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Cooperative Extension Ventura County

Growing a Pineapple from the Top

In commercial pineapple production, pineapple tops are used for propagation. Before you start, you need to remember that pineapple is a tropical plant, so will need to be kept in a greenhouse or indoors during the frost season. Also a mature plant is quite large. It can grow to 3-4 feet in diameter and height, so be prepared to have a pot and space to accommodate such a plant. Cut the top off along with about 1 inch of the top of the pineapple. Now remove the fruit remnant from the top. I suggest breaking it off or cut it off carefully down to the core. Now leave the top on the counter for several days, so that the cut base and core dry out. Your pineapple is now ready to plant. Use a 6 to 8-inch pot filled with a coarse potting mix to start. Bury the stump of the top, so the first set of leaves rests on the soil surface. Water the plant well. After the excess has drained, place the pot and top in a clear plastic bag and seal it to create a humidity chamber. Now place it in a warm location (75-80ºF) where it will receive bright indirect light. The top should root in 5-8 weeks at which time it can be taken out of the plastic bag and grown in direct sunlight. As the plant grows, it will need to be transplanted to larger containers. Keep it well watered, but make sure there is good drainage. The foliage may be watered also. Fertilize with regular houseplant food about once per month. It can be moved outside during the summer. Keep indoors in winter and reduce fertilizer to every other month. Check your plant for mealybugs, thrips and aphids. If all goes well, in 3-4 years the plant will bloom and produce a pineapple.