Listed here are the courses and their description that are available on the UC Davis Learning Center LMS. Each course has a corresponding code that can be searched within the LMS. When you are ready just click on "Go To UC Learning Center"
Course Title | Course Description | Duration | Course Code |
Back Safety and Injury Prevention | This course is designed to bring awareness into the work environment and help eliminate preventable back injuries. It will provide information regarding job-specific hazards, safe work practices, and ergonomics. The content in this course is designed to comply with the intent of the applicable regulatory requirements. Learner objectives for this course are to: identify job-specific hazards that contribute to preventable back injuries, describe ergonomic considerations that minimize back injuries in the workplace, and recall safe work practices that minimize back injuries. | 30 minutes | DAC-ssss006 |
Centrifugal Pumps | This course is designed to provide you with an overview of the basic classifications of centrifugal pumps in use today, as well as identify and describe the major components of this type of industrial pump. The primary objective of this training is to help you more fully understand the mechanical components and operating systems used at your facility. The content in this course is designed to comply with the intent of the applicable regulatory requirements. Learner objectives for this course are to: state the purpose and functions of the following centrifugal pump components: impeller, volute, diffuser, packing, lantern ring, and wearing ring; identify centrifugal pump classifications; and identify major centrifugal pump components including: pump casing, pump shaft, impeller, volute, stuffing box, stuffing box gland, packing, lantern ring, impeller wearing ring, and pump casing wearing ring. | 1 hour | DAC-ssss012 |
Cold Stress | This one-hour course will discuss the effects of cold on your body, outline the risk factors for cold-related ailments, and describe the associated treatments for each. This training will also describe several preventive measure techniques and safe work practices that you can use to protect yourself from cold-related stresses. The content in this course is designed to comply with the intent of the applicable regulatory requirements. Learner objectives for this course are to: discuss the factors that may affect you when working in a cold environment, identify the signs, symptoms, and treatments of cold-related stresses, and recall techniques commonly used for preventing cold-related disorders. | 1 hour | DAC-ssss015 |
Confined Space | This one-hour course covers information about confined spaces, hazardous atmospheres, necessary equipment, and permits. The intent of the course is to provide the learner with information about the hazards and hazard control methods that will permit safe work in enclosed work areas or confined spaces. Learner objectives for this course are to: recognize terms commonly associated with confined spaces, distinguish the difference between permit-required confined spaces and non-permit required confined spaces, identify hazards associated with confined spaces recognize signs and symptoms of overexposure, identify equipment needed for confined space entry, specify safe entry procedures for confined spaces, recognize permits posted at points of entry to a confined space, and specify their purpose and use, and identify the duties and responsibilities of personnel involved with confined spaces. | 1 hour | DAC-ssss018 |
Electrical Safety | An awareness level course that discusses how to work safely with electricity. It focuses on specific electrical hazards found in the workplace and methods to minimize or eliminate those hazards. The content in this course is designed to comply with the intent of the applicable regulatory requirements. Learner objectives are to: recall basic rules of electricity as they relate to electrical safety, identify actions to take in an electricity-related emergency, recognize common electrical hazards, and describe methods to reduce or eliminate electrical hazards. | 30 minutes | DAC-ssss033 |
Fall Protection Awareness | This one hour course is intended to provide employees who might be exposed to fall hazards the ability to recognize such hazards and the ability to minimize them. The content in this course is designed to comply with the intent of the applicable regulatory requirements. Learner objectives are to: recognize common workplace fall hazards, describe fall protection techniques used in general industry, identify fall protection equipment and limitations, and describe the primary components of an OSHA compliant fall protection program. | 1 hour | DAC-ssss041 |
Forklift Safety | The purpose of this training is to help you become a qualified forklift operator; one who has the skills and knowledge to operate a lift truck in a safe and proper manner. The content in this course is designed to comply with the intent of the applicable regulatory requirements. Learner objectives are to: recognize general engineering principles associated with forklift safety, identify factors that lead to forklifts tipping over, distinguish between safe and unsafe forklift operations, describe the differences between driving an automobile and a forklift, identify general loading and unloading principles associated with forklift safety, specify safe refueling and recharging procedures, and list the steps to perform in walk-around and sit-down inspections. | 1 hour | DAC-ssss050 |
