These brief, less than 60-seconds, videos can be used by early childhood nutrition educators to demonstrate several key evidence-based recommendations for what and how to feed infants and toddlers in Family Child Care Homes. The videos were developed by the Nutrition Policy Institute at the University of…
Lake Lagunitas. Photo: Wikimedia Commons A watershed is all the land that drains to a particular stream, river, or bay. All land, from the wildest preserve to the most densely developed urban neighborhood, is part of a watershed.
Irrigation Scheduling Tools This tool, developed by Rueben and Shanti Hofshi, and Ben Faber, has instructions for use and allows you to calculate water needed per tree per day as well as watering time per day or irrigation period.
Drought stressed leaves may curl and look scorched. Photo credit: UC Regents Water is essential for the chemical and physical processes that plants need to survive and grow. Healthy plants depend on the movement of water from the soil through the roots and up into the leaves.
Drought Tips Drought Tips from UC Davis CA Institute for for Water Resources - Tip Sheet Series Irrigation Scheduling Tools Information on crop water requirements for blueberries, Dr.
This informal rain garden incorporates plants and wildflowers alongside a permeable walkway. Credit: Wikimedia Commons Rain gardens are designed to collect water and beautify a garden. They allow water to sink into the ground in about 48 hours rather than sloshing down storm drains.
Irrigation Scheduling Tools Evapotranspiration Scheduling CIMIS Overview Caneberry Manual Soil Moisture Monitoring Caneberry Manual How will Monitoring Soil Moisture Save me Water? Deficit Irrigation Market value is based on commodity freshness.
Demonstration Gardens > PADG New or replacement plantings for conventional high water-using sod lawns are demonstrated in the Lawn Alternatives section of the Palo Alto Demo Garden.
Irrigation Scheduling Tool UCCE CropManage Scheduling Tool Soil Moisture Monitoring UC Drought Management Site How will Soil Moisture Monitoring save me Water? Deficit Irrigation Market value is based on commodity freshness. Since deficit irrigation impacts fruit quality, it is not recommended.
Garden Help > Monthly Tips Even in years with plentiful winter rainfall, our summers in Santa Clara County will always be dry. Planning your landscaping and gardens for our summer dry conditions will put you ahead of the game for future droughts and water restrictions.