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Custom Map - Adding Locations by Address

A major portion of the Custom Map Asset is adding locations to the map. This section will lead you through adding locations to maps from an address. This assumes that you know that locations address.

Adding a New Location

To add a new location click on "Add Custom Location".

Add New Location
Add New Location

Adding a Location from an Address

This will open a menu in a new window. This menu will have 2 options:

  • Enter an Address to determine location.
  • Select a point on a map for the location.

Select the top option "Enter an Address to determine location."

Select add location from and address
Select add location from and address

Enter the Address

The next step is to enter the address and description into the form.

How this works... This uses the address entered to get the map coordinates for the location. If the exact address cannot be found the closest coordinates will be returned. For example, if the street is not found the coordinates will be at the city center. So having a correct address is a good idea when creating locations by entering an address.

Note: only the address may go in the address fields. Entering the building name / number, room number, floor or any additional information to the proper street address may cause problems in getting the coordinates from Google. This information is best added in the description.
Enter Address and Description
Enter Address and Description

  • Back to Selection - takes you back to the selection page where you may select a method for entering a location.
  • Preview - Previews the location you just entered

Preview the Location

Clicking on "Preview" takes you to a preview of the location address you just entered.

Preview Location
Preview Location

From here you have three options. You may:

  • Save Location - Saves the location.
  • Edit Address - Go back and edit the address.
  • Edit Map - Allows you to edit the map directly, see the next page for more information.

What's Next?

From here you may enter more locations or close the pop-up window. Back in the Custom Map Asset you may click on "Show Preview" to see a full featured preview of your map.

Continue to Selecting Locations from the Map...