Hand and Power Tool Safety | A variety of hand-held tools are used in the workplace. This course will provide an understanding of the potential hazards associated with the use of hand tools and power tools as well as the safety precautions required to prevent those hazards from occurring. Power tool hazards are addressed by the power source used: pneumatic, liquid fuel, hydraulic, or powder-actuated. The content in this course is designed to comply with the intent of the applicable regulatory requirements. Learner objectives are to: identify general power tool safety precautions, define the purpose and correct usage of guards, specify what tools are equipped with safety switches, identify specific hazards and control measures related to the use of electric tools, identify specific hazards and control measures related to the use of power grinders, identify specific hazards and control measures related to the use of pneumatic tools, identify specific hazards and control measures related to the use of powder-actuated tools, and identify specific hazards and control measures related to the use of hydraulic jacks. | 1 hour | DAC-ssss051 |
Hazard Communication: Employee’s Right to Know | This course will acquaint you with the precautions that both you and your employer must take in order to safely use, handle, and dispose of hazardous chemicals in the workplace. The content in this course is designed to comply with the intent of the applicable regulatory requirements. Learner objectives are to: identify the routes of chemical entry into the body, define various categories of chemical hazards, interpret warning labels, interpret information commonly found in a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), and identify types of controls commonly used to reduce or eliminate contact with hazardous materials in the workplace. | 30 minutes | DAC-ssss053 |
Hearing Conservation | This one-hour training course will provide information to help you prevent noise-induced hearing loss. It will also explain the purpose and components of a hearing conservation program including the proper fitting, use, and care of hearing protectors. The content in this course is designed to comply with the intent of the applicable regulatory requirements. Learner objectives are to: describe the effects of noise on hearing; discuss the components of OSHA's Hearing Conservation Program-- noise monitoring, hearing tests, training, hearing protection; and specify the proper selection, fitting, use and care of hearing protectors. | 1 hour | DAC-ssss057 |
Heat Stress | Each year more people in the United States die from extreme heat than from hurricanes, lightning, tornados, floods, and earthquakes combined. This one-hour course will discuss the effects of heat on your body, outline the risk factors for heat-related illnesses, and describe the associated treatments for each. This training will also explain several control measure techniques and safe work practices that you can use to prevent heat-related stresses. The content in this course is designed to comply with the intent of the applicable regulatory requirements. Learner objectives are to: describe how your body handles heat and what personal factors may lead to heat stress; identify the signs, symptoms, and first aid treatments of heat-related illnesses; and recall preventive measures that you can take to minimize heat stress. Note: this course does not address California heat illness regulations for working outdoors. | 1 hour | DAC-ssss059 |
Hot Work Permits | Hot work can be defined as any operation such as brazing, cutting, welding, grinding, soldering, or torching that can cause sparks or flames. While such work is necessary, the hazards associated can be minimized through an effective hot work permit program. This 30-minute course provides an overview of an OSHA-compliant hot work permit program, including the permit process, roles and responsibilities, and controls used to minimize the risk of fire. The content in this course is designed to comply with the intent of the applicable regulatory requirements. Learner objectives are to: identify key elements of a hot work permit program, describe the primary roles and responsibilities of key personnel involved in a compliant hot work permit program, and recall controls used to minimize the risk of fire and injury during hot work operations. | 1 hour | DAC-ssss060 |
Ladder and Scaffolding Safety | This one-hour course is designed to train employees to recognize the hazards associated with ladders, stairways, and the type of scaffold being used at the work site and to understand the procedures to control or minimize those hazards. The content in this course is designed to comply with the intent of the applicable regulatory requirements. Learner objectives are to: identify the types of portable ladders and their use, capacities, and safety considerations, describe the specific use, capacities, and safety features of fixed ladders, specify proper guidelines for ladder maintenance, and identify general scaffold requirements and safety considerations. | 1 hour | DAC-ssss072 |
