Urban Agriculture

Contact Us

UA Bay Area Farm Tour Group Photo

The UC ANR Urban Agriculture Team includes UCCE Farm Advisors, policy and advocacy experts, urban planners, agricultural economists, and more.

For more information about the team and our efforts, contact Rachel Surls, UC Cooperative Extension Sustainable Food Systems Advisor in Los Angeles County at ramabie@ucanr.edu. Or, provide feedback through our online survey.

If you are a resident of California, and you are looking for local farming or gardening information, contact your local UC Cooperative Extension office. If you are outside California, look for Cooperative Extension in your community at http://www.csrees.usda.gov/Extension/.


Claire Napawan
Assistant Professor
Department of Human Ecology
UC Davis
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616
Specialty: landscape architecture, urban agriculture planning and design
Rachel A. Surls Ph.D.
Sustainable Food Systems Advisor
UC Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles County
700 W. Main Street
(626) 586-1982
Alhambra, CA 91801
Gail Feenstra
Deputy Director, SAREP
Academic Coordinator, Food & Society, ASI/SAREP
Sustainable Agricultural Research & Education Program
UC Davis
One Shields Avenue
ANR Building, Hopkins Rd.
Davis, CA 95616-8716
(530) 752-8408
Mobile: (530) 574-4794 - NO text messages
Andrew M. Sutherland, Ph.D, BCE
SF Bay Area Urban IPM Advisor

UC Cooperative Extension, Alameda County
224 West Winton Ave., Suite 134
Hayward, CA 94544
510-499-2930 cell
visit my urban IPM web site here
visit the UC IPM web site www.ipm.ucanr.edu
Eli Zigas
Food Systems and Urban Agriculture Program Manager
SPUR • Ideas + Action for a Better City 
654 Mission Street
San Francisco, CA 94105-4015
Julia Van Soelen Kim, MPH, MS
North Bay Food Systems Advisor
UC Cooperative Extension, Marin County
1682 Novato Boulevard, Suite 150-B
Novato, CA 94947
(415) 473-4204
Mobile: 530-400-7254 - Text messages OK
Skype: jevansoelen
Specialties: Community Institutions, Health, and Social Services; Community Development; Marketing and Distribution Practices; Food and Society; Urban Agriculture/Local and Regional Food Systems; Healthy Families and Communities; Sustainable Food Systems
Jennifer Sowerwine, Ph.D.
Assistant Cooperative Extension Specialist in Metropolitan Agriculture and Food Systems
UC Berkeley Department of Environmental Science, Policy & Management
130 Mulford Hall #3114
Berkeley, CA  94720-3114
Curator of Food Plants
University and Jepson Herbaria
1001 Valley Life Sciences Bldg, #2465
Berkeley, CA. 94720-2465
Specialties: Food security, biocultural diversity, food safety, participatory research