ritchie L, Au L, Sallack L, May L. WIC Infant and Toddler Feeding Practices Study-2: Third Year Report. United States Department of Agriculture. 1 August 2019.
[Report Website] [Summary] [Executive Summary] [Full Report] [Infographic]
Hewawitharana S, Strochlic R, Gosliner W. Utilization of the California Nutrition Incentive Program Among CalFresh Shoppers and Its Association with Food Security Status (P04-010-19). Current Developments in Nutrition, volume 3, supplement 1, nzz051-P04, June 2019. DOI:
Gosliner W, Shah H. Participant voices: examining issue, program and policy priorities of SNAP-Ed eligible adults in California. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 24 June 2019. DOI:
Martinez SM, Grander MA, Nazami A, Canedo ER, Ritchie LD. Pathways from Food Insecurity to Health Outcomes among California University Students. Nutrients, Volume 11, Issue 6, 24 June 2019. DOI:
Walkinshaw LP, Hecht C, Patel A, Podrabsky M. Training High School Student “Citizen Scientists” to Document School Water Access: A Feasibility Study. Journal of School Health, Volume 89, Issue 8, 03 June 2019. DOI:
Policy Brief: Infant and Toddler Beverage Recommendations for the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. National Drinking Water Alliance. Nutrition Policy Institute. June 2019.
Gerstein DE, Plank K, Woodward Lopez G, Crawford P. Active Parks, Healthy People Pilot Program, Evaluation Report. Nutrition Policy Institute. May 2019.
Shah HD, Adler J, Ottoson J, Webb K, Gosliner W. Leaders' Experiences in Planning, Implementing, and Evaluating Complex Public Health Nutrition Interventions. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, Volume 51, Issue 5, May 2019, Pages 528-538. DOI:
Thompson HR, Singh BK, Ibarra-Castro A, Woodward-Lopez G, Madsen K. Access to credentialed elementary physical education teachers in California and students' cardiorespiratory fitness. Preventive Medicine, Volume 121, April 2019, Pages 62-67. DOI:
Research Brief: New study shows access to elementary physical education teachers in California is lacking and may be negatively impacting student health. UC Berkeley School of Public Health. UC Agriculture and Natural Resources Nutrition Policy Institute. April 2019.
Blondin K, Orta-Aleman D, Woodward-Lopez G. Early Care and Education (ECE) Interventions for Promoting Nutrition and Physical Activity and Preventing Obesity. Nutrition Policy Institute. March 2019.
Tsai M, Ritchie LD, Ohri-Vachaspati P, Au LE. Student Perception of Healthfulness, and Participation in School Lunch: The Healthy Communities Study. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, available online 6 March 2019. DOI:
Machado S, Ritchie L, Thompson H, Reed A, Castro AI, Neelon M, Madsen K. Multi-pronged intervention to increase secondary student participation in school lunch: Design and rationale. Contemporary Clinical Trials, March 2019, Volume 78, Pages 133–139. E-pub ahead of print Feb 13, 2019. DOI: 10.1016/j.cct.2019.01.013.
Research Brief: Infant Nutrition Practices in California Licensed Child Care Prior to New 2017 CACFP Nutrition Standards. UC Agriculture and Natural Resources Nutrition Policy Institute. California Food Policy Advocates. Sarah Samuels Center for Public Health Research & Evaluation. March 2019.
Research Brief: Child Nutrition Practices in California Licensed Child Care Prior to New 2017 CACFP Nutrition Standards. UC Agriculture and Natural Resources Nutrition Policy Institute. California Food Policy Advocates. Sarah Samuels Center for Public Health Research & Evaluation. March 2019.
Au LE, Paolicelli C, Gurzo K, Ritchie LD, Weinfield NS, Plank KR, Whaley SE. Contribution of WIC-Eligible Foods to the Overall Diet of 13- and 24-Month-Old Toddlers in the WIC Infant and Toddler Feeding Practices Study-2. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Volume 119, Issue 3 March 2019, Pages 435-448. E-pub ahead of print Jan 9, 2019. DOI:
Lee MM, Falbe J, Schillinger D, Basu S, McCulloch CE, Madsen KA. Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption 3 Years After the Berkeley, California, Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Tax. American Journal of Public Health published online ahead of print February 21, 2019: e1–e3. DOI:10.2105/AJPH.2019.304971.
Gosliner W, Delaney T, Caldwell S, Lee JM, Billups N, Floor S. The Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation of California's Inaugural Food Waste Prevention Week. Journal of Public Health Management, Volume 26, Issue 2, March/April 2020, pages E28-E31. DOI: 10.1097/PHH.0000000000000896
Cradock AL, Hecht CA, Poole MK, Vollmer LY, Flax CN, Barrett JL. State approaches to testing school drinking water for lead in the United States. Boston, MA: Prevention Research Center on Nutrition and Physical Activity at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health; January 2019.
Cradock AL, Poole MK, Vollmer LY, Barrett JL, Flax CN, Hecht CA. State Policies on Testing Drinking Water for Lead in U.S. Schools. Research Brief. Durham, NC: Healthy Eating Research; January 2019.
