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UC Marin Master Gardeners

Pest Profiles: Vertebrates

Vertebrate Pests - Birds, Mammals, and Reptiles

Moles can be a nuisance; but they eat grubs, not plants. Photo: Pexels
Moles can be a nuisance; but they eat grubs, not plants. Photo: Pexels

A vertebrate is an animal with a backbone. It’s a diverse group including warm-blooded animals like squirrels and rats, crows and hummingbirds, and cold-blooded types like snakes and lizards.


• Feed on insects and help control populations
• Pollinate plants
• Food source for larger beneficial predators 
• Can damage or consume tender, ripening fruits from trees and beds
• May spread disease and pests like mites, lice, or fleas

> Birds on fruits and vines
> Wild Turkeys

• Large diverse group of fur bearing animals
• Serve as predators for lower-level pests
• Damage or destroy by feeding on plants, burrowing underground, eating, or disturbing roots, consuming garbage, pet food, and building nests  
• Can be very persistent, even if harassed 
• May spread pests that are vectors for disease (e.g., rats with fleas, deer with ticks)

> Deermouse
> Ground Squirrel
> Moles
> Squirrels
> Voles

• Include snakes, and lizards 
• Scaly, impermeable skin that does not need to stay moist 
• Most lay leathery-shelled eggs on dry land
• Predators of birds, mice, insects, and plants 

> Lizards
> Rattlesnakes
> Invertebrates
> Diseases
Check out our most common wildlife species in Marin gardens:


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Two most common are mule deer and black-tailed deer. Both eat shrubs, vines, fruit and nut trees, garden vegetables, grasses, and small flowering plants. Deer dislike some plants, especially when other more palatable plants are available.Signs/SymptomsHoof prints two to three inches long, split in the middle…
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 Small burrowing rodents that feed on roots of plants. A single gopher can inflict considerable damage in a short time. They live up to three years and eat a wide variety of vegetation, usually what they encounter while digging. Sometimes feed above ground, venturing only a body length or so from their…
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Smart, dexterous, and can become very aggressive when cornered. When searching for den or food, they can be extremely destructive to homes and gardens. Communicate using a variety of sounds including purring, growling, hissing, and whistling. Eat plants and animals, including berries, nuts, acorns, pet food,…
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Rats are among the most common pests in Marin homes and gardens. Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) also known as brown, sewer, or wharf rats, are mostly nocturnal. They constantly explore and learn about their environment, memorizing pathways, obstacles, and locations of food and water. Roof rats (Rattus…
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Triangular-shaped head, short legs and long, sharp, non-retractable claws. Spray can be squirted accurately as far as six to 10 feet away as a defense mechanism. Live in burrows. Eat a varied diet. Excellent sense of smell and good hearing, but very poor vision. Healthy skunks are mild-tempered. They prefer…
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