Ladder Safety | This course provides information about the safe use of portable and fixed ladders. The intent of the course is to provide the learner with information about the hazards involved with the use of ladders and control methods that will greatly reduce these hazards. The content in this course is designed to comply with the intent of the applicable regulatory requirements. Learner objectives are to: identify hazards related to the general use of ladders, and how to control these hazards, describe the types of portable ladders and their use, capacities, and safety considerations, describe the specific use, capacities, and safety features of fixed ladders, specify proper guidelines for ladder care and maintenance. | 1 hour | DAC-ssss073 |
Lockout/Tagout | This course provides information about control of hazardous energy and work under the protection of a lockout/tagout permit. The intent of the course is to provide information on lockout/tagout practices and the significance of lockout/tagout devices. The content in this course is designed to comply with the intent of the applicable regulatory requirements. Learner objectives are to: define terms commonly used in a lockout/tagout program, describe specific lockout/tagout techniques commonly used in a lockout/tagout program, and recall standard lockout/tagout procedures. | 30 minutes | DAC-ssss078 |
Machine Guarding | Provides machine guarding program definitions, general requirements, and requirements for different types of machinery. Gives a general discussion of various guarding methods, as well as defining terms associated with machine guarding. Describes where mechanical hazards exist, motions and actions of mechanical hazards created by different types of motions, minimum requirements that must be met by all safeguards, advantages and disadvantages of guard construction, and different kinds of safeguard devices and guards. | 30 minutes | DAC-ssss080 |
Material Handling and Storage | This course covers information about drum handling, compressed gas cylinders, flammable materials, slings, safe lifting techniques, and safe handling procedures. The intent of the information is to familiarize the learner with safe work practices necessary to prevent injury while handling materials and equipment in the workplace. The content in this course is designed to comply with the intent of the applicable regulatory requirements. Learner objectives are to: identify safe lifting techniques when manually handling an object, identify hazards associated with handling drums and containers, specify the proper handling, transportation, storage, and use of compressed gas cylinders, identify hazards associated with handling acetylene, oxygen, or hydrogen, specify how to detect leaks, recognize materials that may be flammable and/or combustible, identify the factors involved in the proper selection, use, and inspection of slings used to hold suspended loads, identify safe handling and moving practices when performing routine maintenance. | 2 hours | DAC-ssss081 |
Personal Protective Equipment: Body Protection | This course will help acquaint you with the various types of personal protective equipment (PPE) specifically designed to protect your torso, arms, and legs. It will assist you in selecting and maintaining the proper equipment based on the workplace hazards present. The content in this course is designed to comply with the intent of the applicable regulatory requirements - recall general OSHA requirements related to personal protective equipment, choose the appropriate body protection to guard against workplace hazards, and describe how to inspect and maintain body protection. | 1 hour | DAC-ssss092 |
Personal Protective Equipment: Head Protection | This one-hour course will help acquaint you with the various types of PPE specifically designed to protect your head. It will assist you in selecting and maintaining the proper equipment based on the workplace hazards present. The content in this course is designed to comply with the intent of the applicable regulatory requirements. Learner objectives are to: recall general OSHA requirements, choose the appropriate head protection to guard against workplace hazards, and describe how to inspect and maintain head protection. | 1 hour | DAC-ssss093 |
Personal Protective Equipment: Eye and Face Protection | This course will help acquaint you with the various types of personal protective equipment (PPE) specifically designed to protect your eyes and face. It will assist you in selecting and maintaining the proper equipment based on the workplace hazard(s) present. The content in this course is designed to comply with the intent of the applicable regulatory requirements. Learner objectives are to: recall general OSHA requirements related to personal protective equipment, choose the appropriate eye and face protection to guard against workplace hazard(s), and describe how to inspect and maintain eye and face protection. | 1 hour | DAC-ssss098 |
Personal Protective Equipment: Foot and Leg Protection | This course will help acquaint you with the various types of personal protective equipment (PPE) specifically designed to protect your feet and legs. It will assist you in selecting and maintaining the proper equipment based on the workplace hazards present. The content in this course is designed to comply with the intent of the applicable regulatory requirements - recall general OSHA requirements related to personal protective equipment, choose the appropriate foot and leg protection to guard against workplace hazards, and describe how to inspect and maintain foot and leg protection. | 30 minutes | DAC-ssss099 |