CalFresh Fact Sheets - How CalFresh Benefits California’s Counties. Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Agriculture and Natural Resources. 2018.
[Fact sheets for each California county]
Research Brief: California Department of Public Health SNAP-Ed Evaluation: PSE FFY17 Reporting Results. Nutrition Policy Institute. 2018.
University of California Healthy Vending Policy: Implementation and Best Practices Toolkit. University of California Global Food Initiative Healthy Vending Working Group. University of California Global Food Initiative, 2018.
United States Government Accountability Office. Better Information Could Help Eligible College Students Access Federal Food Assistance Benefits. December 2018.
[Abstract] [Full Text] [Accessible Version] [Website]
Martinez SM, Tschann JM, McCulloch CE, Sites E, Butte NF, Gregorich SE, Penilla C, Flores E, Pasch LA, Greenspan LC, Deardorff J. Temporal associations between circadian sleep and activity patterns in Mexican American children. Sleep Health, available online 12 December 2018. DOI:
Hewawitharana SC, Thompson FE, Loria CM, Strauss W, Nagaraja J, Ritchie LD, Webb KL. Comparison of the NHANES dietary screener questionnaire to the Automated Self-Administered 24-Hour Recall for Children in the Healthy Communities Study. Nutrition Journal, Nov 27, 2018. DOI:
Martinez S, Tschann JM, Butte N, Gregorich SE, Penilla C, Flores E, Pasch L, Greenspan L, Deardorff J. Sleep duration in Mexican American children: Do mothers' and fathers' parenting and family practices play a role? Journal of Sleep Research, November 5, 2018. DOI:
Au LE, Gurzo K, Paolicelli C, Whaley SE, Weinfield NS, Ritchie LD. Diet Quality of U.S. Infants and Toddlers 7-24 Months Old in the WIC Infant and Toddler Feeding Practices Study-2. The Journal of Nutrition, Nov 1, 2018, 148(11):1786-1793. DOI: 10.1093/jn/nxy192.
The Healthy Communities Study: Examining Community Programs, Policies and Other Characteristics in Relation to Child Weight, Diet and Physical Activity. Guest Editor: Shiriki K. Kumanyika. Pediatric Obesity, Volume 13, Issue S1, October 21, 2018.
Tan ML, Laraia B, Madsen K, Au LE, Ritchie LD. Child Food Insecurity Is Associated with Energy Intake among Fourth- and Fifth-Grade Girls. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Oct 11, 2018. DOI: 10.1016/j.jand.2018.07.011
Calancie L, Cooksey-Stowers K, Palmer A, Frost N, Calhoun H, Piner A, Webb K. Toward a Community Impact Assessment for Food Policy Councils: Identifying Potential Impact Domains. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development. Published online September 24, 2018. DOI:
Au LE, Crawford PB, Woodward-Lopez G, Gurzo K, Kao J, Webb KL, Ritchie LD. School Wellness Committees Are Associated With Lower Body Mass Index Z-Scores and Improved Dietary Intakes in US Children: The Healthy Communities Study. Journal of School Health, Sep 2018. DOI: 10.1111/josh.12664
Cates S, Blitstein J, Sallack L, Deehy K, Ritchie L, Rosen N, Karns S, Kosa K, Kilpatrick G, Bell S, Rains C. Project Officer: Karen Castellanos-Brown. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service, Office of Policy Support. WIC Nutrition Education Study: Phase II Final Report. Alexandria, VA: September 2018.
[Abstract] [Full Text] [Website]
Crawford P, Dunning L, Kappagoda M, O’Connor JC. The Role of Law and Policy in Achieving the Healthy People 2020 Nutrition and Weight Status Goals of Increased Fruit and Vegetable Intake in the United States. Rockville (MD). Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP); 2018 Sept 13.
Meza A, Altman E, Martinez S, Leung C. “It’s a Feeling That One Is Not Worth Food”: A Qualitative Study Exploring the Psychosocial Experience and Academic Consequences of Food Insecurity Among College Students. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 10 September 2018. DOI:
Lorrene Ritchie developed and, with Danielle Lee, coordinated special issue on policies, programs and best practices in early care and education settings. Childhood Obesity, Vol. 14, No. 6, 1 Sep 2018.
Lee D, Gurzo K, Yoshida S, Vitale EH, Hecht K, Ritchie LD. Compliance with the New 2017 Child and Adult Care Food Program Standards for Infants and Children before Implementation. Childhood Obesity, Vol. 14, No. 6, 1 Sep 2018. DOI:
Altman EA, Ritchie LD, Frongillo EA, Madsen KA. Food Insecurity Is Associated with Body Dissatisfaction among Children in California. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 2018 August 31. DOI: 10.1016/j.jand.2018.07.007. [Epub ahead of print]
Research Brief: Both Online and In-Person Nutrition Education Can Improve Health Outcomes for WIC Participants. UC Agriculture and Natural Resources Nutrition Policy Institute. PHFE WIC. August 2018.
Study Tool: Goals for Healthy Beverages in Child Care Centers and Homes. Nutrition Policy Institute. 2018.
Grummon AH, Sokol RL, Hecht CA, Patel AI. Measuring beverage consumption in U.S. children and adolescents: a systematic review. Obesity Reviews 19, pages 1017-1027, August 2018. DOI:
Strochlic R, Plank K, Hewawitharana S, Hernandez M, Richardson J, Crawford P. Evaluation of the Rethink Your Drink 9th-12th Grade Curriculum, 2017. Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention Research and Evaluation Unit, Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Prepared for the California Department of Health, Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention Branch. July 2018. This material was funded by USDA's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). This project was supported by funds received from the State of California, Department of Public Health.
Ritchie LD, Woodward-Lopez G, Au LE, Loria CM, Collie-Akers V, Wilson DK, Frongillo EA, Strauss WJ, Landgraf AJ, Nagaraja J, Sagatov RDF, Nicastro HL, Nebeling LC, Webb KL; Healthy Communities Study Team. Associations of community programs and policies with children's dietary intakes: the Healthy Communities Study. Pediatric Obesity. 2018 Jul 10. DOI:
Woodward-Lopez G, Gosliner W, Au LE, Kao J, Webb KL, Sagatov RD, Strauss WJ, Landgraf AJ, Nagaraja J, Wilson DK, Nicastro HL, Nebeling LC, Schultz JA, Ritchie LD; On behalf of the Healthy Communities Study Team. Community characteristics modify the relationship between obesity prevention efforts and dietary intake in children: the Healthy Communities Study. Pediatric Obesity, 10 July 2018.
Martinez S, Frongillo EA, Leung C, Ritchie L. No food for thought: Food insecurity is related to poor mental health and lower academic performance among students in California’s public university system. Journal of Health Psychology, June 25, 2018. DOI:
[Full Text]
Nazmi A, Martinez S, Byrd A, Robinson D, Bianco S, Maguire J, Crutchfield RM, Condron K, Ritchie L. A systematic review of food insecurity among US students in higher education. Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition, 22 Jun 2018. DOI:
Pate RR, Frongillo EA, McIver KL, Colabianchi N, Wilson DK, Collie-Akers VL, Schultz JA, Reis J, Madsen K, Woodward-Lopez G, Berrigan D, Landgraf A, Nagaraja J, Strauss WJ; Healthy Communities Study Research Group. Associations between community programmes and policies and children's physical activity: the Healthy Communities Study. Pediatric Obesity. 2018 Jun 13. DOI:
Webb KL, Hewawitharana SC, Au LE, Collie-Akers V, Strauss WJ, Landgraf AJ, Nagaraja J, Wilson DK, Sagatov R, Kao J, Loria CM, Fawcett SB, Ritchie LD; Healthy Communities Study Team. Objectives of community policies and programs associated with more healthful dietary intakes among children: findings from the Healthy Communities Study. Pediatric Obesity. 2018 Jun 19. DOI:
Schultz JA, Collie-Akers VL, Fawcett SB, Strauss WJ, Nagaraja J, Landgraf AJ, McIver KL, Weber SA, Arteaga SS, Nebeling LC, Rauzon SM; Healthy Communities Study Team. Association between community characteristics and implementation of community programmes and policies addressing childhood obesity: the Healthy Communities Study. Pediatric Obesity. E-pub ahead of print: June 19, 2018; print publication: October 2018. DOI:
Collie-Akers VL, Schultz JA, Fawcett SB, Landry S, Obermeier S, Frongillo EA, Forthofer M, Weinstein N, Weber SA, Logan A, Arteaga SS, Nebeling L, Au LE; Healthy Communities Study Team. Measuring the intensity of community programs and policies for preventing childhood obesity in a diverse sample of US communities: the Healthy Communities Study. Pediatric Obesity. 2018 Jun 14. DOI:
Wang MC, Crespi CM, Jiang LH, Nobari T, Roper-Fingerhut H, Rauzon S, Robles B, Blocklin M, Davoudi M, Kuo T, MacLeod KE, Seto E, Whaley S, Prelip M. Developing an index of dose of exposure to early childhood obesity community interventions. Preventive Medicine, Volume 111, June 2018, Pages 135-141. DOI:
Bates CR, Bohnert AM, Gerstein DE. Green Schoolyards in Low-Income Urban Neighborhoods: Natural Spaces for Positive Youth Development Outcomes. Frontiers in Psychology, May 25, 2018. DOI:
Research Brief: A Modest State Supplement to Federal Reimbursement for Meals Served in Child and Adult Care Food Program Sites Can Improve the Nutrition and Health of Young Children and Support Child Care. UC Agriculture and Natural Resources Nutrition Policy Institute, May 2018.
