Managing runoff from plastic-covered tunnels-2019
El manejo de escurrimientos en los invernaderos tipo túnel cubiertos de plástico-2019
Ventura County Caneberry Production Meeting - 2014
- Caneberry Market Overview - Mark Gaskell and Oleg Daugovish
- Costs and Returns of Fresh Market Blackberry Production - Laura Tourte and Mark Bolda
- Connecting the Dots: Raspberry Production Challenges - Miguel Ahumada
- Pest Management in Caneberries - Mark Bolda
- Red Berry Mite Detection - Maria Murrieta
- Bed and Flat Fumigation for Caneberries - Tom Walters
- Primocane Blackberry Pruning Trials in Santa Barbara County - Mark Gaskell
- Primocane Blackberry Pruning Trials in Ventura County - Oleg Daugovish
- Post-Harvest Quality Management for Caneberries - Marita Cantwell