Master Gardener Publications and Videos
- Lawn Removal Methods - go beyond lawn to a more water-efficient garden. (GN 161)
- Maintaining a Weed-Free Lawn (3:15 min.) - UCCE Master Gardeners of Sacramento County
External Resources
- UC Guide to Healthy Lawns - a comprehensive, interactive source for all lawn management information to grow a lawn using little or no pesticides.
- The UC ANR Catalog and UC IPM offer many free downloadable publications about lawns and lawn care including:
- Managing Lawns on Heavy Soils (PDF) (ANR 7227)
- Managing Turfgrasses during Drought (PDF) (ANR 8395)
- Lawn Diseases: Prevention and Management (PDF) (PN 7497)
ANR = free publication from the UC Agriculture and Natural Resources Catalog
PN = free publication from UC Integrated Pest Management
EHN = Environmental Horticulture Notes from the UCCE Master Gardeners of Sacramento County
GN = Garden Notes from the UCCE Master Gardeners of Sacramento County