Harner LT, Kuo ES, Cheadle A, Rauzon S, Schwartz PM, Parnell B, Kelly C, Solomon L. Using Population Dose to Evaluate Community-level Health Initiatives. American Journal of Preventive Medicine Volume 54, Issue 5, Supplement 2, May 2018, Pages S117–S123. DOI:
Cheadle A, Atiedu A, Rauzon S, Schwartz PM, Keene L, Davoudi M, Spring R, Molina M, Lee L, Boyle K, Williamson D, Steimberg C, Tinajero R, Ravel J, Nudelman J, Azuma A, Kuo ES, Solomon L. A Community-Level Initiative to Prevent Obesity: Results From Kaiser Permanente’s Healthy Eating Active Living Zones Initiative in California. American Journal of Preventive Medicine Volume 54, Issue 5, Supplement 2, May 2018, Pages S150–S159. DOI:
Woodward-Lopez G, Kao J, Kuo ES, Rauzon S, Taylor AC, Goette C, Collins C, Gonzalez EP, Ronshausen DR, Boyle K, Williamson D, Cheadle A. Changes in Consumer Purchases in Stores Participating in an Obesity Prevention Initiative. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Volume 54, Issue 5, Supplement 2, May 2018, Pages S160–S169. DOI:
Woodward-Lopez G, Kao J, Kuo ES, James P, Lenhart K, Becker CM, Boyle K, Williamson D, Rauzon S. Changes in Nutrition Policies and Dietary Intake in Child Care Homes Participating in Healthy Eating and Active Living Initiative. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Volume 54, Issue 5, Supplement 2, May 2018, Pages S170–S177. DOI:
Kao J, Woodward-Lopez G, Kuo ES, James P, Becker CM, Lenhart K, Boyle K, Williamson D, Rauzon S. Improvements in Physical Activity Opportunities: Results From a Community-Based Family Child Care Intervention. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Volume 54, Issue 5, Supplement 2, May 2018, Pages S178–S185. DOI:
Borger C, Weinfield N, Zimmerman T, MacAllum C, DeMatteis J, Whaley S, Ritchie L, Sallack L, Au L, Jenkins F, May L. WIC Infant and Toddler Feeding Practices Study-2: Second Year Report. USDA, April 20, 2018.
Final Evaluation Report: Kaiser Permanente Community Health Initiative. Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute, Center for Community Health and Evaluation, and University of California, Nutrition Policy Institute, April 2018.
Au LE, Ehrens K, Burda N, Zumbrun E. The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics' Priorities in the 2018 Farm Bill. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, April 2018, Volume 118, Issue 4, Pages 767–770. DOI:
Au LE, Gurzo K, Gosliner W, Webb KL, Crawford PB, Ritchie LD. Eating School Meals Daily Is Associated with Healthier Dietary Intakes: The Healthy Communities Study. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, E-pub March 16, 2018. DOI:
Gosliner W, Brown DM, Sun BC, Woodward-Lopez G, Crawford PB. Availability, quality and price of produce in low-income neighbourhood food stores in California raise equity issues. Public Health Nutrition, published online 15 March 2018. DOI:
Strochlic R, Hewawitharana S, Streng K, Richardson J, Gorshow D, Crawford P. Evaluation of the Harvest of the Month 4-6 Grade Curriculum, 2017. Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention Research and Evaluation Unit, Nutrition Policy Institute, University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Prepared for the California Department of Health, Nutrition Education and Obesity Prevention Branch. February 2018. This material was funded by USDA's Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). This project was supported by funds received from the State of California, Department of Public Health.
Gupta C, Bianchi M, Moritz M, Ritchie L. Documenting and Supporting Policy Efforts and Impacts: Enhancing Use of the Academic Performance Review Process in UC ANR. Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California. February 2018.
Strauss WJ, Nagaraja J, Landgraf AJ, Arteaga SS, Fawcett SB, Ritchie LD, John LV, Gregoriou M, Frongillo EA, Loria CM, Weber SA, Collie-Akers VL, McIver KL, Schultz J, Sagatov RDF, Leifer ES, Webb K, Pate RR, and on behalf of the Healthy Communities Study Team. The longitudinal relationship between community programmes and policies to prevent childhood obesity and BMI in children: The Healthy Communities Study. Pediatric Obesity, 2018 Feb 28, doi: 10.1111/ijpo.12266. [Epub ahead of print].
Leung CW, DiMatteo SG, Gosliner WA, Ritchie LD. Sugar-Sweetened Beverage and Water Intake in Relation to Diet Quality in U.S. Children. American Journal of Preventive Medicine Volume 54, Issue 3, March 2018, Pages 394-402. Epub 12 January 2018: DOI:
Policy Brief: Is California Ready for the New Child and Adult Care Food Program Meal Pattern? California Food Policy Advocates, UC Agriculture and Natural Resources Nutrition Policy Institute, Samuels Center for Public Health Research and Evaluation, January 2018.
Grummon A, Sokol R, Hecht C, Patel A. Measuring Beverage Intake in Children and Adolescents: State of the Science, Recommendations, and Resources for Evaluation. Nutrition Policy Institute, January 2018.
Research Brief: Nutrition Standards for Family Child Care Homes: Evaluation Results from a 2017 Pilot Study of Nutrition Standards Training of 30 Family Child Care Home Providers in Three California Counties. UC Agriculture and Natural Resources Nutrition Policy Institute, California Food Policy Advocates, and UCSF California Childcare Health Program, December 2017.
Global Food Initiative: Food and Housing Security at the University of California. Contributors: UCOP Institutional Research and Academic Planning (Pamela Brown, Tongshan Chang, Xiaohui Zheng, Daniel Byrd), UCOP Student Affairs (Christopher Carter, Jerlena Griffin-Desta, Eric Heng), Nutrition Policy Institute (Suzanna Martinez, Lorrene Ritchie), Campus and Systemwide Food Access Security and Basic Needs Committee Members, Ruben E. Cañedo, Claire Doan, Tim Galarneau, Carolyn McMillan and Gale Sheean-Remotto. University of California Office of the President Global Food Initiative, December 2017.
