UC Cooperative Extension Logo
Cooperative Extension Ventura County

About Us

The University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) is the public service division of the University of California. It operates under the division of Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC ANR).

The UC Cooperative Extension (UCCE) was established in 1914 by the passage of the Smith-Lever Act, which was signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson. The purpose of the legislation was to develop science-based information about agriculture, youth development, home economics and natural resources, and deliver that information to local audiences.

This was done via the development of a national Cooperative Extension Service (CES). In California, Cooperative Extension operates under the auspices of the University of California, with support from county government. There is a UCCE presence in every county in California.

UCCE is very active today. We operate programs such as 4-H and Master Gardener. We continue to conduct research and outreach activities in agriculture and natural resources, as well as nutrition. In partnership with our community, we strive to:

  • Create healthy communities;
  • Create a healthy food system;
  • Create a healthy environment; and
  • Create healthy Californians.

We began operations in Ventura County in 1914. We are funded in part by the County of Ventura. Generations of Ventura County residents have benefited from the knowledge we co-create.

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