UC Cooperative Extension Logo
San Diego County Small Farms

Business & Risk Management


Resources for Farmers

Online Business Resource Guide 

Ag Issue Center 

UC Davis Cost and Return Studies 

California Agricultural Production Statistics 

USDA-Farm Service Agency 

California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) 

California State Organic Program 

USDA Risk Management Agency 

San Diego County Department of Agriculture, Weights and Measures

UC Agricultural Labor Management

UCCE San Diego Farm Labor Management Seminars

ag in uncertain times

Ag in Uncertain Times

Helping agricultural producers and others meet the challenges of today business environment! Ag in Uncertain Times is a multi-state collaborative efforts among Agricultural Economists from the Western States, with financial and technical support from the educational institutions they represent including the University of Arizona, The University of California Davis, Colorado State University, Montana State University, The Western Center for Risk Management Education and Washington State University, The University of Wyoming, and the Center for Farm Financial Management at the University of Minnesota.

Ag in Uncertain Times en Español

Paginas diseñadas para proveer a los agricultures, ganaderos, y educadores la información mas actualizada sobre los retos que amenazan a la economia agraria en los Estados Unidos de America.

California E-Right Risk

The California E-Right Risk is a collaborative program between the University of California Cooperative Extension, the University of Wyoming, the University of Nebraska and Right Risk, LLC. with financial support from the USDA Risk Management Agency. The program includes the Surviving in Ag Risk Management Education Series and a number of Risk Management Tools and Resources to help Agricultural Producers manage risks impacting their farming operations with special emphasis on risks associated with the evaluation and adoption of new or specialty crops.