Global Food Initiative: Food and Housing Security at the University of California, Executive Summary. Contributors: UCOP Institutional Research and Academic Planning (Pamela Brown, Tongshan Chang, Xiaohui Zheng, Daniel Byrd), UCOP Student Affairs (Christopher Carter, Jerlena Griffin-Desta, Eric Heng), Nutrition Policy Institute (Suzanna Martinez, Lorrene Ritchie), Campus and Systemwide Food Access Security and Basic Needs Committee Members, Ruben E. Cañedo, Claire Doan, Tim Galarneau, Carolyn McMillan and Gale Sheean-Remotto. University of California Office of the President Global Food Initiative, December 2017.
Martinez SM, Webb K, Frongillo EA, Ritchie LD. Food insecurity in California's public university system: What are the risk factors? Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition, Published online: 21 Nov 2017.
Ritchie L, guest editor. California Agriculture, July-September 2017, special issue on the UC Global Food Initiative.
Watson TD, Malan H, Glik D, Martinez S. College Students identify university support for basic needs and life skills as key ingredient in addressing food insecurity on campus. California Agriculture, Volume 71, Number 3, July-September 2017.
Whaley SE, Whaley M, Au LE, Gurzo K, Ritchie LD. Breastfeeding Is Associated With Higher Retention in WIC After Age 1. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2017 Sep 8. doi: 10.1016/j.jneb.2017.07.003. [Epub ahead of print].
Leonard SA, Petito LC, Rehkopf DH, Ritchie LD, Abrams B. Maternal History of Child Abuse and Obesity Risk in Offspring: Mediation by Weight in Pregnancy. Childhood Obesity. 2017 Aug;13(4):259-266. doi/10.1089/chi.2017.0019
Abrams B, Coyle J, Cohen A, Headen I, Hubbard A, Ritchie L, Rehkopf D. Excessive Gestational Weight Gain and Subsequent Maternal Obesity at Age 40: A Hypothetical Intervention. American Journal of Public Health. Published online ahead of print July 20, 2017: e1–e7. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2017.303881
Frongillo EA, Fawcett SB, Ritchie LD, Arteaga S, Loria CM, Pate RR, John LV, Strauss WJ, Gregoriou M, Collie-Akers VL, Schultz JA, Landgraf AJ, Nagaraja J. Community policies and programs to prevent obesity and child adiposity. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Volume 53, Issue 5, November 2017, Pages 576-583. Epub 5 July 2017. DOI:
Madsen K, Linchey J, Ritchie L, Thompson H. The Fit Study: Design and rationale for a cluster randomized trial of school-based BMI screening and reporting. Contemporary Clinical Trials, Volume 58, July 2017, pages 40-46. DOI:
Dooley D, Moultrie N, Sites E, Crawford P. Primary care interventions to reduce childhood obesity and sugar-sweetened beverage consumption: Food for thought for oral health professionals. Journal of Public Health Dentistry, 16 June 2017. DOI: 10.1111/jphd.12229.
Keihner A, Rosen N, Wakimoto P, Goldstein L, Sugerman S, Hudes M, Ritchie L, McDevitt K. Impact of California Children’s Power Play! Campaign on Fruit and Vegetable Intake and Physical Activity among Fourth- and Fifth-Grade Students. American Journal of Health Promotion, Epub November 17, 2016; in print May 2017, pp. 189–191.
Grodsky D, Violante A, Barrows A, Gosliner W. Using Behavioral Science to Improve the WIC Experience: Lessons for the field from San Jose, California. ideas 42 and UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute, May 2017.
Strochlic R, Vollmer L, Webb K. Needs Assessment of the Rural and Remote Member Food Banks of the California Association of Food Banks, UC ANR Nutrition Policy Institute, April 2017.
Strochlic R, Au LE, Ritchie L. Is urban–rural location associated with weight status in school children? An examination of 42 small and rural Californian counties. International Journal of Rural and Remote Health, 2017 April-June 2017;17(2):3966. doi: 10.22605/RRH3966. Epub 2017 Apr 18.
Pérez-Escamilla R, Segura-Pérez S, Lott M, et al. Best Practices for Promoting Healthy Nutrition, Feeding Patterns, and Weight Status for Infants and Toddlers from Birth to 24 Months. Healthy Eating Research, February 2017.
Au LE,Whaley SE, Gurzo K,Meza M, Rosen NJ, Ritchie, LD. "Evaluation of Online and In-Person Nutrition Education Related to Salt Knowledge and Behaviors among Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children Participants." J Acad Nutr Diet 2017 Feb 9. pii: S2212-2672(16)31548-9. [Epub ahead of print].
May L, Borger C, Weinfield N, MacAllum C, DeMatteis J, McNutt S, Whaley S, Ritchie L, Sallack L. WIC Infant and Toddler Feeding Practices Study - 2: Infant Year Report. USDA, January 12, 2017.
