UC ANR Program Council advises the Vice President on statewide planning and delivery of programs and develops recommendations for allocation of UC ANR resources.
- Provide coordinated statewide planning, evaluation, and prioritization for program direction and delivery of UC ANR programs
- Develop recommendations for UC ANR using a statewide perspective
- Coordinate planning, implementation and evaluation of UC ANR’s program teams/workgroups, conferences, strategic initiatives, and statewide programs
- Provide leadership for defining statewide goals and opportunities for dialogue across the network
Activities include being advisory on:
- Cooperative Extension Position Call
- ANR's Funding Opportunities
- ANR Budget Call for programmatic unit budget requests
- Statewide Program and Institute reviews, based on the recommendations from ad hoc committees
- Other ad hoc activities
How They Work
They meet monthly except for August. They make recommendations by consensus. The VP has final decision-making responsibility. They work collaboratively by:
- Participating in design and execution of work plans
- Providing input on key issues
- Involving key stakeholders as necessary
- Reflecting on and evaluating council activities and accomplishments
Graphics that show how Program Council fits within UC ANR program leadership and governance structure
Who They Are
The council is chaired by the Associate Vice President-Programs. Membership is listed below.

Program Council visiting South Coast REC July 2023
Program Council Chair

Brent Hales
Title: Associate Vice President for Research and Cooperative Extension
2801 Second Street
Davis, CA 95618
Phone: (530) 786-0256
Email: bdhales@ucanr.edu
Executive Associate Deans

Edward R. Atwill
Title: Director, Veterinary Medicine Extension
Specialty: Waterborne zoonotic disease, best management practices , microbial food safety, epidemiology
Veterinary Medicine Extension
1089 Veterinary Medicine Drive
4207 Vet Med 3B
Davis, CA 95616-8736
Phone: (530) 754-2154
Fax: (530) 752-7181
Email: ratwill@ucdavis.edu

Dr Dennis David Baldocchi
Title: Executive Associate Dean and Distinguished Professor of Biometeorology
Specialty: biosphere-atmosphere interactions
ESPM - Ecosystem Science default of 137 Mulford Hall
345 Hilgard Hall
Berkeley, CA 94720-3110
Phone: 5103887172
Email: baldocchi@berkeley.edu

Anita M. Oberbauer
Title: Professor, Assoc Dean for Research & Outreach (Ag Programs)
Specialty: Cell and molecular biology; animal growth; and development of genetic markers related to health and disease.
Animal Science
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616-8521
Phone: (530) 752-4997
Email: amoberbauer@ucdavis.edu

Dr Stacy M Philpott
Title: AES Executive Associate Dean, Faculty Director Center for Agroecology, Professor of Environmental Studies
Specialty: ecology, conservation, agroecology, urban agriculture, tropical biology
Phone: (831) 459-1549
Email: sphilpot@ucsc.edu

Joshua Hunter Viers
Title: AES Executive Associate Dean,
Associate Vice Chancellor, Interdisciplinary Research and Strategic Initiatives,
Office of Research and Economic Development
Professor of Environmental Engineering
Specialty: ecology, water
Phone: (209) 228-4047
Email: jhviers@ucanr.edu
UCCE & REC Leadership

Dr Darren L Haver
Title: Director for REC System
South Coast Research & Extension Center
7601 Irvine Blvd.
(949) 301-9182 x1002
Irvine, CA 92618
Phone: (949) 301-9182 x1002
Email: dlhaver@ucanr.edu

Dr Daniel Obrist
Title: Vice Provost – Academic Personnel and Development
2801 Second Street
Davis, CA 95618
Phone: 530-464-8301
Email: dobrist@ucanr.edu
Strategic Initiative Leaders

Josh Stefan Davy
Title: Livestock, Range, and Natural Resources Advisor / County Director
Specialty: Livestock, Range and Irrigated Pasture
Cooperative Extension Tehama County
1754 Walnut Street
Red Bluff, CA 96080
Phone: (530) 527-3101
Fax: (530) 527-0917
Email: jsdavy@ucanr.edu

Jennifer Sowerwine
Title: Associate Specialist
Specialty: Metropolitan agriculture, sustainable food systems, agroecology, food security, food sovereignty.
University of California, Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management
130 Mulford Hall, MC 3114
Berkeley, CA 94720-3114
Email: jsowerwi@berkeley.edu

Tom A Turini
Title: Vegetable Crops Advisor
Specialty: Vegetable crops production with emphasis in plant disease management and activities in entomology and nutrient management.
Notes: Shipping address for all materials and supplies related to field studies: University of California West Side Research and Extension Center 17353 W. Oakland Ave Five Points, CA 93624-0158
Cooperative Extension Fresno County
550 E. Shaw Avenue, Suite 210-B
(559) 241-7515
Fresno, CA 93710
Phone: 559-375-3147
Email: taturini@ucanr.edu

Steven M Worker PhD
Title: 4-H Youth Development Advisor
Specialty: Educational research; design and research of out-of-school (informal) learning environments; positive youth development; science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education
Cooperative Extension Marin County
1682 Novato Boulevard
Suite 150-B
Novato, CA 94947
Phone: (415) 761-1020
Email: smworker@ucanr.edu
At Large Representatives

Dustin W Blakey
Title: County Director / Farm Advisor
Cooperative Extension Inyo-Mono Counties
1360 North Main Street
Suite 229
Bishop, CA 93514
Phone: (760) 873-7854
Email: dwblakey@ucanr.edu

Marcel Horowitz MS, MCHES
Title: Community Nutrition and Health Advisor
Specialty: Youth Health Education
Sacramento Office
4145 Branch Center Road
Sacramento, CA 95827
Email: mhorowitz@ucanr.edu
Ex Officio Members

Maru E Fernandez Terrasa
Title: Associate Director Statewide Programs and REC Operations
Specialty: ANR Aggie Enterprise PPM Lead; Post-Award Management, Financial operations support to Statewide Programs and RECs, Hiring, Supervising and Training new staff.
2801 2nd Street
Davis, CA 95618
Phone: 530-447-0801 Ext 1318
Email: mefernandez@ucanr.edu

Tu M Tran
Title: Associate Vice President - Business Operations
1111 Franklin Street
Oakland, CA 94607-5200
Phone: 510-987-0022
Fax: 510-587-6203
Email: tu.tran@ucop.edu
Support Staff

Kit Alviz
Title: Program Policy Analyst 5
Specialty: Program Evaluation
1111 Franklin Street, 11th floor
Phone: 510-987-0027
Email: kit.alviz@ucop.edu

Katherine Webb-Martinez
Title: Director
Specialty: Strategic planning, program evaluation, reporting, and impact writing
1111 Franklin St.
Oakland, CA 94607-5200
Phone: (510) 987-0029
Email: katherine.webb-martinez@ucop.edu