Overview of the Goat Market

The USDA Cooperative Extension services has determined that almost 53 million Americans prefer the taste of goat meat. However, according to the latest agricultural statistics there are are only 2 million goat markets in the United States. Therefore, current goat demand exceeds inventory by 160%.
In California, with its large ethnic populations and many faith-based consumers, has great potential for meat goat production. A small herd of meat goats can be produced on 10 to 15 acres of pasture land and can fit into more than 60 percent of California’s farmsteads, enhancing
small farm diversity and profitability (CA Goat Farms Outlook, 2006). As of 2019, of the 2 million meat goats being raised in the United States, 90,000 reside in California, making California one of the top 10 states for producing meat goats (USDA, 2020).
Goat Marketing 101

After a SWOT analysis is performed it is recommended to start developing a marketing plan. A marketing plan is an essential part of any business. In essence, a marketing plan presents your business strategies in a way that allows you to sell your business venture to both your customers and your potential investors and/ or bankers. For more information on developing a marketing plan visit the Penn State Extension Meat Goat Home Study Course or click on the PDFs below.
Goat Associations