[Report] [Infographic]
Au LE, Rosen NJ, Gurzo K, Ritchie LD. Salad bar characteristics in relation to diet quality of schoolchildren. Health Behavior Policy Review, January 2017; 41(1):3-12.
Prather AA, Leung C, Adler NE, Ritchie L, Laraia B, Epel, ES. Short and sweet: Associations between self-reported sleep duration and sugar-sweetened beverage consumption among adults in the United States. Sleep Health. 2016 Dec;2(4):272-276. doi: 10.1016/j.sleh.2016.09.007.
Review of the Evidence: Health Promotion Strategies for Retail Food Shopping Venues. UC Agriculture and Natural Resources Nutrition Policy Institute, 2016.
Policy Brief: High Impact Nutrition Standards Feasible for Use in Family Child Care. UC Agriculture and Natural Resources Nutrition Policy Institute and California Food Policy Advocates, 2016.
Martinez SM, Tschann JM, Butte NF, Gregorich SE, Penilla C, Flores E, Greenspan LC, Pasch LA, Deardorff J. "Short Sleep Duration is Associated with Eating More Carbohydrates and Less Dietary Fat in Mexican American Children." Sleep 2016 Nov 14. pii:sp-00256-16 [Epub ahead of print].
Martinez SM, Rhee KE, Blanco E, Boutelle K. (2016) "Latino mothers’ beliefs about child weight and family health." Public Health Nutrition, 2016 Nov 21:1-8. DOI: [Epub ahead of print].
Au LE, Hecht K, Vitale EH, Patterson T, Ritchie LD. "Developing Evidence-based and Actionable Nutrition Standards for Family Child Care Settings.” 2016. Prepared by the Nutrition Policy Institute, Berkeley, CA.
Au LE,Rosen NJ,Fenton K,Hecht K, Ritchie LD. "Eating School Lunch is Associated with Higher Diet Quality among Elementary School Students." J Acad Nutr Diet 2016; 11: 1817-1824.
Au LE, Whaley S, Gurzo K, Meza M, Ritchie LD. "If You Build It They Will Come: Satisfaction and Utilization of WIC Participants with Online and Traditional In-Person Nutrition Education." J Nutr Ed Behav 2016;48:336-342.
Falbe J, Thompson HR, Becker CM, Rojas N, McCulloch CE, Madsen KA. "Impact of the Berkeley Excise Tax on Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Consumption." Am J Public Health 2016 Aug; (in press).
Martinez SM, Maynard K, Ritchie LD. University of California Global Food Initiative: Student Food Insecurity Study. July 2016.
Rekhopf DH, Headen I, Hubbard A, Deardorff J, Kesavan Y, Cohen AK, Patil D, Ritchie LD, Abrams B. "Adverse childhood experiences and later life adult obesity and smoking in the United States." Ann Epidemiol 2016 Jul;26(7):488-492.
Ritchie LD, Martinez SM. Student Food Insecurity – A 2015 Study from the University of California. July 2016.
Leonard SA, Petito LC, Rehkopf DH, Ritchie LD, Abrams B. "Weight gain in pregnancy and child weight status from birth to adulthood in the United States." Pediatr Obes 2016 Jun; (in press).
Cates S, Capogrossi K, Sallack L, Deehy K, Eicheldinger C, Karns S, Bradley S, Kosa K, Brophy J. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service, Office of Policy Support. WIC Nutrition Education Study: Phase I Report. Project Officer: Karen Castellanos-Brown. Alexandria, VA: May 2016.
May L, Borger C, Weinfield N, MacAllum C, Montaquila J, McNutt S, Whaley S, Ritchie L, Sallack L. "WIC Infant and Toddler Feeding Practices Study - 2:Infant Year Report." Prepared by Westat under Contract No. AG-3198-K-11-0073. Alexandria, VA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Service. Project Officer: Allsion Magness. April 2016.
Sawicki CM, Van Rompay MI, Au LE, Gordon CM, Sacheck JM. Sun-Exposed Skin Color Is Associated with Changes in Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D in Racially/Ethnically Diverse Children. J Nutr. 2016 Apr;146(4):751-7. doi: 10.3945/jn.115.222505. Epub 2016 Mar 2.
Au LE, Whaley S, Rosen NJ, Meza M, Ritchie LD. "Online and In-Person Nutrition Education Improves Breakfast Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviors: A Randomized Trial of Participants in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children." J Acad Nutr Diet 2016 Mar;116(3):490-500.
Ritchie LD, Rosen NJ, Fenton K, Au LE, Goldstein LH, Shimada T. "School Breakfast Policy is Associated with Dietary Intake of Fourth- and Fifth-Grade Students." J Acad Nutr Diet 2016 Mar;116(3):449-57.
Fenton K, Rosen NJ, Wakimoto P, Patterson T, Goldstein LH, Ritchie LD. "Eat Lunch First or Play First? Inconsistent Associations with Fruit and Vegetable Consumption in Elementary School." J Acad Nutr Diet. 2015 Apr; 115(4):585-92. doi: 10.1016/j.jand.2014.10.016. Epub 2014 Dec 6. PMID: 25487854.
