Tulare County Cooperative Extension

Field Corn


 Field Crop Notes - 4-6 issues per year; timely production information on alfalfa, dry bean, sugarbeet, corn and wheat production. Meeting announcements for these same crops

Variety Trials for Silage Corn

• *file182670*
• *file161939*
• *file184763*

• *file143388*

• *file33375*
2007 Silage Corn Variety Trial in Tulare County
2006 Tulare County Silage Corn Variety Trial Results
• *file86555*
• *file86556*

2008 Fungicide Trials on Corn



Integrated Pest Management Guidelines
(on UC Statewide IPM Project Web Site)


Cost and Return Studies

 UC Cooperative Extension Cost and Return Studies
     • Cost Study Grain Corn SJV 2015 (PDF)
     • Cost Study Silage Corn Double Cropped SJV 2012 (PDF)

Pest and Weed Information

Don’t Let Spider Mites Get the Best of your Silage (PDF)
*file161940* (PDF)
*file146067* (PDF)
Corn Stunt Disease - A Costly Problem for Growers and Dairymen (PDF)
Evaluation of Candidate Insecticides for Control of the Corn Leafhopper, Dalbulus Maidis, In the San Joaquin Valley (PDF)
Courtesy of the Plant Protection Quarterly, an IPM publication put out by the U.C. Kearney Ag Center

Pest Mite Reports by Dr. Godfrey

*file146069* (PDF)
*file146068* (PDF)


• Conservation Tillage Workgroup home page
• USDA Market News Report-Corn Current Prices