What does it do?
The Event content type is used to promote upcoming events, providing detailed information about what the event is, when it will take place, who will be involved, and where it will occur. It supports complex event management, including registration, certifications, sessions, sponsorships, and evaluations. Users can filter events based on their relevance, interests, or location.
Event Details
- Event Title (Required): The main title of the event, which is used to generate the page’s URL and display in the site navigation and breadcrumbs.
- Event Type: Select the type of event from a dropdown (e.g., conference, webinar, workshop).
- In-Person Event Slider: Toggle to indicate if the event will take place in person.
- Certifications Available Slider: Toggle to indicate if the event offers certifications to participants.
- Statewide Slider: Toggle if the event is Statewide. Please make sure its appropriate as it will display on the UC ANR homepage. Please check Statewide if your event represents the research or education conducted directly by UC ANR programs. Do not include events like local meetings or affiliate events.
- Event Start Date and Time: The start date and time of the event.
- Event End Date and Time: The end date and time of the event.
- All-Day Option: Checkbox to mark the event as an all-day event.
- Duration: The total length of the event.
- Summary: A brief teaser or description of the event. Use Edit Summary to populate.
- Event Description: A detailed overview of the event, including its purpose, schedule, and additional information.
- Event Primary Image: Upload an image that represents the event visually.
Registration Details
- Registration Information: Provide information about how to register for the event.
- Venue: The display name of the venue where the event will take place. Ex. UC ANR Davis building.
- Venue Address:
- Street Address
- City
- State
- Zip Code
- County Dropdown: Select the county where the event will be held.
- Registration Fee: Input any fees associated with attending the event.
- Registration Deadline: The final date and time for participants to register.
- Event Registration URL:
- URL: Provide the link to the registration page.
- Link Text: Text for the registration link.
Event Contacts
- Contact Name (Required): The name of the event contact person.
- Title (Required): The title or role of the contact person.
- Email Address (Required): The contact’s email address for inquiries.
- Phone Number: Optional phone number for contact.
- Add More Contacts: Option to add additional contact people for the event.
- Drag and Drop: Allows for reordering contacts, with options to duplicate or remove entries.
- Session Title (Required): The title of the session.
- Session Start (Required): The date and time the session starts.
- Session End (Required): The date and time the session ends.
- Session Location(Required): The location where the session will take place.
- Session Attachments: Upload any attachments related to the session, such as schedules or additional resources.
- Session Description: Provide an overview of what the session will cover.
- Drag and Drop and Add More Sessions: Option to manage multiple sessions.
- Event Session Presenters:
- Presenter's Name (Required): The name of the session’s presenter.
- Presenter's Title (Required): The title or role of the presenter.
- Presenter Bio: A brief biography of the presenter.
- Presenter Photo Upload: Upload a photo of the presenter.
- Presenter Affiliation: The organization or affiliation of the presenter.
- Add More Presenters: Option to add multiple presenters for each session.
For each added sponsor, populate the following fields. To add more, click Add Sponsor button.
- Sponsor Name: The name of the sponsor.
- Sponsor URL: Link to the sponsor’s website.
- Sponsor Logo Upload: Upload the logo of the sponsor.
To request display a sponsorship form, populate the following fields.
- Title: Title of the sponsorship form.
- Sponsorship Description: A brief overview of what the sponsorship entails.
- Sponsor Form URL: Provide the link to the sponsorship form.
- Link Text: Text for the form’s URL.
- Evaluation Slider: Toggle to determine whether to display the evaluation form on the event page.
- Evaluation Form:
- Evaluation Short Summary: A brief description of the evaluation
- Evaluation URL: Provide the link to the evaluation form for participants.
Tagging System
This section allows users to tag content for easier discoverability and categorization. Tags can be used to group the page with similar content based on:
- Counties (e.g., Alameda)
- Programs (e.g., Master Gardeners)
- Research and Extension Centers (e.g., Kearney REC)
- Topics (e.g., Agriculture)
- Commodity (e.g., Cannabis)
- Cultural Practice (e.g., Growth Control)
- Settings (e.g., Forest)
Remote Content
Option to link the page to an external URL, allowing users to navigate to a resource not hosted on UC ANR. This is useful for directing users to external resources or partner websites.
Side Navigation
- Menu Settings: Allows you to control how and where the page appears within the site’s navigation structure with:
- Menu Link Title: The title for the page that will appear in the site’s navigation menu. This can differ from the page’s title if desired.
- Description: An optional description for the link. This description can provide additional context for users when they hover over the link in the menu.
- Parent Link: A dropdown that allows you to select where this page fits within the existing menu structure. By choosing a parent link, you place this page under a broader category or section.
- Weight: Determines the order in which this page will appear relative to other pages in the same menu. A lower weight will move the link closer to the top of the list, while a higher weight will push it further down.
- *For Group Admin Role Only* - Simple XML Setups: Provides configuration options for including your content in the sitemap for search engine optimization (SEO). This ensures your content is indexed and prioritized correctly by search engine bots.
- You can choose whether to include the content in the sitemap or exclude it entirely. If included, you can set additional options:
- Priority determines how important this content is compared to other pages on the site. The default value is 0.5.
- Change Frequency indicates how often the content changes. This helps search engines decide how frequently to re-crawl it. The default is set to "daily."
- Include Images allows you to specify whether images within the content should be included in the sitemap. By default, this is set to "No."
What do events look like?
Below is a preview from IWP for an event created in a group.