California Fish Website

Photo and Copyright Information

Leonard Lake, CA. Photo by Lisa Thompson.
The information and images provided on this web site are copyrighted by the Regents of the University of California. These materials may be downloaded free of charge and used for educational purposes only. The photographs are not to be used in the promotion of any commercial product or in other publications without further permission. We ask that photos used be credited to the photographer. Each reproduction of any part of the materials available on the web site must contain notice of the Regents of the University of California's copyright as follows: Copyright (c) [year] The Regents of the University of California. All Rights Reserved. If you wish to use any of these materials please consult the UC ANR copyright page. If you have any questions about copyright issues, please contact us.

If you have a picture of a fish that you would like to donate to the site we will gladly accept it. Please send your photo to one of us here. Each picture should include your name, common name of the fish (sub-species name if known), where you found the fish, and when the photo was taken. Please keep in mind that we are looking for images that can act as an aid in identifying California’s varied fish species and it is therefore important to have the majority of the species’ distinguishing features (fins, mouth, coloration, etc.) visible and undamaged. If your image is used you will be credited below the image. Large format photos are fine. We will post a compressed version of the photo of the species page.  We may also place a full-sized version of the photo in the California Fish Photo Library, (in the UC Agriculture and Natural Resources Repository), which is also open to the public.  NOTE: Donated photos will be copyrighted by the Regents of the University of California. The following websites have definitions of the rights granted under copyright law: Cornell University Law School,

Thank-you to the many people who have contributed fish photos!