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Cooperative Extension Ventura County

Floriculture & Nursery

The mission of the floriculture and nursery program is to address critical and locally relevant challenges facing the nursery and floriculture industries through research and extension efforts. Under the direction of Emma Volk, this program will focus on sustainable water and nutrient management, as well as sustainable pest and disease management.

Please contact Emma Volk with any questions related to nursery and floriculture production.

Email: evolk@ucanr.edu

Phone: 805 212 0495

Floriculture Resources

Orchid Production

Cymbidium Disease Control Outlines, UC IPM

Greenhouse Orchid Production, Greenhouse Grower, by Matthew Blanchard, Roberto Lopez, Erik Runkle, and Yin-Tung Wang

Cut Flower Production

Cut Flower Integrated Pest Management (video), UMass Amherst, by Elizabeth Lamb

Dahlia Disease Control Outlines, UC IPM

Diglyphus species as Biological Controls for Leafminer, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, by Jian Li and Dakshina R Seal

Gerbera Daisy Integrated Pest Management, UC IPM

Gerbera Daisy Postharvest Management, UC Postharvest Research and Extension Center, by Marita Cantwell and Trevor Suslow

Leafminer Integrated Pest Management, UC IPM

Thrips Integrated Pest Management, UC IPM

Snapdragon Disease Control Outlines, UC IPM

Sticky Trap Monitoring, UC IPM

Weed Management for Field Grown Flowers, UC IPM

Whiteflies Integrated Pest Management, UC IPM

Additional Floriculture Integrated Pest Management Resources, UC IPM

Nursery Production Resources

Back Pocket Grower Greenhouse Tools and Training Resources (English and Spanish)

Bacterial Leaf Spots, Blights, Cankers, and Rots, UC IPM

Best Management Practices for Phytophthora ramorum

Black Root Rot Integrated Pest Management, UC IPM

Commercial Greenhouse Training (English and Spanish), University of Florida

Fusarium Wilt Integrated Pest Management, UC IPM

Gray Mold Integrated Pest Management, UC IPM

Phytophthora Root and Crown Rot Integraed Pest Management, UC IPM

Powdery Mildew Integrated Pest Management, UC IPM

Twospotted Spider Mite Integrated Pest Management, UC IPM

UC Nursery and Floriculture Alliance

Weed Management for Container Nurseries, UC IPM

Additional Integrated Pest Management Resources, UC IPM