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Orange County 4-H

Become a volunteer!

Adults interested in volunteering in a 4-H club should complete:

1. the Volunteer Interest Survey

2. online enrollment  4Honline 2.0 Enrollment System

Please NOTE: 4Honline has migrated to 4Honline 2.0 and has a new look. If you need assistance, use this Family Enrollment Guide or contact the county office.

NOTE: Please identify ALL of your volunteer roles at the time of enrollment or as you add any new roles (for example, Club Leader/Co-Leader; Project Leader/Co-Leader; County Committee Chair; Event Chair, etc.)

3. mandatory volunteer training
a. 4-H Volunteer Training:
Training courses are available at  https://campus.extension.org/
There are specific courses for new and returning volunteers. New volunteers need to create an account; returning volunteers should use their existing account. Be sure to check with your club leader for the enrollment key to access the training courses. Contact the county office if you are returning after a break in service as you may qualify for a one-time exception to starting over.
b. COVID-19 Mitigation Training & Acknowldegement
The State Office now requires all adult volunteers and Teen Leaders to complete this new training which can be found here:  Training & Acknowledgement
4. LiveScan background screening 
Contact the county office for locations and forms
5. For volunteers leading projects:
Also new this year, as a result of changes in 4Honline options, all project leaders will need to submit a  Project Planning Guide & Syllbus 2021-2022 - fillable to the county office using this  SURVEY so that we can properly designate the projects offered by each club. We can no longer create unique, county-specific project titles so project titles must be consistent with this  CA 4-H Projects List. For help and more resources for 4-H Projects and Curriculum, check out the following:


Adult volunteers pay no program fees - we are grateful for your service!

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Call OC-4H

If you have any questions, please

email us at oc4h@ucanr.edu or

give us a call at (949) 653-1803.

We will be happy to assist you!