Blogs Overview
Active Blogs will migrate to IWP as a "Group" designed specifically for blogs. This "Blog Group" type is an organizing principle in Drupal to help collect related content. In the coming weeks and months, the team will be familiarizing the UC ANR community with Drupal terms and concepts.
This page provides an overview of Blogs in Integrated Web Platform (IWP) and guides through the process of managing Blogs.
Blog Group Type Overview
Blogs are a specific Group type in IWP which includes subscription functionality. In a Blog Group, you can add members with specific roles (e.g., Group Editor or Group Admin), post and organize content such as articles, and manage subscribers. For more details on managing user roles within a group, please refer to the User Permissions Document.
To establish a new blog, follow the instructions of IWP Requesting a Site or Blog job aid.
Blog Group Sections
Please see below for the key sections
- Name (Required): The title of the blog group, which is used to generate the page’s URL and display in the site navigation and breadcrumbs. This is generated upon the creation of the Blog.
- Primary Image: Allows users to upload one image that will appear prominently at the top of the page, usually full width, enhancing the visual appeal of the content. This image will also be used in teaser locations and social media shares, where applicable.
- Description: A WYSIWYG editor where you can describe the purpose of the blog group and provide an overview of the content. Rich text formatting options allow you to add lists, links, and images to enhance the description.
- Group Title Icon: Add a custom icon for the blog group, which will appear alongside blog’s title.
- Published: A toggle that allows the group admin to publish the blog group or keep it hidden from public view. This can be adjusted as needed, depending on the group’s status.
- Tagging System: Allows users to tag content for easier discoverability and categorization. This is used to populate Related Sites.
Add, Edit, Unpublish Articles for Blogs
As a Group Admin or Group Editor, you can add new content to the Blog, either by creating a new article or editing existing articles. For more information on the article content type, please refer to the Article Content Type training document.
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Adding Content:
Blog posts are represented by the Article content type in IWP. Please add an article using the steps below.
1. Login to IWP and click My Account.
2. Navigate to the Blog Group and select the Content tab.
3. Select Add new content and select Article as the content type.
4. Follow the article creation process, populate your desired content.
5. Save and publish the article. Published articles will be distributed for subscribers.
Editing Content:
To edit articles within a blog group, follow these steps:
1. Login to IWP and click My Account.
2. Navigate within the blog and select Content.
3. Navigate to the article within the group.
4. Select the Edit node option to modify the desired content.
5. Save the changes and update the article.
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Unpublishing Content:
To hide articles from the blog, follow these steps:
1. Login to IWP and click My Account.
2. Navigate within the blog and select Content.
3. Navigate to the article within the group and click Edit node.
4. In the article, select the Published toggle so it reflects unpublished and click Save.
Adding, Editing and Remove Members for a Group
Group Admins are the only users able to provision users. Follow the steps below for adding access within a Group. For more information on specific user permissions, please refer to the User Roles.
1. Once logged into IWP and on your group, select Members
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2. On this screen, you will be able to view all active members of your group. To add member, click the Add Member button at the top right of the screen.
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3. On the Add Group membership screen, select from the User list to populate from an existing user list. Then, select the relevant role from the list. Once completed, click Save.
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The Blog Group content type allows users to subscribe for daily email notifications of new posts. Once an article is published, it will be included in the next subscription email, which is sent within 24 hours. Subscribers can also easily unsubscribe at any time.
At present, subscription email layout and design are standard across all blogs.
Subscription Process
To subscribe, users can navigate to a published blog group, where the Subscribe button is located on the right side of the blog’s home page. Once a user submits a request to subscribe to a blog, a email confirmation is received.
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Unsubscribing from Blogs
- Unsubscribe via Email: Subscribers can click the Unsubscribe link found at the bottom of any notification email they receive. This redirects them to a confirmation page on the UC ANR website where they can confirm their removal.
- Group Admins can remove or manually unsubscribe users upon request by manually navigating to the Subscribers tab.