UC Cooperative Extension Logo
Tulare County Cooperative Extension

About County

Our Mission: To create, adapt, and extend research-based knowledge related to agriculture, natural resources and the environment, people and communities to enhance the economic and social well-being of Californians.

The University of California Cooperative Extension is a unique and very successful institution that brings together federal, state, and county governments into a voluntary cooperative partnership to provide the citizens of Tulare county access to University of California educational and research programs. As part of the University of California, we seek solutions to local problems by developing ways to apply research-based knowledge in the areas of agriculture and natural resources, youth development (4-H), food and nutrition, family development, and financial management.

Established in 1918, Cooperative Extension has played a critical role in keeping agriculture, Tulare County's number one industry up-to-date and productive. Assistance has been provided to governmental agencies in dealing with difficult envionmental issues. Several thousand young people have gained valuable life skills from our 4-H Youth Program and have become productive citizens and leaders in our communities. Thousands of adults have benefitted from our educational programs to strengthen families and improve their nutrition and well-being.

Instead of teaching students in University classrooms, Cooperative Extension advisors work directly with people in your community. Our programs are available to all without discrimination.

Office Information
Tulare County
4437-B S. Laspina St.
Tulare, CA 93274
Phone: (559) 684-3300
Fax: (559) 685-3319

County Director: