UC Environmental Stewards

California Naturalist Publication Series

We are pleased to offer a new UC ANR publication series designed to complement the California Naturalist and Climate Stewards curriculum by presenting more detailed information on the environment, natural history, and natural resource management of each of California's bioregions. The publications describe the history, geology, watersheds, plant communities, animals, management and environmental issues of the region in greater depth than could be covered in the California Naturalist Handbook, which tackles the entire state. This series also includes overviews of specific topics to help sharpen the reader's scientific understanding of California's ecosystems and environmental stewardship.

Our third publication, Natural History of the California Current, is hot off the press!

Natural History of the California Current by Christopher Pincetich and Sabrina Drill











Natural History of the Central Coast Bioregion By William D. Tietje, William L. Preston, and Anne Y. Polyakov











Natural History of the Sierra Nevada By Kim Ingram and Susie Kocher







Please return here for more to come.