IWP Training

Post Cutover Activities

As IWP Group Admins, there are several fields that can be updated to improve the site after Site Builder and Blog migration during the cleaning stage planned for March 11 -21.  To view what a complete Group with all this requested information could look like, please reference Groups Training and User Roles.

Please note these are recommended and may not be inclusive of all changes or updates needed.

How tell if you are a Group Admin or Group Editor, see screenshot below:


The following can be performed in the IWP staging environment, the URL for which was provided to Content Editors via email on March 11.

Please note The live staging environment URL provided will get updated to ucanr.edu as part of the change in domain planned for March 22-24. Also, blog article notifications will be off during this time.

Review and update the following as a Group Admin:

  • Primary Image
  • Featured Contents
  • Mission Statement
  • About Us
  • Office Location(s)
  • Populate Tags (i.e. Taxonomy)
  • Associate Related Departments and Personnel
  • Review and Update Members (User Roles)

Review and update the following as a Group Admin or Group Editor:

  • View Migrated Content
  • Additional items to review


Update Your Group’s Landing Page

There are new fields to help display on the landing page for your group that could not be migrated from Site Builder and/or Blogs.

To Edit Your Group:

  1. As a Group Admin, log in to IWP and select My Account.
  2. Under “My Groups”, find your Group and select “Edit Group” to open to edit.

Recommended Updates:

Primary Image

Update the main image used for the landing page and show us in searches.  Select “Add Media” to insert image.  Images will either pull from migrated images or please upload new image to use.


It's best practice to size your Primary Image/Page Banner before uploading to Drupal. Dimensions are 1920 x 634.

To adjust the "focus" of the Primary Image crop, click on the "Edit" icon (the pencil), and then move around the small white "+" sign on the small image to shift the focus. Click "Preview" and scroll left/right to find the "Page Banner" preview to check your work.

Featured Content

If you have any content you want to highlight and feature on your Group’s landing page, utilize the Featured Content section.  Select the Display Mode to Individual Content and then on the Featured Content field, select the field and look through the dropdown for content in your Group.

Mission Statement

Populate a statement that will reflect on the Group’s landing page.

About Us

Check your site for any broken layouts as the IWP is single column structure.  This includes in your group’s About Us section.  Make sure the content, images and links are properly working. With the migration and the new page layout the content may look different.

Office Location(s)

Populate your office locations including phone, email and fax as applicable in the Office Locations section.  If you have more than one location, select the Add Office Location button at the bottom of the locations section to add additional.

Populate Tags (i.e. Taxonomy)

Select relevant tags that applies to your group as this will help visitors find on search through filters as well as impacts related content. 

Associate Related Departments and Personnel

To populate the employees associated to your Group, select the Related Department that populates from UCPath department data.  To add additional personnel, select and add multiple to the Related Personnel field. This replaces contact lists and rosters that had been used in Site Builder.

Review and Update Members (User Roles)

While editing your group, select the “Members” tab to open a list of those users that migrated.  To learn more about the roles, visit User Roles guide.

  • To Add Members: Click
    , enter username, select a role and click Save
  • To Remove Members: Under Operations column, select View Member and then click Remove. Confirm removal.
  • To Edit Members: Under Operations column, select View Member and then click Edit. Make role updates and click save.

For Group Admin and Group Editors:

View Migrated Content:

While in your group, select the “Content” tab to open a list of content that migrated.  A list of the content will be displayed including its published status.


On the list of content, select the content’s title (ex. Training Page) to view the content or click Edit node button to edit the content and publish/un-publish content.


Additional Items to Review

  • Check your pages for missing images and or files that may have failed during migration
  • Check your site for any broken layouts as the IWP is single column structure. This includes in your group’s About Us section.
  • Tag any of your content to ensure discoverability on the Content Hub

Group Menus

Duplicate Links
Top Nav and Side Nav menu items from Site Builder were combined in Migration to Group Menus on IWP. If a site had duplicate navigation links then the Group Menus in IWP will also have duplicate links.
Fix: Clean up the links in the Group Menu and Organize.
Missing links in Group Menus
Links in Navigation that pointed to PDF and other files were often not migrated. Since links to files should not be in navigation please put those links in content.  Fix: remove links to files from navigation and put them in content. There may be missing links pointing to pages.
Fix: correct the broken links in Group Menus.
Group Menus Too Long on Mobile
Group menus are really long and take up a lot of room on mobile. Primary Navigation shouldn't be a huge number of links. Limit primary navigation to 5-8 main categories and then add links to child pages inside content. You can use Collections for this, or you can manually add links with descriptive text to the main pages.
Fix: Reduce the items in Group Menus to a minimal amount. Test your site on Mobile so you can understand the experience for mobile users.



1. To access content for editing and tagging, go to Manage Content under your group.


2. Select the Edit Node button for each content item within your Group to be able to edit and modify as needed.


3. Select the Tagging tab to fill out the Meta Description (Important fields to fill are: counties, cultural practices, programs, research and extension).



Publishing Content

Please refer the steps below for publishing any new content you create during cutover window.  For additional information, refer to: https://ucanr.edu/sites/iwptraining/Editing_and_Managing/add-edit-content/

1. Navigate to the desired site/group you are looking to edit.

2. Click on the Content tab at the top of the page.


3. In the Content tab, click on the Add New Content button located at the top right.

4. Determine the appropriate type to add (e.g., article, event).

5. Populate the required fields for the content type, click on Save (blue button in the upper right corner). You will be taken to a confirmation page stating the new content has been created. For content with Content Moderation, please refer to the State to set the content as Draft or Published. If you save as Draft, the content will be added to the Moderated content tab.

6. To see how content will appear on the site click the Preview button in the upper right corner of your screen when editing.

Update Personnel or Add a Roster

After you’ve finished editing your members for the group, you may want to create a public-facing personnel list or roster of individuals so that your webpage visitors know who to contact for certain programs/questions.  This is like the Site Builder roster and in IWP, it’s controlled on Associate Related Departments and Personnel section.

There are two ways to do this.

  • Option 1: The most straightforward and customizable way to do this is copy-paste Site Builder “contact us” pages into the About Us field in the group’s landing page. The benefit of this option is that email address and phone number can be easily displayed.
  • Option 2: You can add “personnel” to be displayed at the bottom of your group’s landing page. To add individuals if they don’t populate on the Personnel field for groups, click on Add New Content, select People, fill out the fields, and click Save. Return to the group’s editing screen by clicking on Edit in the menu, scroll down to Personnel, click on the Related Personnel field, and select the People content you just created.