UC ANR Planning and Accountability

Condition Changes

Below are UC ANR's condition changes grouped by our more umbrella public values.

The UC ANR condition changes were developed in 2017 through a participatory process that engaged academics and program staff across the ANR network. 

These condition changes and public values statements are used in many important ways, including program planning, evaluation, and for communication and advocacy.

  • Starting in state fiscal year 2018, we have collected data on UC Cooperative Extension (CE) academic and programmatic staff effort towards these long-term outcomes.The condition changes are coded in our internal Project Board system for CE academics. The Community Educator Specialists respond to an annual survey. See condition change effort/FTE data below. There is the option to self-define condition changes which captures ideas for improving the list and will be used to inform any future revisions.
  • Starting for federal fiscal year 2018, we have gathered qualitative outcomes data in Project Board and selected measured outcomes from individual CE academics that provide evidence of how UC ANR contributes to these condition changes. See annual condition change/impact story compilations below.


UC ANR: Promoting economic prosperity in California

  • Improved individual and household financial stability
  • Enhanced community economic development
  • Improved animal management, productivity and efficiency
  • Increased agriculture and forestry efficiency and profitability
  • Increased emerging food economies and markets

UC ANR: Safeguarding abundant and healthy food for all Californians

  • Improved food security
  • Improved food safety

UC ANR: Protecting California’s natural resources

  • Improved management and use of land
  • Improved air quality
  • Protected and conserved soil quality
  • Increased ecological sustainability of agriculture, landscapes, and forestry
  • Improved water quality
  • Improved water-use efficiency
  • Improved water-supply security

UC ANR: Promoting healthy people and communities

  • Improved health for all
  • Improved community health and wellness
  • Improved access to positive built and natural environments

UC ANR: Developing a qualified workforce for California

  • Increased workforce retention and competency
  • Increased effective public leaders
  • Improved college readiness and access
  • Increased civic engagement

UC ANR: Building climate-resilient communities and ecosystems

  • Increased preparedness and resilience to extreme weather and climate change

UC ANR: Developing an inclusive and equitable society

  • Improved living and working conditions for California's food system and farm workers
  • Increased diversity, inclusiveness, and cultural competency in California's workplaces


You can also download them as a printable list here.  


Condition change outcomes/impact story compilations


Resources on how to use condition changes


UC ANR Condition Change Effort (FTE)

For CE Academics -2022 Project Board data (with 5-year comparison findings)

For Community Educator Specialists - 2022 CES survey findings (with 5-year comparison findings)

For additional annual data summaries on condition change effort/FTE since 2018, please contact Katherine Webb-Martinez.