Vertebrate Pests - Birds, Mammals, and Reptiles

A vertebrate is an animal with a backbone. It’s a diverse group including warm-blooded animals like squirrels and rats, crows and hummingbirds, and cold-blooded types like snakes and lizards.
• Feed on insects and help control populations
• Pollinate plants
• Food source for larger beneficial predators
• Can damage or consume tender, ripening fruits from trees and beds
• May spread disease and pests like mites, lice, or fleas
> Birds on fruits and vines
> Wild Turkeys
• Large diverse group of fur bearing animals
• Serve as predators for lower-level pests
• Damage or destroy by feeding on plants, burrowing underground, eating, or disturbing roots, consuming garbage, pet food, and building nests
• Can be very persistent, even if harassed
• May spread pests that are vectors for disease (e.g., rats with fleas, deer with ticks)
> Deermouse
> Ground Squirrel
> Moles
> Squirrels
> Voles
• Include snakes, and lizards
• Scaly, impermeable skin that does not need to stay moist
• Most lay leathery-shelled eggs on dry land
• Predators of birds, mice, insects, and plants
> Lizards
> Rattlesnakes
> Invertebrates
> Diseases
Check out our most common wildlife species in Marin gardens: