Fruit Report

This website contains useful horticultural information about establishing and managing fresh market peach, plum and nectarine orchards. It has been developed by University of California scientists and others specifically for California growers. The site is maintained by Kevin R. Day, Ted DeJong, and Scott Johnson,. Feel free to email us with questions, suggestions, or to obtain copies of any papers or reports cited within.
What's new
2014 Season Timing
Many lower-chilling varieties bloomed 8-12 days earlier than last year, with higher chilling varieties about 7 days early. Based on historic heat unit accumulation, things currently appear to be 6-9 days ahead of average, but this is VERY likely to change as the season progresses. This site will be updated as the crop develops. (KRD, 4 March 2014)
Please Note:
Scott Johnson retired on July 1, 2013 but is available by email.
IPM Website
Kearney Chilling Hours
Kearney Ag Center Homepage
UC Extension Publications
Kearney Postharvest Information