Arteaga SS, Loria CM, Crawford P, Fawcett S, Fishbein H, Gregoriou M, John L, Kelley M, Pate R, Ritchie L, Strauss W. "The Healthy Communities Study: Its Rationale, Aims and Approach." Am J Prev Med 2015 Oct;49:615-23. doi:10.1016/j.amepre.2015.06.029.
Ritchie LD, Wakimoto P, Woodward-Lopez G, Thompson FE, Loria CM, Wilson DK, Kao J, Crawford PB, Webb KL. "The Heathy Communities Study Nutrition Assessments: Child Diet and the School Nutrition Environment." Am J Prev Med. 2015; 49:647-652.
John LV, Gregoriou M, Pate RR, Fawcett SB, Crawford PB, Strauss WJ, Frongillo EA, Ritchie LD, Loria CM, Kelley M, Fishbein HA, Arteaga SS. "Operational Implementation of the Healthy Communities Study: How Communities Shape Children's Health." Am J Prev Med 2015;49:631-5. doi: 10.1016/j.amepre.2015.06.019.
Schwartz P, Rauzon S, Cheadle, A. Dose Matters: An Approach to Strengthening Community Health Strategies to Achieve Greater Impact. National Academy of Science, Perspectives Discussion Paper, August 26, 2015.
Keihner A, Sugerman S, Rosen N, Wakimoto P, Hudes M, Ritchie L. "Impact of California Children’s Power Play! Campaign on Fruit and Vegetable Intake and Physical Activity among 4th and 5th Graders." Am J Health Promot June 2015.
Ritchie LD, Yoshida S, Sharma S, Patel A, Vitale EH, Hecht K. "Drinking Water in California Child Care Sites Before and After 2011-2012 Beverage Policy." Prev Chronic Dis. 2015 Jun 4; 12:E89. doi: 10.5888/pcd12.140548. PMID:26043304.
Madsen KA, Cotterman C, Crawford P, Stevelos J, Archibald A. "Effect of the Healthy Schools Program on Prevalence of Overweight and Obesity in California Schools, 2006-2012." Prev Chronic Dis. 2015 May 21; 12:E77. doi: 10.5888/pcd12.150020. PMID:25996984.
Madsen K, Linchey J, Gerstein D, Ross M, Myers E, Brown K, Crawford P. "Energy Balance 4 Kids with Play: Results from a Two-Year Cluster-Randomized Trial." Child Obes. 2015 May 19. [Epub ahead of print].
Ritchie LD, Sharma S, Gildengorin G, Yoshida S, Braff-Guajardo E, Crawford P. "Policy Improves What Beverages Are Served to Young Children in Childcare." J Acad Nutr Diet. 2015 May; 115(5):724-30. doi: 10.1016/j.jand.2014.07.019. Epub 2014 Sep 11. PMID: 25220671.
Sanchez-Vaznaugh EV, Sánchez BN, Crawford PB, Egerter S. "Association Between Competitive Food and Beverage Policies in Elementary Schools and Childhood Overweight/Obesity Trends: Differences by Neighborhood Socioeconomic Resources." JAMA Pediatr. 2015 May 4; 169(5):e150781. doi: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2015.0781. Epub 2015 May 4.
Campbell E, Webb K, Ross M, Crawford P, Hudson H, Hecht K. "Nutrition Focused Food Banking." Institute of Medicine. April 2, 2015. Discussion paper. National Academies Press.
Madsen KA, Cotterman C, Thompson HR, Rissman Y, Rosen NJ, Ritchie LD. "Passive Commuting and Dietary Intake in Fourth and Fifth Grade Students." Am J Prev Med. 2015 Mar; 48(3):292-9. doi: 10.1016/j.amepre.2014.09.033. Epub 2014 Dec 26. PMID: 25547928.
Olsho LEW, Klerman JA, Ritchie L, Wakimoto P, Webb KL, Bartlett S. "Increasing Child Fruit and Vegetable Intake: Findings from the US Department of Agriculture Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program." J Acad Nutr Diet. 2015 Mar 4; 115:1283-1290. doi: 10.1016/j.jand.2014.12.026. PMID:25746429.
Fram MS, Ritchie LD, Rosen N, Frongillo EA, Jr. "Child Experience of Food Insecurity is Associated with Child Diet and Physical Activity." J Nutr. 2015 Mar; 145(3):499-504. doi: 10.3945/jn.114.194365. Epub 2015 Jan 7. PMID:25733465.
Cheadle A, Rauzon S, Schwartz PM. "Community-Level Obesity Prevention Initiatives: Impact and Lessons Learned." National Civic Review. 2014 April 22; 103: 35-39.
Gosliner W. "School Level Factors Associated with Increased Fruit and Vegetable Consumption Among Students in California Middle and High Schools." J Sch Health. 2014 Sep; 84(9):559-68. doi: 10.1111/josh.12188. PMID:25117889.
Leung CW, Epel ES, Ritchie LD, Crawford PB, Laraia BA. "Food Insecurity is Inversely Associated with Diet Quality of Lower-Income Adults." J Acad Nutr Diet. 2014 Dec; 114(12):1943-53.e2. doi: 10.1016/j.jand.2014.06.353. Epub 2014 Aug 1. PMID: 25091796.
