IWP Training


What does it do?

The Video content type is designed for featuring videos uploaded directly to the site. Videos can also be added to a collection to create a series, making it easier to organize and present multimedia content. This content type allows you to upload videos in a structured way, enhancing the site’s multimedia capabilities.

Basic Video Sections

  • Title (Required): The title of the video, which is used to generate the page's URL and display in the site navigation and breadcrumbs.
  • Summary: A brief, custom teaser text that can be displayed alongside the page's title in search results and lists. If left blank, the system will automatically pull a segment of text from the body as a summary.
  • Body: A WYSIWYG editor where the main content of the page is written. This section supports rich text, including formatting options like headers, lists, links, and media embeds. If no summary is provided, the body’s first 600 characters will be used as the default teaser in relevant listings.
  • Primary Image: Allows users to upload one image that will appear prominently at the top of the page, usually full width, enhancing the visual appeal of the content. This image will also be used in teaser locations and social media shares, where applicable.
  • Videos: This section is used to upload the video file directly to the site. The uploaded video will be featured prominently on the page.
  • Tagging System: This section allows users to tag content for easier discoverability and categorization. Tags can be used to group the page with similar content based on:
    • Counties (e.g., Alameda)
    • Programs (e.g., Master Gardeners)
    • Research and Extension Centers (e.g., Kearney REC)
    • Topics (e.g., Agriculture)
    • Commodity (e.g., Cannabis)
    • Cultural Practice (e.g., Growth Control)
    • Settings (e.g., Forest)

Side Navigation

  • Menu Settings: Allows you to control how and where the page appears within the site’s navigation structure with:
    • Menu Link Title: The title for the page that will appear in the site’s navigation menu. This can differ from the page’s title if desired.
    • Description: An optional description for the link. This description can provide additional context for users when they hover over the link in the menu.
    • Parent Link: A dropdown that allows you to select where this page fits within the existing menu structure. By choosing a parent link, you place this page under a broader category or section.
    • Weight: Determines the order in which this page will appear relative to other pages in the same menu. A lower weight will move the link closer to the top of the list, while a higher weight will push it further down.
  • *For Group Admin Role Only* - Simple XML Setups: Provides configuration options for including your content in the sitemap for search engine optimization (SEO). This ensures your content is indexed and prioritized correctly by search engine bots.
    • Priority determines how important this content is compared to other pages on the site. The default value is 0.5.
    • Change Frequency indicates how often the content changes. This helps search engines decide how frequently to re-crawl it. The default is set to "daily."
    • Include Images allows you to specify whether images within the content should be included in the sitemap. By default, this is set to "No."


What do videos look like?

Below is a preview from IWP for a video created in a group.
