Forest Stewardship & Forest Ecology
Introduction to Forest Stewardship Susan Kocher, UCCE
Success in forest improvement projects Fred Euphrat, RPF
A Crash Course on Forest Inventory Mike Jones, UCCE
Introduction to Mapping Mike Jones, UCCE
Forest Management (planning and cost-share programs)
Forest Management Plans Jason Wells, Sonoma RCD
Forest Management Plans_Assistance in Planning for the Future Mary Mayeda, Mendocino RCD
EQIP & NRCS Jeff Kelly, Forester, NRCS
NRCS and EQIP Melinda Graves, Shasta NRCS
CFIP: Key concepts for landowners Zsolt Katay, Cal Fire
Landowner Resources
Ukiah RCD Forestry Programs Mary Mayeda, Mendocino RCD
Napa County RCD Amanda Benton, Napa RCD
American Tree Farms Fred Euphrat, RPF
Fire Forward Jared Childress, Prescribed Fire Specialist, Audubon Canyon Ranch
Workshop materials
Biomass and Wood Products
Economic Contributions of California's Forestry and Forest Products Sectors This analysis provides an estimate of the direct economic benefits of current forest management activities and related forest-products manufacturing in a wide range of sectors of the California economy.
Firebox and CharBoss: An alternative to open burning of woody biomass
Forestry, Forest Industry, and Forest Products Consumption in California
Wood Products Primary Processing & Biomass Energy Facilities
Woody Biomass Utilization: An online resource, the Woody Biomass Utilization Group at UC Berkeley is a collaborative effort working to advance the understanding and use of wood and woody biomass.
Forest Ecology
Adapting Forests to Climate Change Forest Stewardship Series #25
Fire severity impacts on plant species richness_Research brief
Forest Restoration and Fuels Reduction_Convergent or Divergent_CFSC brief
Healthy Forest_Coastal Redwood and Healthy Forest_Ponderosa Pine : Published by the USDA California Climate Hub, these briefs describe the coastal redwood and Ponderosa pine ecosystems, and what needs to occur to keep their ecosystems healthy and intact.
Reforestation Practices for Conifers in California
Shrubs of the Southern Cascades
Sierra Nevada Vegetation Zones
Tree ID: Detailed information about the following California conifer species:Douglas Fir, Lodgepole pine, Coast Redwood, Ponderosa pine and Giant Sequoia.
Why Does the Forest Look Like This – Basic Ecology
-- Soils --
Why is My Forest the Way it Is - Site Quality
Why Is My Forest the Way It Is - Soil Erosion
Forestry Tools
A go-to guide for mastication questions
Building a clinometer from items you have at home
California Standardized Prescribed Fire Plan DRAFT
Forest Stewardship Series 26 Mapping Forest Features
Hand tools for vegetation management
Is Mastication Right for Your Site
Prescribed Burning in Young Stands :This synthesis draws recommendations from four studies that are relevant to prescribed burning as a fuels reduction method in young stands. Most studies also looked at potential effects of mastication as a fuels treatment in comparison to prescribed burning.
Tools for Measuring Your Forest
Virtual Cruiser Vest File: Information on mapping, plot sampling, measuring trees, etc.
Burned Oaks: Which Ones Will Survive? Provides information on how to assess fire damage to burned oak trees, and provides guidance on determining whether trees should be cut down or saved.
Hardwood Trees of the Southern Cascades
Healthy Forest_Blue Oak Woodland : Published by the USDA California Climate Hub, this brief describes the blue oak woodland ecosystem, and what needs to occur to keep blue oaks healthy and intact.
Living Among The Oaks :Learn how to keep your oak trees healthy so they can benefit generations to come.
Protecting Trees from Sudden Oak Death before Infection
Regenerating Rangeland Oaks in California :Provides information on regenerating rangeland oaks including propagation and planting information.
Assessing the Conditions of Your Roads
Rural Roads: A Construction and Maintenance Guide for California Landowners: Designed to help rural landowners understand how to plan for, improve and maintain rural roads.
Management Planning, Financial Resources and Regulations
Allocation of purchase price worksheet example
Burn permits need to facilitate not prevent good fire in California
CA Cooperative Forest Management Plan Template
CA Cooperative Forest Management Plan Example
Cal Fire 2021 Pocket Guide for Permitting (new)
Cal Fire: Is a harvest document required? video
Dead Tree Removal & Fuel Reduction ExemptionTable
EQIP and CFIP Matrix for Forest Landowners
EQIP FY20 Forestland Ranking Pool Includes NRCS/EQIP Practice Codes
Financial Aspects to Owning Forestland Handout
Forest Management Plans for Private Forest Landowners: Why you need one!
Grant Sources Please note that this is an old list. However, many of the funding sources have continued to provide funding for forest management activities. Please visit their websites for current deadlines and new funding opportunities.
My Sierra Woods Overiew MSW will leverage surrounding wood products infrastructure (mills and biomass plants) to help landowners overcome the high cost of fuels reduction by providing them with support to act on their land at little or no cost to them. Available in 9 counties in Northern California:
Shasta, Tehama, Butte, Yuba, Lassen, Plumas, Sierra, Nevada, and Placer.
Natural Resource Professionals Initial Site Visit Information
NRCS Newsletter- Benefits of Conservation Planning, Landowner Profiles
Prescribed Fire Liability in California 2020
Registered Professional Forester_CFIP List
Return on Investments in Restoration and Fuel Treatments Fact Sheet
Small-Parcel Landowner's Guide to Woodland Management
Tax Tips for Forest Landowners
Who can help? Forest Stewardship Series 24 Professional Assistance
How to Manage Vegetation to Encourage or Protect Wildlife
Spatial response of American black bears
Wildlife Among the Oaks: A Management Guide for Landowners: Designed to provide information and assistance as you make management decisions that affect wildlife in oak woodlands.
Is that tree dead? Quantifying fire-killed trees to inform salavge and forest management
Mass Tree Mortality, Fuels and Fire_A Guide for Sierra Nevada Forest Landowners
Recovering from Wildfire: A Guide for California's Forest Landowners
Snag longevity in relation to wildfire salvage logging