The 2023-24 Call for Cooperative Extension (UCCE) Positions was announced in September 2023. On May 24, 2024, Vice President Humiston announced the positions to be released, see the ANR Update blog. UC ANR doesn’t just refill past positions, instead identifies priority positions to address the most pressing needs, including California’s emerging and future needs.
The final list of the approved 29 Advisor positions and 20 Specialist positions are listed in the tables below. The UCCE Advisor positions will be released for recruitment in small batches over the next several months to facilitate engagement of various selection committees. The UCCE Specialists will be released to campuses for recruitment upon completion of the Memorandums of Agreements (MOAs) currently being renewed between UC ANR and the campuses/host sites.
Rebuilding the UCCE footprint continues to be a priority for UC ANR to provide the expertise needed to improve the lives of all Californians consistently and significantly. The historic 2021-22 state budget increase allowed UC ANR to release over 100 UCCE academic positions to date. UC ANR also continues to pursue non-traditionally funded positions as a complementary strategy to grow the programmatic footprint. There are UC ANR resources on: how to develop co-funded positions and shared benefits of funding partnerships.
Discipline/Specialty | Counties Served | Office Location |
4-H Youth Development: College and Career Readiness | Lake and Mendocino | To be determined (TBD) |
4-H Youth Development: College and Career Readiness | Alameda and Contra Costa | Alameda |
4-H Youth Development: College and Career Readiness | San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara and Ventura | TBD |
4-H Youth Development: Leadership and Civic Engagement | Modoc, Lassen, Plumas and Sierra | Lassen |
Agricultural Workforce Development | San Joaquin Valley | TBD |
Agronomy | Sacramento, Solano and Yolo | Yolo |
Avocado, Citrus, and Subtropical Fruits | Riverside and San Diego | San Diego |
Citrus and Pistachio | Kern, Kings and Tulare | Tulare |
Commensal Rodents & Urban Wildlife Integrated Pest Management | Alameda, Contra Costa, San Mateo, San Francisco and Santa Clara | Santa Clara |
Disaster Preparedness, Response, and Resiliency | San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, and Ventura | TBD |
Environmental Horticulture | Riverside and San Bernardino | TBD |
Environmental Horticulture & Controlled Environment Agriculture | Monterey, San Benito, San Mateo and Santa Cruz | TBD |
Field and Vegetable Crops Integrated Pest Management | Fresno, Kings, Madera and Tulare | West Side REC |
Food Systems | Los Angeles and Ventura | Ventura |
Fruit Postharvest Handling | Fresno, Kern, Kings, Madera and Tulare | Lindcove REC |
Horticulture and Small Farms | Nevada and Placer | Placer |
Livestock and Natural Resources | Lake and Mendocino | Mendocino |
Livestock and Natural Resources | Mariposa and Merced | Mariposa |
Livestock and Natural Resources | Shasta and Trinity | Shasta |
Low Desert Weed Management | Imperial and Riverside | Imperial |
Nutrient Management & Forage Systems | Merced, San Joaquin and Stanislaus | Stanislaus |
One Health Integrated Produce Safety | Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz | TBD |
Orchard Systems: Almond, Apricots, Peaches, and Pistachio | San Joaquin and Stanislaus | Stanislaus |
Orchard Systems: Apples, Cherries, Olives, and Walnuts | San Joaquin and Stanislaus | San Joaquin |
Outdoor Recreation/Connected Communities | Lassen, Plumas and Sierra | Plumas |
Vegetable Crops | Butte, Colusa, Glenn, Sutter and Yuba | Colusa |
Vegetable Crop and Weed Science | Monterey, San Benito and Santa Cruz | Monterey |
Viticulture and Tree Fruit | Sacramento, Solano and Yolo | Sacramento |
Weed Science | Marin, Napa and Sonoma | Sonoma |
Discipline/Specialty | Host / Location |
Agricultural Acarologist | UC Riverside Dept. of Entomology / Kearney REC |
Agricultural Economics: Small Farms and Rural Economic Development | UC Santa Cruz Department of Economics; Center for Agroecology |
Agricultural, Food and Natural Resources Computational Data Science | UC San Diego Supercomputer Center |
Agricultural Waste Management and Bioenergy Production | UC Merced Dept. of Mechanical Engineering |
Agricultural Policy | UC ANR / California Dept. of Food and Agriculture |
Agricultural Technology Workforce Development | UC ANR / TBD |
Beef Cattle Production Systems | UC Davis Dept. of Animal Science |
Climate Resilient Orchard Systems | UC Davis Dept. of Plant Sciences |
Climate Resilient Rural Community Development | UC Berkeley ESPM |
Coastal Hydrology Agriculture and Water Resilience | UC Santa Cruz Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences; Center for Agroecology |
Coastal Produce Safety Systems | UC ANR / USDA ARS Salinas |
Field Trials and Testbeds Design and Operation | UC ANR VINE / Kearney and Westside RECs |
Food Safety/Drones/Remote Sensing | UC Santa Cruz Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering/ Monterey Bay Education,Science and Technology Center (MBEST) |
Groundwater Quantity and Quality | UC Merced Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering / West Side REC |
Mental and Emotional Health in Youth Families and Communities | UC Davis Dept. of Human Ecology |
Oak Woodland Management and Conservation | UC ANR / Hopland REC |
Organic Production: ANR OAI Academic Director | UC Merced Dept. of Life and Environmental Sciences |
Outdoor Recreation | UC ANR / CA Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development |
Recycled Water Reuse and Brackish Water Desalination | UC Davis Dept. of Land, Air and Water Resources; Biological and Agricultural Engineering |
Sustainable Dairy Cattle Nutrition | UC Davis Dept. of Animal Science |
Process Information
Link to the 2023-24 Call for Positions process flowchart with more details
- Link to CE Position Proposal Template (required)
- Link to CE Position Proposal Criteria
- Link to FAQs
- Recorded webinar about the process for Program Team Leaders and campus leadership
Submittal groups were expected to work collaboratively across the UC ANR network and seek external stakeholder input. See list below.
For CE Advisor Positions:
- County Directors work with the Research and Extension Center System in their regional teams. Link to list of County and REC Directors
- Regional teams of groups listed above prioritize 6 positions per each of the 5 regional teams (listed in process PPT linked above).
For CE Specialist Positions:
- Research and Extension Centers - at least 3 for the system
- UC Campus Provosts and/or Chancellors ~18 in total; encouraging 1 per priority idea identified by each UC ANR Program Team and that align with campus academic planning priorities
- Regional team leads for County Directors and REC Directors: Use the Universal Review System (URS) accessed from the ANR Portal.
- UC Campus Provosts or Chancellors: Email proposals directly to UC ANR Associate Vice President of Research and Cooperative Extension, Brent Hales at For any questions, please contact Brent. For more information regarding how appointments will be handled between UC ANR and UC campuses other than UCB, UCD, and UCR, there is a Memorandum of Understandingand the APM guidelines. The proposals will be added to URS by UC ANR so they appear on this web page, and display as "submitted by" Brent Hales.
UCCE Programmatic Footprint Maps:
- Link to maps
- These maps illustrate current positions for UCCE Advisors, UCCE Specialists, other UCCE Academics, and Community Educators, as well as the UCCE Advisor and Specialist positions under-recruitment. Secondary data layers provide county level data with relevant information that, when coupled with local knowledge, can help illuminate gaps/needs to inform UCCE position proposal development and future hiring.
- Recording to maps overview and demo (30 minutes)
For overall process questions, contact Katherine Webb-Martinez at or (510) 987-0029.
For questions about using the Universal Review System (URS), contact Chris Hanson at