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San Diego County Small Farms

Educational Events and Activities

Upcoming Events

Please return here for the future opportunities to join in on agricultural trainings, workshops, and webinars in the San Diego area. 





2017 Pitahaya Farm Tour and Field Day

(August 25 & 26)

The University of California Cooperative Extension in San Diego County invite you to join us for the 2017 Pitahaya or Dragon Fruit Production Tour and the 2017 Pitahaya or Dragon Fruit Festival and Field Day on August 25-26, 2017. These events will provide up to date, valuable information and strategies to help you learn and deal with a number of issues impacting pitahaya or dragon fruit production in California.

2016 Hops Production Seminar (June 21)

This seminar included covered a number of topics including Hops production economics, cultural practices, growing tips for home growers and mechanical harvesting. The seminar also included a tour to Star B Buffalo Ranch and Hops Farm in Ramona, CA.

2016 Cider Apple Production Seminar (June 22)

This Seminar covered a variety of topics related to cider apple production, cider apple varieties, economics and marketing. The seminar concluded with a tour and cider tasting at Julian Cider Works in Julian, CA.

2016 Marketing and Value Added Products Seminar (June 29)

This seminar covered various topics related to agricultural tourism and direct marketing, regulatory and food safety issues with the California Cottage Food Law, the San Diego Agricultural Promotion Program and ordinances impacting the winery, cider and brewing industries in the County.

2016 Pitahaya Seminar & Festival/Research Field Day (Aug 19 & 20)

This two-day annual event includes a Seminar held in San Diego County and a Festival and Research Field Day held at the UC South Coast Research and Extension Center in Irvine in August. Additional related activities are also organized in Indio (Riverside County) and Santa Paula (Ventura County).

2015 Speciality Crops Production Workshop

(June 16)


2015 Pitahaya Seminar & Festival/Research Field Day (Aug. 21 & 22)


2015 Human Resource Management & Legal Update for Agricultural Employers (Dec. 9)