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Building Support - Telling the UC ANR Story

In order to engage government officials, the media, and grant makers, we need to first understand who we are at UC ANR, our impact throughout the state, and how to tell a good story. Read further about best practices on how to share our results and strengthen support for UC ANR. 

On this page:

How is UC ANR making a difference for Californians?
Who are we?
Communicating science
Writing your message
Images, photos, and infographics
Working with the media

4-H youth happily posing for a photo

How is UC ANR making a difference for Californians?

An overview of UC ANR

From the mountains to the coast, California’s landscapes face threats from climate change, poor urban planning, pollution and invasive species. UC ANR translates research into action — creating management strategies for a safer, more climate-resilient California. An overview of UC ANR (Annual Report 2023, PDF)

Impact numbers and stories

This resource compiles results and impact stories for internal organizational use. Included are links to Public Value Stories, UC ANR Impact Story Map, and examples of statewide program and institutes impact materials. Impact numbers and stories (Web page)

UC Delivers

The UC Delivers Archive is a collection of examples showing how UC ANR has been making a difference for Californians. UC Delivers (UC ANR Web)

Federal Reports and Plans

This page provides information on programmatic leadership groups, key planning processes, and organizational reporting within the University of California's Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. It includes details on the President's Advisory Commission, the Governing Council, the Deans' Council, and the Program Council. The page also outlines the Needs & Assets Assessment process and the CE Call for Positions, emphasizing stakeholder engagement. Federal Reports and Plans (UC ANR Web)

Who are we?

UC Agriculture and Natural Resources works to solve our state’s most pressing challenges in agriculture, natural resources, economic growth, nutrition and youth development. We do this through our statewide network of county offices, UC campuses, research and extension centers, statewide programs, more than 19,000 volunteers, and hundreds of government, community and industry partners. Who are we? (PDF)

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Farmer in orchard

Communicating Science

Getting to the Heart of Science Communication

At a community fire day in a northern California town several years ago, author Faith Kearns gave a talk on building fire-safe houses able to withstand increasingly common wildfires. Much to her surprise, Kearns was confronted by an audience member whose house had recently burned. What she thought was straightforward, helpful scientific information had instead retraumatized audience members, forcing Kearns to reevaluate her approach. Getting to the Heart of Science Communication (Video) (Bookshop.org)

Tips on communicating Science

In communicating science, start with: 1). An understanding of your audience and then 2). Consider two parts - “What the message is” and “how the message is delivered”. If these are done well, then people will listen. Tips on communicating Science (Fact Sheet, PDF) (Kat Kerlin, UC Davis)

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UC ANR Press Kits

This press kit is a collection of promotional materials that provide information about UC ANR impacts in our communities. Peruse here to help you with your blog post, newsletter, press releases or other outreach materials. UC ANR Press Kits (Web page)

"Knowing How to Tell a Good Story Is Like Having Mind Control"

Stories are a universal human communication tool. They move us, connect us, and inspire us. Telling a good story takes skill. Learning how to tell a story does not guarantee getting your point across, but it can help you connect with your audience and make your topic more memorable. "Knowing How to Tell a Good Story Is Like Having Mind Control" (Video, Alan Alda)

How to tell a great story

In the modern information age, business leaders need to tell stories to be heard. Facts and figures alone don't make a lasting impression, but stories do by connecting emotions to events. Leaders who can craft and share compelling stories have a significant advantage. "How to tell a great story" (Harvard Business Review Web)

Writing your message

Nuts and Bolts of Communication

You have an opportunity to design and deliver your message. Consider best practices below to package and communicate so that you reach and engage others in your work. Nuts and Bolts of Communication (Web page)

UC ANR Communications toolkit

UC ANR core messaging is based on brand and market research that included significant input from UC ANR stakeholders and clients. UC ANR Communications toolkit  (UC ANR Web)

How to write an Impact Statements

A success story shows that UC ANR is making a difference in people’s lives. It describes positive change and demonstrates how that change benefits the people of California. A good success story uses evidence from evaluation to show the value of UC Cooperative Extension. How to write an Impact Statements (UC ANR Web)

Public Value statements

What are they? First, start with private value: Value derived directly by an individual or group from an educational or research program (i.e., a learning or behavior change) for example, individuals save money by reducing pesticide use. Now for public value: The value of a program to the broader society - those who do not directly benefit from the program (i.e., a condition change). For example, society has improved Water quality and a healthier environment. UC ANR uses its seven public values to communicate how our work makes a difference to the public. Public Value statements (UC ANR Web)

Putting Public Value Statements to Work

Public value statements provide a means to show the impact of your work in a way that builds public and government support. The goal is to have people say “Ah, I see why your work matters! We need to make sure it continues and grows”. Putting Public Value Statements to Work (Fact Sheet, PDF)

About Public Value Statements WebANR (Video, 41:00)
About Condition Changes  WebANR (Video, 39:00)
What should be measured to demonstrate the value of UC ANR programs (PDF) - Learn how to measure public value.
Statewide example of Public Value measurements (PDF)

Images, photos, and infographics

Infographic ideas

Infographics provide bite sized information that make it easier for your audience to learn about results of your program. Awesome infographic ideas -(Pictochart Web) 

Images and photos

Engaging audiences visually is an essential part of story-telling. These visual resources are designed to help you increase engagement in your content through the use of strong visuals. Photo and image libraries resources (Web page).

Working with the Media

It is important to prepare before contacting the media. Partner with UC ANR Strat Comm to help you share your story. Visit their public relations (Web page) to learn more. 

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