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Scholarship II Endowment

DEADLINE  JULY 26, 2024, by 5:00 PM 

Scholarships are awarded to 4-H Alumni pursuing higher education by the San Mateo County 4-H Scholarship II Endowment. The scholarships are based on achievement (both academic and contributions to the community as demonstrated by the student’s work, 4-H ideals, and goals) and capacity for learning from experience, hard work, and perseverance. Scholarships are not awarded on financial need. First time applicants and re-applicants who have not received a Scholarship II Award previously will be considered first for funding. Then, re-applicants who have previously received a Scholarship II Award will be considered, subject to funds available. Re-applicants must apply in full each year.

Scholarships will be awarded on:

  • 30% Essay questions
  • 20% Resume
  • 20% Letters of Recommendation
  • 25% Community Service, Volunteerism and/or Extracurricular Activities over the last 12 months
  • 5% Transcripts (High grade point average is not essential)
General Instructions and Information

Download instructions: 2024 Scholarship II Application Instructions

Applicant's Eligibility:

  • May not be enrolled as a 4-H youth (this scholarship is for 4-H alumni)
  • Must be age 19 or older by 12/31/2023.
  • Must be college freshman or above.
  • Must be enrolled in at least 6 units.

You need to address all five (5) criteria to be considered for a scholarship. Each applicant must include:

  1. Complete the online application
  2. Essay Questions* covering the following topics (max 500 words per question; spelling and grammar will be taken into consideration. Please have your name AND date on the document):  
    1. How did your 4-H experiences influence your career aspirations and desire to pursue higher education?
    2. Describe in detail the community service, volunteer and/or extra-curricular activities you have performed in the last 12 months, inside and outside of the 4-H Youth Development Program
    3. What strengths and leadership skills have you gained through the 4-H Youth Development Program?
  3. Transcript*: most recent transcript (downloaded transcript is acceptable)
  4. Resume* (4-H or another format) Find the 4-H template here: http://4h.ucanr.edu/Resources/Members/4-H_Resumes/
  5. At least three Letter(s) of Recommendation
    • College related - teacher, professor, counselor, or staff member, someone familiar with the student’s current schooling.
    • Community related - 4-H leader, community service advisor, etc.
    • A personal reference from a non-related adult.

*You may upload essay questions, transcript and resume via the online application. Acceptable format PDF or WORD DOC ONLY.

Application Links


  • Online Application (you should have all your information ready to upload and complete.)
    • Enter applicant's information
    • Enter list of community service, volunteer and/or extra-curricular activities (in the last 12 months)
    • Upload essay responses*
    • Upload transcript*
    • Upload resume*
  • Online Recommendation - please provide your references that you’ve chosen with this survey link to upload and submit their recommendations*:


*Acceptable format PDF or WORD DOC ONLY


  • Scholarship II recipients will be informed in August.
  • Visit our Facebook and Instagram (@sanmateosf4h) for our winners in late August.
  • We will also announce our winners at the September County Council meeting.

Scholarship money will be distributed to recipients upon proof of enrollment in at least 6 units.