Myers Esther F., Gerstein Dana E., Foster Jan, Ross Michelle, Brown Katie, Kennedy Evan, Linchey Jennifer, Madsen Kristine A., and Crawford Patricia B. "Energy Balance for Kids with Play: Design and Implementation of a Multi-Component School-Based Obesity Prevention Program." Childhood Obesity. June 2014, 10(3): 251-259. doi:10.1089/chi.2013.0075.
Ritchie LD, Whaley SE, Crocker NJ. "Satisfaction of California WIC Participants with Food Package Changes." J Nutr Educ Behav. 2014 May-Jun; 46(3 Suppl):S71-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jneb.2014.01.009.
Ritchie LD, Whaley SE, Spector S, Gomez J, Crawford PB. "High Satisfaction of California WIC Families Following the Food Package Changes." J Nutr Ed Behav. 2014; 46:S71-S78.
Robinson CA, Cohen AK, Rehkopf DH, Deardorff J, Ritchie L, Jayaweera RT, Coyle JR, Abrams B. "Pregnancy and Post-Delivery Maternal Weight Changes and Overweight in Preschool Children." Prev Med. 2014; 60:77-82.
Woodward-Lopez G, Kao J, Kiesel K, Miller ML, Boyle M, Drago-Ferguson S, Braff-Guajardo E, and Crawford, P. "Is Scratch-Cooking a Cost-Effective Way to Prepare Healthy School Meals with US Department of Agriculture Foods." J Acad Nutr Diet. 2014 Jul 17. pii: S2212-2672(14)00498-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jand.2014.05.002. [Epub ahead of print].
Campbell EC, Ross M, Webb KL. "Improving the Nutritional Quality of Emergency Food: a Study of Food Bank Organizational Culture, Capacity, and Practices." Journal of Hunger & Environ Nutr. 2013; Vol. 8, Iss. 3, 261-280.
Cheadle A, Rauzon S, Cahill C, Charkbonneau D, Kuo E, Schafer L. "Evaluating Progress of Community-Level Obesity Prevention Initiatives." 2013. Unpublished manuscript. Prepared by the Center for Community Health and Evaluation, Seattle, WA. Available at:
Cheadle A, Schwartz PM, Rauzon S, Bourcier E, Senter S, Spring R, Beery WL. "Using the Concept of 'Population Dose' in Planning and Evaluating Community-Level Obesity Prevention Initiatives." Amer J Evaluation. 2013; 34 (1), 64-77.
Crawford P, Schneider CL, Martin AC, Spezzano T, Algert S, Ganthavorn C, Nicholson Y, Neelon M, Wooten Swanson PC, Donahue S. "Communitywide Strategies Key to Preventing Childhood Obesity." California Agriculture. 2013 67(1):13-20.
Crawford PB, Woodward-Lopez G, Gosliner W, Webb KL. "Lessons of Fresh Start Can Guide Schools Seeking to Boost Student Fruit Consumption." California Agriculture. 2013 67(1):21-29.
Hoelscher DM, Kirk S, Ritchie L, Cunningham-Sabo L; "Position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics: Interventions for the Prevention and Treatment of Pediatric Overweight and Obesity." J Acad Nutr Diet. 2013 Oct; 113(10):1375-94. doi: 10.1016/j.jand.2013.08.004.PMID: 24054714.
Kim LP, Whaley SE, Gradziel PH, Crocker NJ, Ritchie LD, Harrison GG. "Mothers Prefer Fresh Fruits and Vegetables over Jarred Baby Fruits and Vegetables in the New Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children Food Package." J Nutr Educ Behav. 2013 Apr 13. pii: S1499-4046.
Kramer L, Schwartz P, Cheadle A, Rauzon S. "Using Photovoice as a Participatory Evaluation Tool in Kaiser Permanente’s Community Health Initiative." Health Promotion Practice. September 2013 Vol. 14, No. 5 686–694.
Patel AI, Ritchie L. "Striving for Meaningful Policies to Reduce Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Intake Among Young Children." Pediatrics. 2013 Sep; 132(3):566-8. doi: 10.1542/peds.2013-1799. Epub 2013 Aug 5. PMID:23918894.
Patel AI, Ritchie L. "Striving for Meaningful Policies to Reduce Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Intake Among Young Children." Commentary in Pediatrics 2013; Aug 5.
Ritchie L, Sharma S, Braff-Guajardo E, Yoshida, S. (2013). "Implications of California’s Healthy Beverages in Child Care Law." Policy Brief. University of California, Berkeley, Atkins Center for Weight and Health. Available at:
Ross M, Campbell EC, Webb KL. "Recent Trends in the Nutritional Quality of Food Banks’ Food and Beverage Inventory: Case Studies of Six California Food Banks." Journal of Hunger & Environ Nutr. 2013; Vol. 8, Iss. 3, 294-309.
Shimada T, Ross M, Campbell EC, Webb KL. "A Model to Drive Research-Based Policy Change: Improving the Nutritional Quality of Emergency Food." Journal of Hunger & Environ Nutr. 2013; Vol. 8, Iss. 3, 281-293.
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2012 and earlier
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