Personal Protective Equipment: Hand Protection | Personal protective equipment (PPE) is designed to protect you from serious workplace injuries or illnesses resulting from contact with chemical, radiological, physical, electrical, mechanical, or other workplace hazards. This 30-minute course will help acquaint you with the various types of PPE specifically designed to protect your hands. It will assist you in selecting and maintaining the proper equipment based on the workplace hazard(s) present. The content in this course is designed to comply with the intent of the applicable regulatory requirements. Learner objectives are to: describe OSHA requirements related to personal protective equipment, choose the appropriate hand protection to guard against specific workplace hazard(s), and recall general hand protection usage and maintenance guidelines. | 30 minutes | DAC-ssss100 |
Personal Protective Equipment | This course covers types, selection, maintenance, and care of personal protective equipment in the workplace. The types of personal protective equipment (PPE) covered in the course include: hard hat, respiratory protection, hearing protection, and body protection. The content in this course is designed to comply with the intent of the applicable regulatory requirements. Learner objectives are to: describe the proper use of the various types of PPE commonly found in general industry, identify the level of protection that a user is provided when wearing specific types of PPE, and discuss the general maintenance and care techniques used for various types of PPE. | 1 hour | DAC-ssss101 |
Signs and Tags | This half-hour course will present basic information about the different accident prevention signs and tags with regard to displaying levels of danger and precautions required. The failure of people, equipment, supplies, or surroundings to behave or react as expected causes most accidents. The content in this course is designed to comply with the intent of the applicable regulatory requirements. Learner objective is to recognize accident prevention signs and tags. | 30 minutes | DAC-ssss107 |
Slips, Trips, and Falls | Provides information about how to recognize and prevent slip, trip, and fall hazards. Describes injuries that can result from slips, trips, and falls, proper ladder use, preventing injuries on stairs, minimizing walkway hazards, and contributing factors to slips, trips, and falls. | 1 hour | DAC-ssss110 |
Sprains and Strains | Each year thousands of workers are injured in the workplace, costing employers billions of dollars in hidden costs. The most common of these injuries are sprains and strains. Most workplace injuries are caused by manual tasks, such as lifting or carrying loads, working in fixed positions, repetitive tasks, or using heavy, vibrating tools. Manual tasks, if not performed properly, are a leading cause of serious worker injuries such as sprains and strains, as well as permanent spinal damage, and often can debilitate workers who may need to take leave from work for extended periods. The second greatest cause of workplace injuries are slips, trips, and falls at ground level and from heights, such as jumping from elevated surfaces - which can cause lower limb and back strains. Workplace injuries can be costly to both employees and employers. In addition to being injured, employees may lose time from work, which could result in loss of or less income. And employers may experience lower productivity due to the need to replace the injured worker and train replacements. The course is designed to help you better understand the basics of sprains and strains so you will be more aware of what you are doing and how you are doing it, in an effort to prevent this type of injury from happening to you. | 1 hour | DAC-ssss113 |
Trenching and Excavation Safety | This one-hour course is designed to better inform the employee of the possible health and safety concerns unique to trenching and excavation. The content in this course is designed to comply with the intent of the applicable regulatory requirements. Learner objectives are to: list factors to consider before trenching and excavation begins, identify the purpose of the site assessment, describe the purpose of a trench box, specify different types of excavation, sloping, and shoring principles, recognize other hazards that are present in excavation work, and identify the cause of excavation and trenching-related fatalities. | 1 hour | DAC-ssss116 |
Welding Cutting, and Brazing | Welding, cutting, and brazing are hazardous activities that pose a unique combination of both safety and health risks to more than 500,000 workers in a wide variety of industries. The risk from fatal injuries alone is more than four deaths per thousand workers over a working lifetime. This one-hour course will inform learners of potential health and safety concerns unique to welding, cutting, and brazing prevention. The content in this course is designed to comply with the intent of the applicable regulatory requirements. Learner objectives are to: specify fire prevention techniques used during welding, cutting, and brazing, specify the proper handling, transportation, use, and storage of compressed gas cylinders, specify proper operating procedures to ensure a safe means of welding and cutting, identify potential health concerns associated with welding, cutting, and brazing, define the importance of using proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and identify safety concerns while welding, cutting, and brazing in confined spaces. | 1 hour | DAC-ssss120 |